Right now I would like to hear some creepy stories and I’m sure other people would like to hear some too! 

Rules: This has to be a true story.

I will be waiting for your submissions down below, bye guys!


i was at my grandparents house . my grandparents were outside and i was inside reading a book . i was sitting on the couch , there was a table right next to me . on the table there was a water bottle in the center . then out of no were the water bottle flew across the room . i ran as fast as ii could and never was in that room alone again



I tend to have nightmares and sometimes they sort of follow me when I wake up. One night I was sleeping alone, I opened my eyes and there was a big dark figure next to my bed. I screamed and run to the opposite side, which happened to be a window. Luckily it was closed and nothing happened to me. I had it other times but that was the first and scared the s**t out of me.



I once watched Candyman alone at midnight. Not a good decision.



Back around 1971 or there abouts, my sister took me to see "What's the Matter with Helen?" I wasn't the hardcore horror nerd back then that I am today. She then dropped me off at home about 2 hours before my mom would be getting home. The movie did a number on me and rather than sit in silent terror, I decided to go to bed and hopefully fall asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night when a door slammed shut and something covered my face. I screamed, grabbed what was on my face and tore it to shreds before I realized it was poster I had hanging on the wall over my bed.

As I sat there with a heartbeat exceeding 200 bpm and clutching pieces of torn poster in my fists, I hear the elevator (it was right next to our apartment) open, someone walk out, walk into my apartment and into my mother's room. I was absolutely freakin' terrified.

I did nothing for probably a good 15 minutes and then finally decided to find out if someone was in the apartment. I quietly got a knife out of my dresser draws and sneaked to my mother's room. I opened the door and whispered, "Mom?" She said, "What?" I said, "I heard someone walk into your room." She said, "Yeah, it was me. A gust of wind blew the lawn chair off the balcony. I had to go down and get. Go back to bed."



I live in India and here all the students studying in school must be the same clothes provided by the school because the rich kids should not discriminate the somewhat poor students for the dress they can afford so one such day when I was in sixth grade ( now in eight ) I entered the class early in the morning half sleepily I saw a girl leaning on the teacher's desk and the teacher was sitting in the opposite of her but didn't seem to notice her so I too didn't care that much and I placed my bag in the chair and I turned to look at her but she was gone. And we have two uniforms in total one for sports called sports uniform and one called normal uniform used in the other days when we don't wear the sports uniform. The girl I saw was wearing a normal uniform but none of the students in my class or my grade seemed to wear a normal uniform. And the creepiest part is that when I asked the teacher about the girl the teacher said no one was leaning on the table and that she didn't see anyone. I was terrified to death so when I think about that incident I just convince my self that I must have daydreamed everything.



When I was about 14 middle of the night, just me, my mom and baby sister in the house. I wake up hearing heavy footsteps walk up to the hall towards out bedrooms and stop. I turned icy cold, you know the sounds of people you live with, this wasn't one of them. I was so scared then I hear my mom call my name from her bedroom, she sounds scared, "Did you hear that?" "Yes Mom". "come here please". No mom, I'm scared". We both lay in our beds in silence. Finally I crawl out my bed and run to her room and get in her bed. The end. There was no-one in the house and it never happened again, but we both heard the foot steps in the hall. and yeah, my mom had her child run out to the hall, she never got out of bed to check it out.


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Mary Rose Kent
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

YIKES! It’s one thing if it’s just you, but the two of you...GAAAAH!

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For about a decade I worked at a very old movie theater (it opened in 1923) and there were lots of stories about it being haunted, but I figured it was all pretty much made up. However, one night I got to my bus stop and then realized that I had left my purse up in the balcony; fortunately, the manager was just locking up when I got back, so she opened one of the doors and I raced up to get my bag and from the balcony I could see one of the chairs glowing. When I told her about it, she told me the janitors were always complaining about one of the seats having a fire in it, although there were never any signs of any of the chairs being burnt.

One day (several years later) I was working a matinee and was bent down restocking the candy counter when someone knocked on the counter, but when I stood up to wait on them there was no one there, and the lobby was large enough that there was no way for anyone to be out of eyesight by the time I straightened up because the lobby was quite large.

One night I was in an area that was actually behind the movie screen, which is where the letters for the marquee were stored. Because the theater had been upgraded mid-century with a larger screen, there was a smaller screen behind the one the people were watching, and there were a lot of old mechanical equipment that was no longer in use. So as I’m pulling letters for the marquee, one of the old chains that wasn’t attached to anything just started running. I was nowhere near the switch, so it wasn’t like I accidentally started it. That one was pretty creepy.

One night after the show was over, the manager and I had already put the big, heavy steel bars on the side doors and were scanning the empty seats for anything obvious anyone might have left behind (coat, backpack, umbrella, etc.), and just as I’m about to close my set of swing doors between the auditorium and the lobby, I feel a small light breeze on my right and I hear “Mary Rose” whispered directly into my ear. This was definitely the creepiest of them all.


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The Redhead
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I worked in an old theater many years ago myself, it was rumored to be haunted as well while I never experienced anything paranormal there there was one time a few of us were walking through the tunnels (old city tunnels from the turn of the century) most were blocked off. Anyway in one of the rooms down there hanging up was a pentagram with a swastika in the middle made of pipe cleaners by someone at some point. That was creepy.

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Taking my dog out the back to use the restroom. Giant owl whose wingspan was longer than my arm span. I saw it, thought, 'oh a giant owl. Neat', then realization kicked in and I freaked out and ran inside with the dog. Mom went out the front a few minutes later to get the mail and saw the same owl perched on a electrical line.


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Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The owl was like 15 feet away from me when it flew by us, claws outstretched and everything! Still, it was HUGE even from that distance!

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There was this one time was with my sister in our shared room and it was pretty dark outside but not that dark because our parents were in the kitchen talking (this happened when we were little kids). For some reason me and my sister decided to have a spontaneous “dance party in the dark” so we closed our blinds and turned off our lights, we only left the door open because the bathroom outside our room was providing some light because at the time we were to scared to be alone in the dark. Sometime randomly my sister decides to go look at the door frame and than she screams and me being the curious kid I am decided to go look and there was a shadow in our door way that looked an awful lot like a human. Now this time me and my sister are screaming together we turn the lights on and shut the door than after one or two minutes we go downstairs to ask our parents if that was them or if they had invited people over they said no and to this day we don’t know what it was in our doorway. Although my sister swears I wasn’t awake and that there was never a “dance party in the dark” we can both agree they’re was something in our doorway that night



This didn't happen to me but to my friend when I was 11 and she was 10. My friend was walking by our elementary school in the evening (she lived on the same block) and saw the gym doors open. There were 2 entrances to the gym one from the inside and one from the outside. She looked into the gym out of curiosity and saw a red human like shape staring at her, it had a yellow mouth that was smiling eerily, no facial features except that, she bolted home and told no one except me. She swears to this day that no one was there except her, not even the school janitor.



My grandfather used to call me “little darling”. He passed away when I was 3. I got into a bad car accident in the freeway after driving my friend to the airport during rush hour. I came to and a guy stopped his car to make sure I was ok. He was wearing an off duty fire fighter shirt (I was instantly comforted because my brother is a fire fighter and dad is a cop) he came running up and checked to make sure I was ok. He called an ambulance and asked if there was someone he could call. He grabbed my cell phone and called my mom to let her know what happened, that I was safe, and that he would wait with me til the ambulance came. He helped load me up in the ambulance and said, “little darling, you’re going to be ok!” I asked the paramedic if they got that sweet man’s info so I could send him flowers for being my angel and keeping me calm. They looked confused and said they were going to do a CT scan to check my head. My mom and dad came rushing into the ER. I told my mom about him and she asked the officer who was on the scene if she could have his info. She said he was acting weird and wouldn’t tell her. So, she asked my dad to go talk to him “cop to cop”. My dad goes to talk to him privately and comes back looking white as a ghost. He said “the officer said she was completely alone when he arrived.” I said, no and my mom talked to him on the phone because I was too hysterical to talk. She looked at me and said, “no... I talked to you.” CT scan came back normal


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I was 10 and I was with my 7 year old sister at my grandparents house about a week before christmas when they quickly went around the corner to drop something off to a neighbour. I decided this would be the ideal time to sneak upstairs and see if I could find out what gifts might be heading my way. I was in the spare room in a corner crouched down searching through a bag when a male voice called out my name in an annoyed manner. I quickly turned around, no one was there. I bolted down the stairs and found my sister still sitting in the same spot in the kitchen eating lunch. There was no one else in the house and there was no way she could have got back downstairs that quickly. My father had passed away a month earlier and his childhood bedroom was next to the room I was in. I was terrified to go upstairs to use the bathroom in that house for years to come.



Not sure if this counts but when I was like 7 I had a dream where I put my hand out like Luke Skywalker trying to use the force because I wanted my headphones, and they FLEW RIGHT TO MY HAND, then I got scared and woke up. Not sure if this was a dream or a nightmare.


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A evil spirit or other super natural being - but most likely an evil spirit i should know(i named them sam because idk there gender) follows me around. I can sence where they are. I rarely see them though. It's a creepy feeling... Being watched.



In the last couple of weeks of my senior year of high school, I started to get these very bothersome feelings of dread and worried. I was convinced that I was going to die. I told my mom about my feelings and she told me that I was just anxious about graduation and to pray about it. A few days before the ceremony took place, my great grandmother passed away. I now believe that I had a premonition about my great grandmother's death, but for some reason I put it on myself. My mother and I have both had premonitions about other things that have happened.


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When I was little we moved into a house where a family was killed (we didn't know that I guess it happened way to long ago for us to be notified) we found this out because my mom and I could hear them it was a mom dad and a son, my brothers and my toys would move around randomly and I could hear them talking thru the vents, but the scariest thing that happened to me was I was in my room the lights shut off the door shut and locked I ran up and banged and screamed on the door and was made at my family for locking me in there but it wasn't them.


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I was up late one night about 9 years ago it was about 2am (my apartment had been burglarizd about a month prior.) Anyway up with all the doors locked, some lights that looked like headlights through the the blinds started reflecting off the wall (there were no roads back there) just as I was trying to figure out what was going on my cat Garfield crouched down by the sliding patio door and started growling loudly (Garfield was the quietest sweetheart, tame, calm and gentle.) In his 14 years of life that was the ONLY time he ever growled. A little while later a police helicopter was flying around so something was going on that night, don't know what; but Garfield let me know to be on alert that night.


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