Hey Pandas, Tell Us About One Thing You Do That Convinces Everyone That You’re Crazy.
Everyone does things that are weird and everyone knows someone that questions your sanity. Tell us your stories!!
Here’s mine. Today and yesterday, I was walking around saying that I’m an unboiled noodle. Yes I know. It’s weird. I’ve done many other things, yeah. Have a wacky day everybody!!
Everyone does things that are weird and everyone knows someone that questions your sanity. Tell us your stories!!
Here’s mine. Today and yesterday, I was walking around saying that I’m an unboiled noodle. Yes I know. It’s weird. I’ve done many other things, yeah. Have a wacky day everybody!!
Share on FacebookProbably talking at loud volumes unconsciously during family movie nights
if i read a good book, play a game, or watch a movie, i will sometimes subconsciously try to act or look like my favorite characters. it drives everyone insane, but idk how to stop it. most of the time i don’t even realize i’m doing it.
hey i repllying to a reply on what where the worst nieghbors you ever had and : it is really cool especially with a family of 12!
Probably talking at loud volumes unconsciously during family movie nights
if i read a good book, play a game, or watch a movie, i will sometimes subconsciously try to act or look like my favorite characters. it drives everyone insane, but idk how to stop it. most of the time i don’t even realize i’m doing it.
hey i repllying to a reply on what where the worst nieghbors you ever had and : it is really cool especially with a family of 12!