Hey Pandas, Tell Me Your Best Friend Is Stupid Without Telling Me They’re Stupid (Closed)
I know this thing is pretty common, but I thought it would be a good idea.
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My friend thought that Islands float. Like on top of the water. Float.
I have heard of a few people thinking this. Maybe because they are taught about the supercontinents and continental drift, but no, not really 'floating'.
She came to my house and i have 5 bearded dragons she said trin im not gonna hold them they are dragons. Right after that we went to my room where i keep my guinea pig and she asked why doesnt it look like a pig.
She couldn't think of a word that rhymes with "me." We are at her house writing songs and she asked me what rhymes with "me" and if it's one of those special words that don't rhyme like "orange."
My ex-best friend was making ramen noodles........ and burnt the water
She- she couldnt spell owl
I gave my friend a mug once and it had a picture on the side of a sheep and the words 'I love ewe'. She pronounced it 'ew'.
She made rice - in a rice cooker - without water
He doesnt believe in aliens
What a moron!!!!!!! It is literally impossible for there not to be other life forms out there! He seriously thinks that Earth is the only planet with life...... wow. Just wow. How could he be so stupid????? (sorry - it is true!!)
😐🥲 she has adhd. My girlie is so smart she decides she can handle knives. When she's loopy from adhd meds. She also sometimes decides to light fields on fire. And one time she got me into trouble because she posted a video of me in a skimpy little swimsuit doing the crab dance out of a closet.
She falls for internet scams constantly, and I mean CONSTANTLY! I love her, and she’s not a stupid person, but I wonder if maybe she should take some kind of basic internet safety course or something.
She thinks going to a salon is more important then her health in the pandemic.
So. many. people! I don't get it, but I haven't been to a hair dresser for about 10 years and just get my mum to do a quick trim (or sloppily sut it myself) every so often.
She said she was going to some drink water so that when the ice melts it doesn't overflow. Also thinks ice floats because when water freezes it shrinks.
my friend tried making ramen in a FRYING PAN!!!! like, dude, how do you even do that, he almost burnt the kitchen down
I would try that, actually. I mean, I NNEEEEDDDDD ramen to fuel me!!
This is hilarious to me because I do things like this and my best friend often ridicules me for it (jokingly tho) XD
My best friend and I decided to try and hole punch my hair in year 8 and it took us a while to work out why it just cut it off. I like to believe it is a herd mentality as my dumbest moments always seemed to be with her, but then again we got 100% on two different assignments when we worked together.
This is hilarious to me because I do things like this and my best friend often ridicules me for it (jokingly tho) XD
My best friend and I decided to try and hole punch my hair in year 8 and it took us a while to work out why it just cut it off. I like to believe it is a herd mentality as my dumbest moments always seemed to be with her, but then again we got 100% on two different assignments when we worked together.