just vent and i'll help
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Jeff Goldblum is so sexy!!! He’s one reason that I figured out that I was gay, because I couldn’t stop staring at him in that one scene in Jurassic Park where he has his shirt unbuttoned. I admit that I may have a problem with being a simp. It’s not the worst thing, but it’s pretty embarrassing.
i just died of laughter. y'know how I realized I was gay? Fox F*****g Mulder
One of my friends is getting on my last freaking nerve. she keeps complaining abt the EASIEST JOB IN THE UNIVERSE but then brags abt how much money she makes. there have been other problems but i’m at my freaking breaking point.
Do do do it’s now legal to kidnap trans kids in Florida who are receiving healthcare…
i shall kidna them! and take them to new jersey to get MORE HEALTHCARE >:)
Thinking about anything related to myself always ends in me getting confused because I don’t know much about myself anymore. I feel like crying most of the time and I feel like a terrible person most of the time
this sounds a lot like depersonalization. i would suggest psychological counseling, if that's available
life sucks and maybe i’ll go jump off a cliff i dunno
life sucks more c**k than stefon in a gay club (if you know, you *know*) but don't jump offa cliff.
venting to myself ig: do do do f**k i stepped on my foot and failed a math test
I’ve been getting bursts of nostalgia very frequently and I just feel so sad that I can never relive old memories again and it’s making me cry a lot. Even during class or when I’m talking with someone I suddenly remember an old memory and that makes me start crying
Let’s all just die now. Yes I’m submitting another response.
Sexuality hates me. Sexuality hates you. Sexuality’s a d**k.
Gender hates me. Gender hates you. Gender’s a d**k.
Am I bi? Maybe. Am I gay? Maybe. Pan? Probably not. Straight? Hell no. Trans? Possibly. Gender-fluid? I could be. Cis? Maybe?
School starts next Wednesday and I don’t want to go back.
Im going insane slowly.
My friends are being weird.
I got my home room teacher yesterday and I’ve
never met the guy. I keep having to meet new teachers even though it’s a small school and I really don’t like doing that.
I got my dads old phone (it’s only a year newer than my phone but since it’ll stop getting updates next year, he said I can have a new one for my birthday next April.)
I hate my body less, though, except for dysphoria.
And a ton of people have it way worse and I’m deemed medically fine since I can’t get a diagnosis.
Afafssghshe also the planet is dying. But we’re totally fine right?
im so fudging done with people asking me "wHeN iM gOnNa sTaRt a fAmIlY' NEVER, b***h