Hey Pandas, Tell Me About A Time Where You Were Bullied And Had No Help.
Sorry to say, but we've all had this. Post your stories here and don't forget to add trigger warnings just in case! This is a supporting space, so no mean things/homophobia/bullying/transphobia or anything like that! Only kind words! :)
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I will start. Sorry for paragraph but I need to give a lot of background info (and vent): In year 6, I had a good friend called... let's use her real name because she deserves to be confronted... Zahrah. Me and Zahrah were inseperable. We wrote songs together and planned a courier together as singers. Only problem was, she had a horrible friend called Alexa. Now Alexa was your mean-girl stereotypical soon-to-be-bully, and i didn't notice all of the huge red flags popping up. She'd exclude me in group activities and had a really mean friend Elyce. Elyce was MEAN. She was rough and she swore a lot and she went through puberty before all of us, so we thought she was "SO cool". Then we have side members, Halle and Narjes (Jess for short). When we went to camp, we were all put in the same cabin together. Mind you, I had not been diagnosed with autism, and only knew i had Anxiety, so i was already nervous to be there for...3 days i think? Anyways, I got super excited and was thinking how much fun this will be, and how I was not going to miss home as much. And so day 1 went well. But at night, i had a panic attack. You see, i also have not enough melatonin to put me to sleep, and now i taake meds for it, but at the time i needed music. But the headphones wouldnt connect with my iPod (as that was all i was permitted to take due to rules with no phone policies and my music was on the phone), and even the night guard had to come in and help with it, which i found even more terrifying at the time. But he was really nice. I kept sobbing and crying and breathing so lightly i thought i would pass out, but i calmed down eventually. Then he had me put on my music out loud. My friends said they were ok with that, but in the morning they were complaining about how loud and annoying it was. Next day was ok, but GET THIS. My headphones finally connected that night, but my friends ASKED ME TO PUT IT ON SPEAKER. They said they were just joking then and said it was super calming, but i declined. Last day, was super excited to go back home. That evening, in my cabin it was utter chaos. We had to get ready for a dancing thing to celebrate (?) and I was panicking again, so I did what calmed me down, and read my Harry Potter book. But Elyce and the others didnt understand. She yelled at me and called me a "f**king b***h" and the others pressured me until i had an overload. I was screaming and crying and they were saying "Don't cry like a baby, grow up!" I turned to my (at the time) Bff who i thought i could rely on, but she yelled at me too and abused me. I stormed out of the cabin and shut the door but they LOCKED IT. For ages i sat outside and cried, cuz i wasnt supposed to be out there and i would get in trouble, but then they opened the door and said really nicely that they were sorry, btu giggled and were acting weird. After that, I reported them to a really helpful teacher (Bless you, Ms Mackenzie) and she helped. That night, they woke me at like 2:45 by all going to the bathroom at the same time and flushing really loud, no regards to me. And then they started eating lollies that Elyce had stashed in her bag, WHICH WERE NOT ALOWED. I asked them to please stop, its too early, but they didn't, and so i asked more firmly. They were offended and rude, but quietened down, but at 3:00 they began talking louder once again, which woke me up AGAIN. I said "well i'm awake now, and there's no point going back to sleep now. Can I at least have some candy?" but to my utter horror and surprise, they told me "No, you were rude to us and have been mean the whole time and yelled at us. An anyways, there's nothing left!" and then laughed. So when I got back, long story short, they continued bullying me and so I eventually had to block Zahrah on everything i could possibly find and cut her out forever. Sorry for the huge paragraph, I've been through a lot of sh!t... Don't read it if you don't want to. I hate hearing the name zahrah (sorry to all the nice Zahrahs)
I’m so sorry. Hope those sh*tty friends got what they deserved in the end.
So my mom thinks it’s happening to me right now. But I don’t want her to contact the parents cause the people doing it are my friends. I’m currently in high school and at lunch 2 of my friends have decided to take my food every day kinda. And one of ‘em is like a giant so I can’t do anything. The other one is short. The short one I kinda give him some when he asks, cause he stopped taking it but it’s a coin flip with him. The big one I eat the food he wants before lunch but yesterday he grabbed the lunch box and looked inside. So. Yea. The short one said that we need new friends and I kinda agree cuz lunch sucks now. I’m so done with this week and can’t wait for the weekend. Idk do u think my mom should contact the parents..? K thanks guys.
I was bullied pretty intensely all of elementary school. It led to be having a ton of insecurity, no friends, and s****y mental health. My parents said the normal b******t (I didn't know I was trans at the time so I presented as a girl and most of the people bullying me were guys, so a lot of 'they're bullying you cause they like you' or 'that's just how boys are') and my mental health got worse. I can only remember the worst few situations, and those are pretty much my only childhood memories (I remember that about halfway through 6th grade I was trying to remember things that happened in elementary and I was getting sort of scared because I couldn't remember anything else and to this day I still can't and haven't been able to remember much else). To be fair I was very bullyable I always had huge reactions to things (I've stopped doing that out of necessity but it's also made it so I never feel sadness ever and that always creeps me out, the last time I remember being sad was around a year ago when my bird died and even then I didn't actually grieve, I also started feeling anything and missing her months after she died) and I was gullible as s**t. Still am for that one, I can't read people at all. But seriously like why would you do that to someone? If you know that they're gonna start crying if you're mean to them just don't be mean. Even if it's such a small thing that you view as a joke, just be f*****g nice to people, especially if they've done nothing wrong. Also, school systems for bullying need to be better. One of the only things I can recall from elementary is that I repeatedly went to teachers, principals, counselor etc and they never did jack s**t. Multiple times I would end up being yelled at for a kid attacking me/ verbally bullying me. I feel like I'm making a huge deal out of nothing whenever I mention this (the biggest problem I've gotten from thus other than what I've mentioned is debilitating anxiety and losing sleep/having anxiety attacks is nowhere near as bad as what some people go through) but I've never really been able to get over it and I feel like the happy, healthy childhood that others have had was stolen from me. I have no idea who I would be if I had been allowed to develop like a normal child. I'm very proud of who I am and super happy with myself, but I still wish I knew.