They can be serious, they can be silly, they can be "perfectly imperfect", but what three things do you like most about yourself?
Do you admire your sense of adventure? Maybe it's your poise during a difficult situation? Could it be your imagination, your independence, your sense of humor? Your kindness? Your ability to study and learn? Your cheekiness, your perfect timing with bad jokes, maybe your ability to actually listen when someone is talking? Anything! Pandas, give yourself some kudos here!
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I don't get stressed or worry about anything. At all. Ever!
I love learning anything new about any subject.
I have common sense!
My humor, my ability to deal with stress and that I am a person who try to if not understand, at least every person. I know we all have our scars and we all make mistakes, that's what makes us human.
1. I make people laugh
2. I can express myself through art
3. I am good at understanding and empathizing with others, at least I think
I try to find goodness in all things, because I feel there is a little good in all evil. There's a little evil in all good.
I am a kind, giving, and caring person who loves to help those in need whether it be a smile to a stranger or an ear to listen to someone when they need to talk.
I values others opinions and don't try to reflect my beliefs on them. Everyone has a right to their opinions and shouldn't be ridiculed because I may think differently.
If we are talking physical appearance, I absolutely love my eyes. I also really like my hair. If we are talking personality wise, I’m actually a pretty controlled person sometimes. And I can overcome things fairly well!
I always see the creative side of things, in other words I see the world in a more fun way.
Every time I hear a song, my mind automatically generates a story that goes along with it, I don't know if that's special but I love that about myself.
I can come up with any character imaginable and draw it just the way I imagined it, it saves a lot of time!
Overall, I'm a pretty creative person!
Physically I like my hands, my eyelashes, and my hair isn’t too bad. But if you mean my actual self then… I feel like I have a unique perspective and I try to see things from both sides. I’m pretty good at drawing. And I’m happy that when I find the motivation to do something I can eventually become good at it.
1. My eyes, i think they are my best feature. I've been told they are the color of coffee ( coincidentally one of my fave drinks XD)
2. My drawing skills, im nowhere near the level i want to be, and possibly never will be but i love the drawings i make
3. My abilty to laugh at myself, i make a lot of stupid decisions or quotes. I dont see the reason to get so offended over something i know I would find hilarious if someone else did. Plus who else can say they have tripped over a fire hydrant at Disneyland lol
This is really difficult because I generally don't like much about myself but here goes:
1. I like that I can learn and adapt quickly. It doesn't apply to things like music...which I can't for the life of me...but on work especially. I can learn something and then do it in record time.
2. I guess I sort of like my personality. Kinda witty with a little quirk. I basically have the "side character" personality.
3. Finally, probably my hands. They help me build a lot of stuff and for that I'm grateful.