Anything goes: finding something you didn't want to find, accidentally revealing something, you get the point.


My parents looked at my youtube history. I was watching a lot of lgbtq+ comedy content. They basically forced me out. I tried to lie my way out of it. They would not take no for an answer. I am moving out after I graduate because I'm in hell. The dumbest way to be outed. I really wanted to come out right before I moved out with some pink yellow blue PANcakes. But now I have to lie and pretend to pray the gay away.



    they found my depression diary
    I write sad and scary thoughts and stories and read it to my entire family



    I told my grandpa that my friend wouldn't stop emailing me. My friend is a guy. Hell broke loose in my family



    My mom read my journal. So she now know all the details of first sexual experience.



    My parents were talking and were like at least you aren't this, this and this. They were all true, but they didn't know. I thought like what would they think if me if they knew that it was true, so I never told them.


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    1. When they found out I had YouTube
    2. When they read out my horoscope I'd gotten when I was born and it said that my husband would be very rich and stuff and I hinted a bit at my sexuality but I hope they didn't realize.


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    When my Mom read my hate journal, and now I just feel terrible



    Talking about my then nonexistent menstrual cycle with my father present, and as though I weren’t. It was way beyond embarrassing.


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    My dad has caused a few. I don't know if they were intentional because he knows I don't suffer from embarrassment but his top 5 that my friends have said they 'would have died' moments (in no particular order) are:
    1. My father sitting me down to give me 'The talk'. 5 years too late!
    2. Asking if I knew what 'frigging' was because it was in a song I was singing (the word they used was 'freaking').
    3. At my birthday party, after blowing out the candles, he announced that he knew what my wish was and that it was for 'girlfriend'. I was 17.
    4. Showing a girlfriend, on his first meeting, a picture of me with my arm up a cows back end with no context. Just, 'Here! Look at this!'. She was pregnant (the cow) and the vet was teaching me how to check everything was ok before birthing.
    5. When I got my first weekend job, he spent most of the morning in the shop, telling everyone, 'That's my son, be nice, he's still learning'.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    When I came out I just hinted to them until they asked me, then I started crying and couldn't stop. I never cry in front of my parents, it was so embarrassing.


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    Community Member
    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    We're they mad? ( I mean I would cry either way but... )

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