Ex. Would you rather swim with sharks in a cage, or hold a big, hairy, fist-sized tarantula in your hand for 1- a minute?
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Would you rather lose the ability to lie or believe everything you’re told?
Would you rather put a toothpick under your toe nail and kick a wall or peel of your eyeball with a fork?
would you rather have a million dollars and no friends and no family or be poor with best friends and family?
would you rather eat Sammy the sloth or eat Alfredo the porcupine
sammy sloth(from yammy) alfredo porcupine(from reaction time)
Would you rather with a fictional character or have fictional characters live with you?
Would you rather receive 10,000 dollars a day, but half of it goes to your worst enemy, or receive 10 dollars a day, and keep all of it.
Here's my go to:
Would you rather eat poop that tasted like chocolate of chocolate that tasted like poop.
Chocolate that tastes like poop, how would you know what poop tastes like?
If you had tooo ... as in the world was about to blow & you had two options....
*Submarine to live in waterworld under the sea. OR
*Spaceship to live on Mars
spaceship to live on mars. Because the world blew up o there wold be no underwaterworld sea.
would you rather date me or date Ollie ball
Date you. If your a boy of course. I cant tell by your user picture/name.
Would you rather date your best gal/guyfriend who's always hanging out with your actual crush, or get nicely rejected by them when you ask them out?
would you rather be a hero who always loses, or a villain who always wins?
How can you be a hero, if you are always failing to save people from harm? The second one.
Would you rather:
a) Have all the conveniences of living as a video game character (implausible inventory, food = instant healing, random money on the floor etc.) but be restricted to pre-set dialogue options for all eternity, or
b) Have all the detriments of living as a video game character (monsters chasing you, clips through the map, uncanny appearance etc.) but have all eternity to build as many relationships as you like?
Would you rather be forced to never leave your hometown or be banned from your hometown?
Banned from it. I want to travel the world. Sounds cliche' ish but thats what I want to do.