What's the hardest thing you've ever gone through in your life?


The five months between my mother's cancer diagnosis and her death..... I was 35 at the time,still way too young to deal with that.... led to 20 years of isolation and mental illness.....



Recovering from a near fatal motorcycle accident about 15 years ago. I suffered severe brain trauma, fractured skull, smashed left shoulder and wrist, fractured pelvis, 3 fractured lumbar vertebrae (L3-L5), and a smashed left hip. I was in a coma for 2 weeks and I needed numerous surgeries and 2 years of physiotherapy. I am now as recovered as I ever will be but I still have in pain in my hip, shoulder and wrist almost almost every day and I get frequent migraines as a result of the brain trauma. I do still ride a motorcycle though and I will continue to do for as long as I am physically or mentally able. It took quite a while before I was mentally able to ride again but the fact that there was nothing I could have done differently to avoid the accident other than been somewhere else at that particular moment when the myopic halfwit in an SUV hit me, made me realise that sometimes, sh*t happens and no one lives forever.


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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You really are a champion. Keep going and keep telling that grim reaper guy to buzz off and pick on someone else.

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Quite in a tough time right now since end of October. Lost my brother-in-law end of october to cancer (age 46). Two weeks later his wife/widow (my sister-in-law) got diagnosed with stage-3 cancer (age 47). Still battling it. A few weeks later found out that my mother collected some debt (mid-sized five-figures) that needs sorting out.

And just three days ago my mother was hospitalized with heart problems (again). Worst case....her time's up. Best case: she makes it, but will need constant care and help from now on (professional help at home or transfer to a nursing home). We will know in the next few days.

So, yeah.... it could go better right now.



Go through having watch my father die of covid and on the day I got back from his funeral, my wife decided to drop the bombshell she wanted a divorce. Then a month later having to put down my dog. Then having to start over from scratch back in my home town with job, 1/2 my money, and no car. But now I am in a much better place.


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Homelessness & knowing most "civilized" people wish you were dead.


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8 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's awful. Please know not everyone feels that way. I hope you find some help soon.

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That's tricky. About a year ago I was going throgh a rough breakup and did some s-h and also contemplated unaliving myself. I'm better now, thankfully, but I was pretty messed up.


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8 months ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm relieved you didn't go through with it and that you're feeling mentally better. If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to reach out to me. ❤️

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In seventh grade, I was constantly overstimulated and triggered, frequently dissociating, and there was nobody that I could talk to because my parents refused to believe that there was anything wrong with me. I was miserable and depressed, as well as confused because my parents had talked me into believing that I hadn't experienced any trauma.


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Bullying, Horrendously bullied.
I've had two people cry at what happened to me, like geez it was me not you.
I don't really go into it but when I have, the reaction is 'how are you so positive?! If that happened to me I would be destroyed'
I used to say I refused to let the bullies win, now I just look back on it and go, "yeah that was awful, yet it's made me a very strong person".


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Being bullied basically every year in elementary school.

My friend killing themselves last June.


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Surviving my parents.


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I’m young and maybe overdramatic but I’d like to share my story with you for a moment.
I’m a teenage boy in middle school. I moved across the country a couple years ago. I go to school in a very small town and the middle school and high school is in one building and is mostly the same teachers. Anyway, last year I joined the school band. While in the band I met a girl. She’s a grade above me but is only a few months older than me. We became friends and enjoyed each other’s company. I had lots of things going through my head and I was anxious about a lot of things, but she brought joy to my life because I knew I had a good friend who supported me. When the school year started I realized I had developed feelings for her. Last month before Christmas vacation, I told her about it. She said she didn’t feel the same way towards me but she said that she valued our friendship too much to end it over something like that, and that was good enough for me. She got a phone for Christmas (her parents didn’t want her to have one until she was in high school) and I gave her my number so we could chat outside of school. Before I would stay up at night scrolling on YouTube shorts but at this point I would instead stay up talking to her about life. I would bring up how she felt about me liking her occasionally to make sure she wasn’t uncomfortable around me. I asked her to the school dance but the middle and high school weren’t allowed to go together, otherwise she would have. My parents got curious about who I liked at school and why I was always excited to play pep band at basketball games, and they eventually figured it out and of course I told her. Anyway a couple weeks ago, we were hanging out with our other friends waiting to play at the basketball game. I wanted to talk with them and do stuff we usually did, but the rest of them wanted to practice music and learn dances. I felt ignored and got upset with them. She got irritated with me because in her mind I was being mopey and upset with them for no reason. The next day was Saturday, the day of the school dance, and I texted her saying I was sorry. She was very upset with me and one of our mutual friends (we’ll call her Dot) tried to convince her to accept my apology. I was stressing out that I was going to lose my best friend and texted her saying I knew she was mad at me but I still cared about her and I hoped she had fun at the dance with her friends. I was desperate and wasn’t thinking clearly and texted her saying I loved her. Later at the dance Dot convinced her to accept my apology. She did, but when she read my text she sort of freaked out. She texted me saying she was no longer comfortable around me and didn’t want to be my friend. Last week Dot tried to get her to realize I made a mistake and that she should forgive me. However she’s very stubborn and it’s difficult to get anything through to her. Lately I’ve been feeling upset about it, and sometimes I find myself feeling like I’ve lost my motivation in life. Today she apparently told the rest of our friends what went down. All but one of them didn’t think she should stop being friends with me. Dot told me that the girl wants to be friends with me but not while I like her, but what irritated me is that she has made it seem like she suddenly hates me. Dot tried to get it through to her that she was being immature and had a bad plan of action, but she said there wasn’t anything that would change her mind (Dot left before things got physical).
If you’ve read this far, I congratulate and thank you. I’ve been stressing out about this situation for a while and it’s been a rough road, and I appreciate a chance to share my story.


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