Hey Pandas, What Are Some Characters You’d Wanna Put In A Room Together?
We all have some characters from various media that we think would have interesting interactions if they ever met. Share those imagined scenarios here!
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Not sure if anyone would get this but Candace Linda perry and dr doof
More like a cross between franchises, but combining the Goosebumps series with Thomas the Tank Engine might yield some interesting results
Nooo isnt youtube thomas cursed enough?! Please, i dont want a goosebumos thomas aaaaa.... but i am really intriguied
I want a Lost Hero trio reunion scene (Percy Jackson) but without Jason in a FREAKING COFFIN
Crutchie, Davey, Jack, and Les from The Newsies along with Newt, Thomas, Minho, and Chuck from The Maze Runner. I think they could relate to each other and be friends.