Hey Pandas! What Are Some Of The Things We Shame People For That Are Totally Normal? (Closed)
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Periods. That’s all I can say.
I've gone past the point of caring about whether people hear me in the public restrooms opening hygiene products. I hope when people hear, it makes them more comfortable with their own and they don't feel like they need to cover it up or hide it.
I think that is specifically men, because of stereotypes and unwritten close-minded social rules. MEN CAN CRY!!!
Saying or doing something dumb in younger years, and then treating them like their opinions haven’t matured since being a teen. People are allowed to grow up and change.
People in family were NOT allowed to grow and change. It was a sign of weakness for some reason...
Stretch marks and/or acne. All in all, imperfect skin. Excuse me for looking like a normal human being.
You don't need to be excused for looking like a normal human being. You are the normal one. I feel sorry for the people who spend money changing their looks with surgery only to end up looking anything but normal. Nobody is perfect, that's why there are so many makeup and "beauty" products. But beauty is in the eye of the holder. What gives anyone the right to make someone else feel bad about their looks? And, of course, photoshop.
For not knowing something, and/or being stupid. None of us are immune, so we should just be trying to help, not mock.
Can't stand it when people curse at you and belittle you just because you don't know the same information they know, or gotten facts mixed up or heard something incorrect. Not everyone is teacher material but people don't have to be d***s.
Being kind and compassionate towards people and animals and being upset by cruelty especially if you are male, people will call you a snowflake, oversensitive and weak. Kindness is not weakness, it’s being a normal human being, toxic masculinity and being shamed for showing emotion is ridiculous!
Idk why people say "snowflake". But I guess they have never lived where it snows a lot. They would understand better that enough snowflakes can paralyze a city.
Omg I been waiting for this. Why are periods such an embarrassing, secretive “disturbing” thing? Why are women shy to say it in front of men, and why do men/women frown upon girls who talk publicly about periods. It’s not a choice we make, it’s not something we control, it’s completely normal and natural and we have an express right to talk about it without feeling shame and embarrassment.
Me and my friends talk openly about our periods and give each other experience advice. Like the best way to get out stains, whether we prefer pads or tampons, how awkward it is to change period products in a public bathroom, it's nothing to be ashamed about
Coughing (nowadays), farting, burping... like y'all we just can't help it.
I overheard a mom berate her toddler in a store for burping, telling him he can't do that and how disgusting it is. I wanted to intervene and tell her to calm tf down so bad.
Body hair
Yeah, this is so true. I really look up to a lady named Sophie something, because she is a model with a uniform and it makes us hairy girls feel less alone
For not wanting to socialize and hang out.
For refusing to go to parties or sneak out early.
For eating alone.
As an introvert who most likely has social anxiety, I cannot express how annoying it is when extroverts try to push us out of our comfort zones, or tell us that we need to work on our social skills and get over ourselves.
Less than perfect teeth or looks in general. Dental care can be pricing and there are those who just cannot afford to have their teeth fixed. As for looks, how many times do you see or hear people mocking others because they aren't supermodel perfect? Everyone has flaws, even those models that far too many insecure people compare themselves to, knowing there are complete a$$hats that will do that same.
Food for thought. If you can honestly say that you have not ostracized, laughed out, or made fun of any one of these natural characteristics of people below than you are truly innocent of not shaming people. They are nose hair, body hairiness, body odour, ear hair, someone’s breath, sweaty feet, booger in nose, something on teeth, a zipper undone, stain on a shirt, clothing, a tattoo……. This list is could be endless. It’s not always about weight, height, language, looks, etc. It’s starts with the small everyday shaming. Let’s fix that first.
For not wanting children/not wanting to get married
Why can't people just respect other peoples choices and mind their own damn business?
Being a fan girl/boy. Im a big fan of blackpink. Many friends of mine just told me to stop it , As they don't even know I exist. Like its our life , And BlackPink songs make me forget the world and enjoy , So I like them
I question if your "friends" are really friends. A real friend would simply accept your choices and perhaps share in them. Time to find a different crowd IMO.
Eating junk food, most of us do it on occasion even celebs, like how dare you eat delicious foods.
I found a post on Reddit about a boy who liked My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic and he was bullied for it. (Trigger warning- mention of s-icide)
He took his own life because of it. May he rest in peace.
What did someone comment? "deserved it."
Mlp is awesome. Also what heartless being would comment "deserved it"?? I mean, theres literally a character in there that became evil for being falsely accused of stealing magic and was banished to limbo. Theres a character that brainwashed an entire town to be completely equal, because her best friend was taken from her for getting his cutie mark before her. There are some serious topics there. And dont get me started on equestria girls, 4 movies, 3 she-demons, and 3 sirens stealing magic through hate. A demonic being from outside equestria destroys twilight's home and she has to let her pet owl free, we never saw that owl again and I legitimately cried. This show gets REAL.
Liking someone of the gender. I mean come on, love is love.
Boys are hot as heck idc if I'm a guy too just ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER
in school i get in trouble for yawning. what?
True! Once in Year 6, I yawned really quietly in Spanish class, and the teacher... imploded
Messing up someones pronouns, people make mistakes especially if you knew them before they changed them
I'm gonna be honest here one of my friends I have known for 8 years changed their pronouns and I try to follow them as much as I possibly can. I do respect his pronouns it's just I'm so used to calling him a she for 8 years...
For just being yourself. I know too many people that are different when they are with certain people.
oh no a swear word you see that bp we're all gonna die it's the end of the world
Stimming. It's an entirely normal thing for neurodivergent people/beings to do, yet we are all judged for doing it, even by relatives/friends! 'QuIeT hAnDs' is stupid. Let us be us! We'll STIM if we want to!
Mental illness like panic disorder,generalized anxiety disorder, depression, and other issues that are totally common, but no one talks about and you feel alone when you have it. It needs to be talked about and normalized.
Being polite to avoid offending someone is seen as "being fake" and not telling it how it is.
pineapple on pizza
No, no, no…..pineapple is a MUST on pizza, well in Australia anyway. I tried to order a ham and pineapple pizza when we were in San Francisco and the chef yelled at me for it. We had no idea that it wasn’t a thing in other countries.
Chronic illnesses, specially the invisible ones. No, they are not lazy, they don’t need to exercise and goin to therapy “because it’s in their heads”. They are ill and in pain and deserve compassion.
Using neopronouns is something I've noticed more and more people getting angry about. A lot of the criticism even comes from the LGBTQ community and it breaks my heart, because is it really hurting you if someone uses them? It is not making fun of the community to use them (unlike some certain attack helicopter or "you date pans?" jokes many people deal with), and there is no expense to you to use them. I had a non-binary friend get annoyed with someone not wanting to use they/them for them (totally valid) and then go on a rant about how neopronouns are invalidating the 'actual' LGBTQ people. As long as it isn't something offensive, why shame people?
Not being like your parents/sisters/brothers/etc. I personally don't have any siblings, but I have friends who do, and they tell me that I am lucky that I am not compared to older brothers/sisters.
Music choices.
I enjoy an eclectic mix of music from classical, through Metallica and even Steps or Hollywood Undead. None of my selections affect you and yet you think I'm looking for a critique of my musical repertoire? I do not care that you like [insert latest hip band here]. Stop judging me for my music taste. I'm not in any of the bands or anything.
Not liking my toxic family members just because they are family. Like i really don't care if you are my blood, you're toxic and hurting me i will not allow that in my life. If you change let me know and we can reconnect but until then, nope.
Not being that tough or easily offended
for #32 I meant getting shamed for being easily offended
Breastfeeding in public. That's why women have breasts, people, to suckle their babies. It's natural. It's not obscene, it's not disgusting, it's not even a cause for embarrassment, yet there are people who make out the mother is some kind of low-life exhibitionist for feeding her baby what it needs even when she is being discreet.
Is it because men are too easily distracted by the thought of a woman's breasts? Maybe they think breasts are only for them to leer at? That is their problem! Grow up!
O often wonder if it was started by baby formula makers who want to sell their product.