I'm still trying to figure out mine.
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There is a difference between gender and sex. Sex is the body you were born in. You don’t have to resonate with your sex. You could also be born intersex where your bodily functions and genes don’t align. Here are some genders you may not have known about. Gender outlaw, Omnigender, Polygender, Pangender, Bigender, and Third gender.
Here’s some resources if you want to know more.
I hope this helps. I also don’t know what my gender identity is.
tysm <3 i really appreciate it. also, i hope your gender crisis will be over soon
alright, to clear things up homophobes are NOT welcome here. don't argue, don't say, "its my opinion!" just. get. off. this. website.
a dandy lesbian - it is one of many ways of being a woman however i rarely meet fellow dandy ladies