Many people have superstitions, and follow them everyday. EXplain what and why you do them. some people never drop forks on the floor. some never put new shoes on the table. (but that might just be common sense). post away!


I have a black cat so I cross its path about a thousand times a day but I am funny about not opening umbrellas inside and not real big on walking under ladders! So strange when I think about it...


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    Right eye jumps: Good for men bad for women
    Left eye jumps: Good for women bad for men


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    never drop a fork. it means an unexpected visitor is arriving soon



    No shoes on the table. Any shoes. Even shoes in boxes. That's from Mom. I put shoes on my table, but because of her, I always think twice.

    From my time in Japan:
    Never kill spiders in the morning (bad luck).
    No buying sets of four. Four is "shi" in Japanese. So is the word for death. Most tall Japanese buildings don't have a fourth floor, much like Americans omit the thirteenth floor.

    Oh, and I always through salt over my shoulder, even if I haven't spilled any. With my right hand, over my left shoulder.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I have to get out of the bathtub before pulling the plug for fear of something coming out of it somehow.
