Never found quite the right 'ask pandas' question, so can you tell us your story? Well, here's your chance! The sky's the limit, just be appropriate, and nice!


This happened when I was 17. I was hanging out with my friends. It was getting late and me and another friend, Amanda were going to walk home when she said that Danny, the 50 something year old guy on the street we got weed from sometimes, would drive us home. It was dark and cold, and I was very burnt so I agreed. Well, she gets dropped off and he's driving me home. He's talking to me, and I'm feeling uncomfortable. He's saying I'm so pretty, and funny, etc. I smile and say thanks. I told him to drop me off 2 blocks from my house because I didn't want my mom to see me pulling up in a van so late, and also not wanting him to know where I live. I'm about to get out and he asks 'how old are' I tell him '17'. Then, this 50 something married guy says to me 'Oh. Well we can't f**k until you're 18, but we could date until then.' What a law abiding drug dealer. What the f**k guy! I just thanked him for the ride and ran out as quick as I could. So gross!



    I do cheer for our middle school boys basketball team and we just won state! it was so great and it’s made me want to continue cheering into high school. our team is awesome and we worked hard to get there.



    ooooh heres one!

    i was in my engineering class at school. for a little background, we have notebooks that we are ONLY allowed to do in class, and we are not allowed to take home(so as to prevent disputes when it comes to 'who had the idea first?' cuz someone could just go home and write it. its done in real time. they are also stored in milk crates close to the teacher's desk) and also a teacher who's kinda nuts(he admits it himself too, but i think hes pretty cool)

    anyways, my teacher is instructing us on something. im kinda paying attention, until i notice everyone's eyes are on me. specifically near my feet area. unfortunately, its not because my shoes are cool(black with dark green accents and neon pink laces if ur curious), rather because there was a nice big spider the size of a guinea pig crawling all over said (hopefully cool) shoes.

    i have had a history with arachnophobia, but i was surprisingly chill about this(maybe its because of spiderverse, maybe its not). i just kinda kept my chill while slightly giggling about it while everyone was staring at me, kinda looking at me like i was crazy.

    since this spider was distracting my teacher's lesson, he picked up some unknowing, random kid's notebook from the crate and smacked the spider.

    he missed. the spider ran away.

    teach says, "oh well, back to the lesson" and i go back to listening to him, albeit somewhat paranoid.

    the spider comes back and is yet again crawling on my shoes. the attention is all on me again.

    teacher says "thats it" and smacks the spider, square in the middle of the notebook. the sweet spot hit the spider, and unfortunately, the little dude died :(

    teacher says, "welp, i gave that son of a gun a chance to leave. didn't take it, eh?" and proceeds to drop the kid's notebook back into the crate, not attempting to clean the spider guts off.

    and thats the story of how i almost became this world's spider man. miguel o'hara's probably hunting down my engineering teacher, and there is probably some other shanila.pheonix_ in a different universe(hopefully in a cool animated looking universe, preferably 2d) who is saving the world from green goblin or sumthing. hopefully i got cool powers and a cool suit in that one. maybe teleporting oooh, and the suit has gotta have a neon scheme! but i digress.

    and that engineering teacher is one of my fav teachers lol.


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    OH! one of my favorite stories to tell people!

    So you know those IKEA twin beds?
    They actually have some pretty sharp corners. Well I was like 3 or 4 and I was spinning in the living room. Well my mom was watching tv at the time and got annoyed with me spinning. She then told me to go spin in my room. Being a 3 year old, I did exactly that. I spun in my room and then ended up falling over and hitting the bottom of my chin pretty hard on the corner of my IKEA bed, causing the skin under my chin to break open and bleed a lot. My mom came in when I had made a noise and saw all of the blood on the front of me and the floor. She then rushed me to the instacare where they gave me numbing gel at first but it didn’t really work so they had to give me the numbing shot. It took my mom and two nurses to hold me down for the numbing and for the needle for stitches. I got 2 stitches, and they were blue like my Australian flag teddy bear that I grew up with.


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    anonplz avatar
    Community Member
    8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    hope you healed quickly! istg, i feel like every kid has an injury like that. when i was around the same age, i fell down a flight of stairs and got a bloody nose. my dad has claimed that this was the only time to have ever cried in his life. he says that i was laughing tho :D


    In first grade, I once punched a girl much older than me in the face because I disagreed with her when she said that 2 minutes was 120 seconds



    One time I was hanging out with my friends (I'll call them David and Aaron) and my brother whom



    I'm writing a book (novelette)thats making me way too excited, and a short story that im only a few pages away from finishing


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    In the next few months, I will finalize my divorce that's been dragging on for 4 years for no good reason, and I will be financially secure because I will invest part of the money I will receive into secure investments.
    I will move into an apartment I can afford that has lots of light, space, be close to the Gare and/or bus line. It will be lovely enough so that my children and cats are as happy as I am living there.
    In 3 weeks, I'm to start a French school for language and job training that I will absolutely love, and when it ends in September, I will have a job that I enjoy that allows me financial freedom. At this point, I will meet someone who shares my curiosity of life and wants to live, live, live! And we will face all of the ups and downs presented to us with laughter and compassion.


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