Hey Pandas, What Are Some Of The Double Standards In Society That Annoy You? (Closed)
No matter how many times we claim to be modern double standards still exist!
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Governments are quick to prosecute the 'normal' people for all kinds of monetary fraud but cast a blind eye to large corporations who avoid tax on an industrial scale.
how about the Government that doesnt follow the laws that they enforce
When a woman accuses a man of domestic abuse:
Society: OMG, that's terrible, kick him out, go to a refuge, leave him, go to a group, call the police, scumbag
When a man accuses a woman of domestic abuse:
Society: man up
Or in the worst case: Nobody will believe you, like Johnny Depp. Poor guy. Amber Heard is a demon from deepest hell!
That people find it "cute" when an adult woman, barely dressed, in a suggestive manner kiss a little kid. People even make comments like "lucky boy!". But when it's the other way around (a half naked man, in a suggestive manner kissing a little girl) everyone's against it.
Let's clarify it, it's wrong in both ends. Little kids shouldn't be put out in a sexualised spotlights.
Guys can go get a vasectomy at an early age to not have children, but I am going to be 40 on Sunday, have had three children ranging from 15-20 and have multiple female issues and am a high risk for uterine, cervical and ovarian cancer and insurance may deny me to have a hysterectomy because I haven't tried "birth control" yet. Ummm I can't have kids my tubes were tied after my last baby because it would've literally killed me and the baby had I gotten pregnant again. So let me just rip out the plumbing to feel better, there's no reason to have a cycle every month to prepare my body for a baby I'm never going to have.
Also not everyone does well on birth control. It can really mess you up. I refuse to take it ever again.
If a man is clear on what he wants and advocates for himself he is goal oriented or confident. If a woman does, she is a b#tch.
When a father takes care of his child-
society: " Awww! Look at him! So cute, he is such a great dad!"
When a mother takes care of her child-
society: *ignores* ( because, you know, women are born to look after kids)
Or when people say that the dad is so nice for helping out with the children, as if it's only the women's job to take of the children. Umm your both parents, it's nog helping out with the kids, it's just parenting
Society always telling us that violence never solves our problems, then said society puts criminals to death and starts wars to solve their problems.
Always always! And it’s trashy as fûck no matter who is doing it.
Men can't wear shorts in the office even though women can wear skirts.
Some women have to wear makeup for their job, even though it's not required of men.
Sexual harassment, even rape...sometimes there’s this attitude “boys will be boys”, while the girl somehow “brought in on herself”
Pro life stance that is against abortion but unconcerned about babies being born into poverty or about helping children who are already here
How women dressing in "man clothes" is cool but men dressing in "women clothes" is "gay".
And that girls can play with cars and tools , but when boys play with dolls and Barbies it's weird... why?......
If women have more than 1 sexual partner she's a s**t. If men have more than 1 sexual partner he's a cool dude.
It’s like they’re suggesting men should only sleep with other men, so women don’t end up “slūtty” like they dislike so much.
Companies can refuse to cover birth control under the guise of religious and moral objections. Yet, Viagra is doled out like candy.
What is your employer even doing handling your private medical information. USA, man. What a s h i t hole country
When people say "You're too young to be gay" but that also means you're too young to be straight also.
Normal people committing a crime get the full punishment. Famous sports people, politicians, or rich businessmen get completely let off, or at most receive a warning.
Now take that same set of people and apply it to anything and you'll find another double standard.
LGBTQ+ people can't marry, while heterosexual people can do that and divorce each other, all while spouting some BS about saving the nuclear family and family values. (In my country)
They don’t care about the sanctity of marriage in the first place. Nor do they even care about the contract. They just don’t like gays.
“Real” women have curves. ALL women are real regardless of size!!
Agree. As someone who's been on both spectrums of sizes I got just much flack and rumors flying for being lean, perhaps more. Strangely, those who didn't know me when I was younger assume I've always been plump. There was a supervisor at my work who came from a hula hoop session (funky gal she was), I asked if I could try it out and I quote "I haven't played with a hula hoop since I was younger." She parroted "Oh you've never hula hooped. Is that because of your round waist?" What? OMG. That made me real mad.
Feminine hygiene products can be really expensive, while condoms are easy to get for free. Periods are not a choice; sex is. Stop making women pay for having healthy bodies.
As the female singer in the band: When guys sing of sex and love then it's just a song. When I sing it, every guy in the room thinks I'm inviting them backstage (I try to NOT even make eye contact -- don't want to give them a signal). The Heart gals said the same thing. Every time Ann sang Magic Man, she said EVERY man pointed to himself.
This really isn't double-standard but I'm reminded of the "make no eye contact" reference. I'm pretty outgoing and I have no problem saying hi or smiling at someone as they walk by, but when they think that means I'm inviting them to ask me out, I cringe. Perhaps it would be different if we're sitting in an airport or restaurant "flirting?" Regardless, I wish it wasn't this way.
The Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council .... are also the largest arms manufacturers on the planet.
It makes complete sense the countries with some of the strongest armies and nuclear capacity sit permanently at the same table. It gives them the incentive to solve issues there instead of on the battlefield. Big powers have far fetching interests, it's easier to step on their toes. If they would be only observers and the Council decides over their head about their business it would hurt their pride. And it's always a much bigger war if at lease one of the big powers is involved. The good thing about the Council it gives the same voting and vetoing power to smaller countries. Sure all these make it much harder to have things done. But this mechanism wasn't present when the World Wars started. It gives another chance for peace.
Women are by default a good parent where the father is always considered inept or unable to raise a child. Many courts grant full custody to the mother even after the child asks to go with their dad, the mother has a criminal record, or even when the child says the mothers boyfriend is abusing them. It’s sad.
PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF My dad was the stay at home one and I turned out alright.......right?
Gay people can't adopt, but heterosexual people can disown their children. (In my country)
POCKETS POCKETS POCKETS POCKETS. I have exactly one pair of pants with pockets and they are the tiny kind that I can't fit my phone in, and the side pockets are sewn up. I just want to be able to hold my keys and some chapstick! Is that too much to ask?
I buy my pants at thrift stores, and I have bought men's pants BECAUSE THEY HAVE ACTUAL FRIGGING POCKETS - and big enough to accommodate my mobile phone.
Claiming to be a climate activist, yet flies around to conferences in private jets
I honestly don't think I've ever met a single activist in my life who wasn't also a hypocrite. Anti-fur people who wear leather shoes, anti-plastic people who wear polyester, anti "big controlling government" but okay with "big controlling church", anti-technology people who use technology, anti-evolutionists who take antibiotics, sanctimonious religious people who.... well, you know (long list)
When women are required to wear dresses.
Excuse me? I don't own any. Not going to happen. That is absolutely discrimination.
I don't wear women's clothing at all. Except a bathing suit. Not much choice there.
Society to men: Go ahead! take your shirt off and show us your hairy body and caterpillar mustache.
Society to women: EW- you have body hair?!?! you don't shave your legs?!?! You're not even wearing a bra?!?! You're disgusting.
Me: Body positivity, people!!! Equality!! Ya don't need to shave if you don't want to!!! Get over it, society!!!
I haven't shaved my legs or my pits in years! And I don't feel like a hairy ape.
Shoes! Men usually wear practical shoes. Women, not so much. I think it's getting better, but maybe it's just my hitting an age where I value comfort over style. No more heels for me.
I like to wear special heels. They feel like sneakers, but they look like heels and have a removable base to make them into loafers.
Kind of obvious, but the double standards on clothing are absurd. Men all but exclusively get "cool" and "rough" clothes, women all but exclusively get "cute" and "sexy" clothes, the gents get all the pockets, the ladies get all the open-bottom lower attire (ie. skirts, dresses, etc.). Can't we all just wear what we want?
Men’s clothing is rarely fashionable though. It’s always the same iterations of things. Women have a more varied palette and types of items but they’re usually cut badly and don’t account for different body shapes like big boobs, narrow hips, large butts, or anything other than the current body trend.
If a poor person commits a crime, it's "Lock them up and throw away they key", if they're young they're tried as an adult, they get a long sentence and have to spend their lives with the label of "ex-con".
If a rich person commits a crime, it's no charges beyond a misdemeanor filed by the DA, or if they're young it's "... mustn't ruin their future", they get a suspended sentences, dainty little slaps on the wrist that don't count against them in the future.
There's one law for the rich in this country and another for the poor.
In a way, if you really pay attention to what's happening in schools, the honor roll and rich kids that act up are dealt with the same way. Poorer, average to poor students get treated with heavy handed suspensions, even if they were just trying to defend themselves from bullies, who are often the rich kids.
That every black South African is uneducated. That every white South African is racist. We have smart, good SA people that care about one another, teaching & caring for each other, regardless of skin colour, people that are friends, family, coworkers… When was the last time you did something nice for a stranger? Be the change you want to see in the world. ❤️
When I travel, people are amazed that all of my friends are not white. Some White South Africans are amazed that I feed my gardener and house help the same healthy balanced breakfast I give hubby for work and I cook the same lunch for myself as I do for them. SA is so stereotyped.
Guys can be gamers, but when girls game, a lot of the time they get "GIIRLLLL GAMMERRRRR" or sexualized or etc. Oh, don't forget about the "Go back to the kitchen!"
1. If there is a disaster befall upon my country's area that is inhibited by peoples of minority religion, some people from majority religion will said that it is a punishment from God for those peoples because they have a heretic believes (which actually means having a different religion from majority), and refuses to help them in any way, be it a donation, or even a moral support...
2. If there is a disaster befall upon my country's area that is inhibited by peoples of majority religion, the same group of peoples from previous description will said that it is just a "test" from God and urge people to help them...
3. If there is a miracle (somethign that defy our current scientific logic, and occasionally happened) that is attributed to minority religion, some people from majority religion will scorn it and said that it is the works of devil...
4. If there is a miracle that is attributed to majority religion, the same group of peoples from previous description will said that it is the works of their God...
From Indonesia
People who attribute any disaster to any religion - major or minor - drive me crazy. If a plane crashes and no one is killed... wow nobody died - a miracle from God! If only a few people die... it's a miracle there weren't more! If everyone dies.... it's a miracle it didn't crash on the expressway at rush hour! If it crashes on the expressway at rush hour and everyone dies, but some guy luckily avoided it because he had a flat tire.... a miracle! God was watching over him!!
If a women is fat it’s hideous. If a man is fat it’s a “dad bod” and its “hot”
? where is this exactly ? As a particularly ugly and overweight guy - i'd love to be somewhere when i don't constantly get pointed at and laughed at. I find it exceedingly hard to believe that it would be considered "hot" - but not being laughed at for a day would be nice.
Not sure if this is a double standard but YOUNGER SIBLINGS.
Say I bite my MS (middle sister), at 8 I would be scolded and not allowed to leave my room until dinner and I would owe MS an apology and one job.
If LS (little sister) bit MS at 8, she would be admonished then let off the hook.
SO FRUSTRATING and teaches LS and MS they can get away with anything.
Is it favoritism or double standard or both? I was the oldest of 2 until I turned 16. My younger sib always got away with stuff while I didn't. If we did the same thing and both knew better, that didn't matter. Even as we grew up. I did something dumb at 14, and got in trouble, grounded, etc. My sib later did the same thing when they were 14/15, and not a darn thing was said.
That it's acceptable for a woman to wear a shirt without sleeves as business attire and if a guy does it he's a Hill Billy.
Then again, women are only allowed to wear that with shaved armpits. Also, in my workplace all shoulders and knees must be covered. I resent them more for keeping the thermostat at 19°C. That's way too cold
When a man is spending time with his kids it's "babysitting", but when it woman not a big deal.
Teen moms are ridiculed and alienated, no matter how good they've become as mothers. But teen dads are either excused for running or patted on the back for contributing and doing the bare minimum.
I have actually heard women say they would "rather have a boy so then I don't have to worry about him coming home pregnant." These parents are part of the problem. Teach your young men how to be fathers. Doesn't mean you have to encourage bad relationships to stick together, but at least teach your sons to step up to the plate when they've hit a big change of responsibility they need to focus on.
There are no "Men's shelters" for the suddenly single men escaping an abusive relationship.
There are men's shelters for abused men. They get less funding and more likely to fail at staying open than a women's shelter because of lack of funding and lack of men coming to the shelter, either because of fear of shame or lack of resourced information that one exists. If I ever get enough money to donate to a charity it's definitely going to go to shelters. I just checked to find one in my city and one came up but it's now permanently closed.
Media doing stories on body positivity and then only publish pictures of skinny models.
Women's magazines. One page about anorexia, next page about exercise or weight loss.
White guilt.
RACIST: Treating some one differently because of the color of their skin. (even if the color is white)
If the wife stays home and takes care of the house and the kids while the husband goes out and works, that's right and proper, but if the husband stays home while the wife works, he's a lazy bum.
Immigrant assaults woman: “Vile savage! Cut his d*ck off! Send ‘em all back where they came from!”
White man assaults woman: “Welp, boys will be boys, and she did wear a skirt!”
Could it be that the white men are the natives that can't be send anywhere else than to prison? This is a heated discussion here in europe since 2015 - especially since the increase of sexual and violent assaults caused by immigrants. Don't get me wrong, rape needs to be punished no matter who does it - but it's not necessary for the tax payers to pay for imported problems . Sending threats to the guest population back into dangerous countries is also covered by international law
Food! E.g. - the same brand of pasta all over Europe is lower in quality in some parts of Eastern Europe and is sold at the same price.
Prices! E.g - lots of low budget products (same brand, same store) from Western Europe are sold at a much higher price in Eastern Europe
That's not a double standard, but a result of the law of supply and demand. So maybe the cost of provision is higher in the Eastern European countries, or perhaps there are additional transaction costs (eg red tape and the associated corruption and rent seeking). Or maybe there is more demand, pushing prices up. But it is not a double standard.
Nepotism in high-paying jobs is called nepotism. Nepotism in low-paying jobs is called "I just need to help my brother out," "They get a break/can't be fired because they're family," or "She's your sister, just give her a job!" This is the rare example of something that's actually classy when you're poor, but trashy when you're rich.
If girls don’t wear dresses or shorts they are automatically considered “tomboys” or “lesbian” like no one considers it being about comfort of preference
I don't consider my self a tomboy or a lesbian you are right it is comfort and preference. I do not and never will own or wear a dress. I really don't care if no one likes it!
Single fathers are heroic, single mothers are a sign of a society that has lost its values.
If a mother takes time off to care for her kids, she gets warnings about not being "career / job focused" enough or trying to juggle too much. If a father takes time off to care for the kids, it's "aww ...he's such a good parent!"
I see it every time hubby or I take time off work to take one of our kids to the doctor or stay home when they're sick.
Every time I’ve asked time off to look after my kids if they are sick my managers always ask why my wife can’t do that. My managers have primarily been women btw
Religion: System of beliefs with a large following
Cult: System of beliefs with a small following
Mythology: System of beliefs with a formerly large following
It's all about popularity, not validity.
That courts who are supposed to be unbiased treat atheists as having no morals or being incapable of acting responsibly whilst giving credit to those ignorant enough to believe the fantastical tales of Bronze Age mythology are fact and need the threat of a punishing parental God to act responsibly, not because they know it is correct and same.
Good for climate change and covid, but not for genders.
Ooh, I actually have a few.
First, how people can treat… adolescents… without apparent fear of consequences or retaliation.
My parents, for example, have told me that I “should know how to [insert action] by now, because we won’t be there when you’re in college.” At the same time, I’m basically the IT person in my family. Among many other experiences, I’ve helped my grandmother turn off the flashlight on her iPhone- while calling me from the same phone!- and after ‘fixing’ it, she said, “what am I going to do when you’re in college?”
Don’t get me wrong, I’ve still helped them when they asked. I just wish them good luck for the next four years, when I’ll be in college.
Second, how people of different backgrounds are treated after a particular event.
At barely 18 years old, I am a second-degree black belt in Taekwondo. I have helped students older but lower in rank than me with learning material many times, as part of my leadership training. I’ve heard my instructors tell me to put in more effort into my form, yet I’ve also heard them tell lower-rank, ‘older’ students to take their training slow. I’m not annoyed as much by this, but I still find it ironic.
The third double standard that I can think of is simultaneously the most personal and, to a different degree, the most widespread.
I have both childhood brain cancer(August 2013) and epilepsy(May 2020). My prescription has messed with my mind in more ways than one; look up the effects of levetiracetam and lamotrigine for a general idea. Toward the end of this past school year, I lost motivation to do much in school; are 12 years of work and 4 years of not enough sleep really worth some clothes and a folder? (I did end up graduating, so everything worked out.) My resource room teacher seemed to just dismiss my perspective as looking forward to the school year ending, seemingly ignoring my new diagnosis and the fact that we were (trying to) attend classes across screens, 7 hours a day. I don’t hate her for her response- I might have said the same thing in her position, and she is a great teacher- but I don’t know if she said the same thing to everyone else.
When women looking for men who are "tall, dark.." it's not sexism,
but when men say "Skinny, big booty.." it's sexism.
The people in America who want affordable childcare are the same people who say teachers and child caregivers are underpaid.
In the military, the higher ranks generally get in less trouble than a lower rank for the same offense.
Same in society Rich (high rank)we Poor trash (low rank) its called privilege. Who would get hell more for littering me or Bill Gates?
When a person gets offended by another person’s action(s), whom they consider unattractive, but they are flattered or fine when an attractive person does the same thing. It’s wrong either way.
British PM has at least 7 kids by 3 different women. A woman wouldn't get away with that.
Smokers who wouldn't consider throwing a piece of paper on the ground, but have no problem throwing their cigarette butts Everywhere!
Government offices want to avert hostile work environments, but employees at a local office have to deal with both verbal and physical abuse from people in the homeless encampment on the building's property.
Our office has similar issues with homeless and drunks, or just people on drugs. We would get people begging for money or to buy them food. ( I obliged one lady asking for coffee, then as we were walking to the food court she changed 1 coffee for a freakin' Big Mac meal) Our office building is also sort of attached weirdly to the hotel and other buildings. The building owner started locking the doors to the skywalk in the evening, and the doors to the stairwell were then locked so you could still use them as a fire escape but you can't go back to the office. The hotel started doing the same thing. Our office still didn't implement a card access system nor extra security to monitor the main entrances at all times.
He’s a Jack the lad, she’s a slag.
I used to be really annoyed by how men could walk around or go running in the summer heat with no shirt on but women had to wear sweat-inducing polyester bras with tops over them. But karma seems to be in effect, at least at the beach now. Women's bathing suits have become so minimal they don't even have butt coverings anymore and 3/4 of their boob can be showing, while men have to wear knee length, bulky shorts. Some guys have 10 times as much fabric on them as the woman they are strolling down the beach with.
Either way, it's not equal. It's not "karma" or "payback" for inequality, it's just creating more inequality.
That having a boyfriend (or just being in a relationship as a teen in general) is trashy and irresponsible or that sex is bad and immoral, but at the same time expecting teenagers (especially girls) to be interested in that type of thing, pressuring them to want to get married latter in life etc. This double standard can make people feel bad about being in a relationship, and can especially make it confusing for lgbtq kids and those on the asexual spectrum. In my opinion it's just kinda toxic to raise kids this way.
The Military tells you to ask for help and talk to someone of you have issues mentally. You ask for help. Then they send you to another unit or discharge you all together. It’s not every time, but it does happen quite a bit.
people use different standards for making inferences about others' abilities based on social status, religious beliefs, and political inclinations. Though people do not approach color and creed directly, that racism exists in them and they sometimes show it by different mediums and then pretend not to.
When you vilify the entire police force but still call 911 and expect them to show up when you have an emergency
Another double standard: Men are allowed to age, get wrinkles, gray hair etc. Women are not...
When you vilify the entire police force but still call 911 and expect them to show up when you have an emergency
Another double standard: Men are allowed to age, get wrinkles, gray hair etc. Women are not...