I can activate my inner ear muscles at will. You know that roaring sound when you jawn. I can trigger it by flexing my ear muscles.
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I was once described as a "bendy toy"
I can put my hands on the ground facing one direction and twist back so that my feet are on the ground facing the opposite direction.
can blur my eyes voluntarily
also hyperhydrosis. apparently >1% of the worlds population has it so yeah..pretty rare.
It only makes your water metabolism extremely inefficient, which can lead to a higher risk of dehydration. but don't sweat about it or anything (pun intended)
I can squirt liquid from my tongue.
Also known as Gleeking.
I can reach my belly button with my opposite arm twisted behind my back. It’s not painful, but it’s pretty weird. I’m a freak of nature, and I have a good figure.
I can do a few weird things with my body. I can literally rest my hands on my shoulders with my arms bending back and my arms resting on my the front of my shoulders It seems kinda simple, but for some reason people are freaked out by it. I guess it is probably because I am pretty skinny.
My second thing is that I can blow air through my right eye. I think it probably has to do with the ducts leading up to my eyes.
I can also do this weird sound by swallowing and breathing in a bit. It sounds to me(due to the human brains tendency to hear your voice differently than it really is.) like a bit of a mix between a dying frog and a shart.
I can also wrench my arm out of its socket a bit.
I can kinda of stretch my skin farther than most in some parts. Let's say they can stretch their part of the skin 1 inch, I can do about 2-2.5 inches on some parts. How I know this is a lot of people tried to do it like me and couldn't.
I can touch my thumb to the bottom on my forearm, on both hands. I recently learned that not everyone can do this.
I always see tons of tiny moving dots on top of whatever I'm looking at, my eyesight's fine.
I always see tons of tiny moving dots on top of whatever I'm looking at, my eyesight's fine.