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I work as a CNA in a nursing home. Whenever a resident dies, this one locked door (one that requires a code to get in) opens and closes by itself about 5 times within 2 hrs of when they pass away. It doesn’t open by itself any other time. One time it opened and closed like that was when nobody died there but a person had been transported to the hospital. We all said, “well, “Bob” died.


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My father was a beekeeper. There are lots of traditions regarding bees and death, one of which is that you have to go and tell the bees that their keeper has died and tie a black ribbon on the hives. (I think the idea behind this superstition was so that the bees get accustomed to the new beekeeper's smell so they don't get aggressive.) Anyway, on the day of my father's funeral, a swarm of his bees were in the yew tree right above his grave. We know they were his because of the unusual markings they had compared to other bees in the area.


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