Hey Pandas, Turn This Post Into The Worlds Most Violent Library
I know that’s very specific, but my friend said this is what I should ask.
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I’m the librarian, Y’all better return them books or I’m gunna have to throw em at yah!
*throws a desktop computer at some random mf*
Just to clarify, the "random mf" is from the *gasps dramatically* OTHER library
*inverts someone’s rib cage, pours cement into their ears, pours urine into their sinuses, boils their teeth, and sends them to the non-fiction section where their toes will be harvested*
Our battle formations are as follows:
Mermeow Overlord leading their army of various underwater critters, I assume. UnimportandDog with her army of hellhounds. Then Lex with their vast amounts of possums
And me with my various strange torture techniques. (Send anyone my way and I’ll take care of them)
*throws book*
Don’t throw it at me, join forces to take down the library across the street!… … … *throws one last book
*Builds fort out of books and bookshelves* "I declare war on the kids section! How does your leader respond?"
Sir, they’ve sent the spooky things from the seasonal Halloween section
*knocks over bookshelf*
*Catches bookshelf and pushes it in the opposite direction*