This can be somewhat like a support group.
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Why. Is. There. No. Queer. Disney. Character?!
you could say that the dude from mulan who fell in love with her liked her when he thought she was a guy to i read it somewhere idk if it's true
How can someone expect LGBT to be all about gay and lesbian people? It's so much more than that
It probably because a lot of people just don’t know. If you see this happening, it’s good to educate them
Straight is not the basic sexuality. Don't assume someone is straight until they come out.
I am Bi, but tell me people of the + in LGBTQ+, what sexuality are you? I've heard of pansexual, asexual, and that's pretty much it. INFORM ME
There’s; Skoliosexual, where you’re attracted to Non-Binary or Transgender people.
How can I help my questioning friend discover who she is?
Show her some lists of sexuality’s, or genders.
I have heard that some people are them/she or something. Do I just call them them or are there sometimes I should say she? idk
This is something I can not help you with. Stick with them, just in case
How can you help someone realise that they are asexual, what that means and that it doesn't make a difference to our relationship?
how am I supposed to come out to my friend as ace panromantic
Bring up LGBTQIA in a conversation first, but don’t mention that your queer. If they say sh** about this awesome community, no offence, but you need some new friends! If they say they accept it and/or are part of it, that’s a good sign that they’ll accept you. You could write them a letter, text them, whatever feels most comfortable to youz
This isn’t a question, more of an opinion. I think we should stop referring to heterosexual people as “straight”. It makes it sound as if LGBTQ+ people are “backwards” or “crooked”.
there was this one kid in my class and he said that most girls are being bisexual now "JuSt FoR tHe TrEnD"
First, I’m a guy. So I think I’m bisexual but I’m not sure because I would love to be in a relationship with another guy, but I don’t want anything sexual. With girls I do, so does this make me bisexual or just hetero?
You could be bisexual, but also asexual or demisexual towards other guys? I relate, I am a bisexual who is asexual towards men but not girls aswell.
i just want to know, what is the difference between LGBTQ and LGBTQ+? is the latter like, premium gay?
Well, how do I say this? LGBTQ is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer/Questioning. It stays the same even if you add a plus. And if you didn't know, the plus means other, less common sexualities like Asexual, non-binary, and etc. Thats what I think the answer to your question is!