Hey Pandas, Share Your Funny, Weird Or Horrible Valentine’s Day Stories (Closed)
Can't wait to read your stories!
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On valentine's day 6 years ago, I got back my test results confirming that I have a neurological degenerative disease. And nothing I can do about it. Then later that night my ex boyfriend dumped me and sh!tshow with him started. It was a tough day to say the least. So fück you John!
But now I'm at peace with everything, found my balance and happy with my life.
Thanks my fur babies 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻
I bought my crush a plushy. It was a pink cat, her favorite color and favorite animal. I backed out of giving it to her today and when I told my friends, one of them went over and got her and said I had something to give her. I was freaking out and wasn't taking it out and I took so long she turned around to make me more comfortable. I eventually got it out and handed it to my friend to give to her. She just said thank you and that it was really nice and left. Then I went nonverbal and I'm gonna have to act like nothing happened when I go home because my parents are homophobic and also for some reason never let me express negative emotions.
I'm sorry. I hope you have a good Valentine's Day anyways ❤
Never been big on Vday, but one year I was casually seeing a guy when it rolled around. I had zero expectations, but I ended up being sick so he told me he was going to get me some soup and Sherrie's Berries and come over and hang out. It was a very sweet, totally volunteered and out of the blue offer. He never showed, never answered his phone later either. I would have been perfectly fine just sleeping all day before he offered to do something nice and then ghosted me.
SO and I are having marital issues for the past 7 months. LDR for as long. Won't/refuse to communicate with me. Valentines Day he texted me first. We had a nice convo, albeit avoiding talking about things that might upset us both. I'm happy for that. No flowers, no nothing but those texts more than made up for it.
My finals are today on Valentine’s Day :(
Also turns out half my class knows I have a crush on someone which is inconvenient
So I got rejected by my crush yesterday (I'm doing okay I guess) and one of my friends gave me a box of conversation hearts. I was eating them later, listening to sad music, and I kept getting ones that said 'hard pass.' Insult to injury. It was actually kind of funny though. Happy Single's Awareness Day, everyone!
I received a flower from a male on Valentine's Day for the first time in my life.
My Gen Bio II professor handed each of us a flower in class and then we discussed how they are the reproductive organs of plants. He then went on to give us an assignment of giving someone the flower and saying, "Here is the dying reproductive organ of a plant as a token of my affection for you." We had to video it and send it to him lol.
My friend's brother's ex gave her a rose and told her to cut it in half and give her brother the bottom half
this was back when i was in elementary school, at most 4th grade, there was this kid who had a crush on me. back then i had the attention span of a baby so i would figure it out(based on context clues or usually someone hinted/told me) and i would freak out about it, and then forget about it after like, ten minutes. thinking back on it, the situations between me and the kid were downright hilarious. there are so many stories that i have but theres the one imma tell y'all:
This was around elementary school, i was playing outside with the neighborhood kids who are around my age. this includes me, my sis(whos not that much younger than me), and the dude who had a crush on me.
while we all were playing, the dude pulled my sis aside and said that he had a crush on me. my sis, being a young kid and not knowing what that is, proceeded to immediately turn around to come tell me. the dude told her not to, and eventually, she agreed. she waited at least 7 years to tell me, not even giving me a clue. as a professional yapper, i admire her patience.
now me and the dude are pretty good friends so it has a happy ending ^_^
I got a prank candygram when I was in high school.
The only candygram I've ever gotten was a prank.
I fúcking hate Valentine's Day.
This was 20 years ago when I was 17 he was maybe a year older. It was terrible relationship to be honest, he was an immature little brat and I evidently had no self respect to continue the relationship but I was 17 I had alot to learn! This was our first valentine's day, he'd been saying for weeks how much of a romantic person he is in relationships and this was my first time dating on valentine's day so I'd actually gotten abit excited since he'd hyped it up so much. We lived just over an hour's train journey away from each other and had been taking it in turns to stay at each others houses (both living with our parents). The plan was for him to come to my house on the day and it was going to be 'all romantic' so I waited. And waited. Something had come up, a 'friend' needed his help it was an emergency. So I waited longer. He'd finally told me he'd gotten the train to theirs, didn't tell me where or who they were. Hours go by, he's missed the last train so he's got to stay the night. When I finally see him the next day he's virtually silent and won't look me in the eyes just generally really awkward. He'd bought me a teddy (if your curious it was piglet, I didn't even like Winnie the pooh or piglet and I despised the colour pink!) He finally tells me who it was (never heard of this girl in my life) that she was really forward and insisted they sleep in bed together but nothing happened? And somehow fumbles out the most ridiculous story I've ever heard, very odd way of dealing with it. Never understood why he didn't make something else up entirely when he obviously didn't even tell me the whole truth.
So my valentine's day was spent alone and his was spent with some random girl doing well you can only imagine right?
We carried on dating for a few more months (hence the comment about my self respect) he never visited this girl again but there were others, plenty of other ridiculous stories too and I ended up with lots of different teddies 😂
When I finally broke up with him he had the audacity to come to my parents house and throw stones at my window and broke it, presumably to try get my attention? And threated to jump off a bridge unfortunately.. it's crazy thinking back to how he dealt with the break up since he seemed quite content being with anyone else who was interested in him.
Got sent a rose by someone I barely know (it was probably a prank). It said something like "I have admired you for years (I only knew he existed last year)... something something boiling love... meet me outside these lockers right after school" When I got handed this, I saw one of his friends laughing his butt off and I instantly knew it was a prank. I avoided those lockers on V-day.
I've never had any reason to celebrate Valentine's day. At least my owners tolerate me (in exchange for tuna, of course).
My husband and I usually don't celebrate because we say "I love you" and kiss multiple times a day (we're both retired). But this year, we both received bargains/coupons on meals from different places in town for V day. I do the finances and we just spent a lot of money on renovating our kitchen so I didn't want to spent $$. I found a few gift cards around the house so we decided to use one instead of paying for stuff. We got coffee and dessert at a coffee shop. It was fun. PS my husband receives multiple GC every year but I keep losing them so it's always a surprise to find one or two!
This is a funny one. We don't celebrate this day but sometimes we do something special for us. So this year, my husband went into a fish shop where you can buy fresh and raw fish. We both love to eat fish and that was a day for very good fish. The woman who prepared it asked my husband if he had bought some flowers for me already and he shook his head, pointed to the fish and Said that this is his gift as a meal together is so much better than flowers. She laughed and gave him a single pink rose to round up our meal.
I've never had any reason to celebrate Valentine's day. At least my owners tolerate me (in exchange for tuna, of course).
My husband and I usually don't celebrate because we say "I love you" and kiss multiple times a day (we're both retired). But this year, we both received bargains/coupons on meals from different places in town for V day. I do the finances and we just spent a lot of money on renovating our kitchen so I didn't want to spent $$. I found a few gift cards around the house so we decided to use one instead of paying for stuff. We got coffee and dessert at a coffee shop. It was fun. PS my husband receives multiple GC every year but I keep losing them so it's always a surprise to find one or two!
This is a funny one. We don't celebrate this day but sometimes we do something special for us. So this year, my husband went into a fish shop where you can buy fresh and raw fish. We both love to eat fish and that was a day for very good fish. The woman who prepared it asked my husband if he had bought some flowers for me already and he shook his head, pointed to the fish and Said that this is his gift as a meal together is so much better than flowers. She laughed and gave him a single pink rose to round up our meal.