Hey Pandas, What Are Some Things That You Have Only Recently Realized That You Think Are Obvious To Others?
For me, it's how ovens work. I thought for the longest time that they cooked the food somehow like a microwave. It finally clicked for me that, woah, they actually just hold a certain temperature and you can take food out and put it in and all the oven does is be a toasty lil' boi for as long as you want it to.
It seems kinda stupid, but that was my story.
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I am not sure if its obvious to others. But i realized a couple of years ago that people doesnt like you if you dont look at their eyes. I can make long eye contact and i wonder if thats one of the reasons why i have never been very popular
I, on the other hand, can't look people in the eyes while I talk to them. I'll look anywhere else. I think that people like a big of eye contact, but not too much or not enough