It's so easy to get an answer to any question nowadays: just Google it! Although I am thankful for Google and can't really imagine how we managed without it before, it can be a wondrous and bizarre place of unexpected searches.
Now, imagine what your cat would search on the internet and post it here!
This post may include affiliate links.
mouse mousse recipes
how to catch the red dot
how to scratch hooman perfectly
how catch birb
how to keep hooman off gud fur
Cute human pics
How to explore the world outside your door
Gourmet artisinal cat treats and cat grass gift baskets
Cat condos in the upper westside
How to get your hooman to buy you even more food than you have and need
Why the hooman is so mad I scratched her
Why are mice so yummy
Why is my litterbox dirty
How too cleer serch histery so hooman cant post on BP
How to grab the light beam
How to explain to my owner that I want and don't want pets at the same time
How to make objects bounce after you push them off the table
(Hint: first result will be "practice makes perfect")
ahh i died laughing when i read the 3rd one and my mom yelled at me and told me to do my work :( lmfao tho bro
Are you kidding? like my cat would wake up for long enough to type something.
How to catch bird
How to open door
How to kill dog
how do you sell something on amazon
how do you sell dog on amazon
flea remover pills
how do you give hooman pills without dem looking
dinners with bird
how do you remove a collar
Cat 1
How to steal sister's food
Fighting strategies
Why am I being called "Chonky"
Cat 2
How to stop brother from stealing food
How to make hooman luv me
Best ways to get petted
litter boxes near me
claw manicures
what does "awww floofy" mean from a hooman
how to catch fish
yellow pasta
green pasta
can cat eat pasta
how to take over world
how to get drunk on catnip
why does my human throw out my gifts
does my human know there is a demon hiding in the kitchen
how to throw up on the rug the proper way
when will humans accept cats as our overlords
Human, I am an intellectual being
If you are going through my search history
Then i demand wet food
Why is compooter so comfy?
rfehbyfgbhjcn ';jvhy7gh
Why hooman get mad at me for slapping them
Tuna price
cat food
Are cats bipolar?
Why does hooman sleep when it's 3:00?
How to get high off catnip 101
Why doesn't my human let me in the bathroom
Why am I so fat? Biography of a cat named Matt
How to show my love for my human? Mice or dice?"TheJoysofSteak."
-I don't have a cat but I love them so I made it up :)-
how to politley bite my owner
hhow to cathc the red dot
tasty mouse resipes
how 2 get hooman to fed me exctra food
tasty ffish
how too take over the world
tasty mice in my areea
how to convinse hooman to not gib bath
how to trayn hooman to follow commands
how to tell if hooman is stoopid
are poops bad forr you
can you eat poops
how too tell if im a Nyan cat
aajkfsgddew fferfiewdw defjwerf f
why do hooman pspspsspspspspspspsspspsps to me
why do hooman summon the dark lord of cats with pspspss
evill red dot
red dot trayning
i lik nyan cats
how to eat budgie bird withowt hooman seeing
tassty budgie recipess
meow mew
hi, I don't own a cat (or a budgie for that matter) but was bored and decided to make this. hope you had a good laugh or two!!
catnip drug dealers in my area
stupid dog videos
how to create more hell
why doesn't hooman like glass cups on da floor
how to create black holes
why my hooman wants to do the mouse (what the cats hear when we say meow)
How climb shoulders
How annoy human
Why loves I human
How get best scratches
How annoy dog
Why dog no loves me
Best sleepy position
the logical conclusion..... dog no loves me cause me search ways to annoy dog
How to rap bird body for gifting
why do humans talk to us in their own language
top 15 best DIY furniture makeover using only claws
1how to make ur Hooman give cat rats
2catazon hooman litter box
3cat coupons
I don't have a cat but I imagine -w-
How to order boxes from Amazon
How to frame the dog
Thumb exercises
Catnip dealers nearby
Philosophy books: The meaning and importance of the red dot Vol I.-III.
How to catch the red dot
How to catch mouse
How to escape out of a door when hooman opens it to get groceries out of the car
Why is hooman in my poop box
Alternatives for poop box
How to escape house
How to do most damage to dad's legs
How to open doors
How to find cat treats
How to open cat treats bag
How to hide evidence of eating ice cream
How to open closet door
What shoes do I sit on
How to steal dog's food
How to stop dog steal my food
What does fuzzy mean
How to poop in neighbor's yard correctly
What does 'Good job pooping in neighbor's plants' mean from human
What does hooman mean by that lady is trying to catnap me
Where to best take nap
How to eat hair without hooman noticing
How to become paper shredder
What does catnip smell like
How do i open cabinet
How do i spray catnip
How to steal ice cream from human
How to distract human and get milk
How to: Dominate the world, kill all creaturez and hoomanz, have endless yummy treatz and make professional petting robots
if i had a cat:
how 2 rule ovr humns
how 2 maill dogs 2 de moon
how 2 sstop tyny humn frm touchng mii
how 2 gt owt of de pownd
our cat would not be a very good speller LOL
wut privacy mean
new rug for hooman to clean my vomit
boi cats
how to talk 2 hooman
how to ask for food in hooman
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catnip gourmet
more catnip
how to kil hooman
y do baby chase me
y hooman yel wen i puke on floor
how 2 anoy hooman
how 2 get in hooman room
Google search History:
Are cats really fluid
If i fits I sits
how to grow your own cat nip
how to lay on hoomans face without smothering them
why do hoomans like water so much
what does neuter mean?
grumpy cat
why hoomans no like songs of my people
wet food stores nearby
how to annoy dog
how to get drunk on catnip
How to get more treats.
How to meow louder.
How to get out the door.
How to try to trick my human into giving me wet food.
I swear my cat just can't get enough with the catnip! I give it to him once a week soon as he gets it he bounces off the walls
how to ecsap from cta bed
install htea vent
wheer is catnip
catlip plant
vocal exercise fro cat
letmeout: the biography.
amozon password
how to get treats
how to make hooman slave
opposable thumbs,who needs them
how to suffcate hooman
yummy cat treats
i dont have a cat but if i did:
how to take over the world
how to be da bigest pest to da hoomans
result:run around house,at top speed, on a trail of plastic bags, with your kittens running behind you meowing to play with your tail
how to trick the dog
101 ways to kill a mouse
ways to keep your hooman awake at 3 in the morning
whats the best thing to knock of the table
-h0w 2 get hooman to make meh gurrmet meels
-h8w tooo do crookshanks from hairy purrter makeupp
-wy do my child humman call me kitty kitty meow meow
-huw to kach redd dott w/tips
-r cats betr than dogs?
-famos kittys in hisstury
Cat's search history: How To Serve Dog
Me looking at screen, puzzled, then horrified...
Wetfoodz sale
Toilet wahetr
pspspsps sound ten hourz
how to getz outsides
cat treets fancy yumy cat treetz
Why my tail floof?
How to rid of dog
How to kill dog
1000 ways to poach a dog
Why dog snoot other dogs bum
Why dog has big snoot
Dog trap
How to mail dog
How to be dog
I have two cats, so the *'s will be for one, ~'s for the other.
*How to catch burd
*Why cant catch burd
*why no treats
*why burd
*how burd
*where tuna
*how treats
~where to hide
~where can hide
~why brother like burd
101 ways to serve meeses
how to grow lush cat nip
The Kats Meow (kitty porn website)
best ways to annoy your hooman when they be busy
hooman behavior explained
fastest way to sharpen your claws
The Kats Meow
quickest way to piss of da doggie
kitty yoga to help get in weird sleeping positions
Meowing tips and tricks to be as loud and obnoxious as possible at 3:30 in the morning
The Kats Meow
What makes yarn so enticing, is it the color or the texture
enhance your barfing experience
The Kats Meow
places that serve mouse
cute pictures of humans
why does my butt taste good
dating websites for cats
Why won’t my human let me sit on their keyboard
Best place to satisfy the itch
Why does dry food exist
How to get rid of dog without humans knowing
Why do my humans yell at me when I eat the plants
Cat-hooman pocket dictionary
1000 ways to confuse hoomans
The purrrfect murder: a cats story
Why human says im a bumblebee
How to look like a bumblebee
How to be cute like a bumblebee
How many food i get for being a bumblebee
What is a bumblebee
Hot cats in my area wheres my ballz?
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sell dog
kill human
no get pets from humaan
weird red dot that oddly attracts me
hiw to catch dot
how to murder the dot
To bite, or not to bite?
cans I really fits?
is Chester dog yummy?
what is movie "Don't f***k with cats" about? Netflix
Is there even Cats in "Don't f***k with cats"?
dumb bird videos
Best Art gallery near me
(Yes he would totally use question marks in google searches. and chester is my dog if you are wondering)
y do hooman kiid chase me wif stic
do hooman take pill to?
gorge mowington
y me nam is boobo ber
how to scratch hooman and get awae
How to strangle a human
World domination for cats
How to catch the red dot
how do I rip open the food bag
How to hide poop
Why dus hooman pet meh?
How to scere smol humn?
how kil dog?
How to perfom skrach and run?
Purina stocks
why is compooter so comfu7?
Catnip delers in floriduh
how to hid3 catnip smel frum hoomin?
messed up i meant:
howetwo spek englashfor morfod
Cutemale puursians nearmeh
Mail purrsians nearsme
catfod 100%of
Why are my hoomans trying to poison me with evil cat food?
How to get ride of foster fur brother?
What is the best time to wake hooman up?
Where can I buy popcorn?
where to buy mice
how to kill vacuum cleaner
why don't humans lick themselves
why do humans only sleep at night
how to get attention
how to make humans keep stroking you
how to wake hooman up at 3 am in the annoyingest way possible
jdbhksfd bvfsn vrskth42ubt 4th853r
how to catch red dot
the dissapaerence of the red dot story
me catch birb
hooman does not like
hooman eats birb for dinner
hooman logic
how to walk across the keyboard like a pro
rgvbwjabgrvjuBSGUJVr;jsBGuw4u75t714gtu;vm8tp9 4w
How to get the hooman to install a catflap so i can annoy her constantly
How to phase through a door
Asmr can opener sounds to relax to
House fly footage to keep your reflexes sharp
How wet food is really made
Hot lady lions in the wild xxx
how to catch red dot
laser pointer
aantomi of hoomen
crap i forgot "let me through the door" and "where hoomen eyes locate"
How to annoy hoomans as much as possible, how to kill Hooman, cute human pictures, best places to nap, jnkcerifbefjivbiefhfivjihe&rheijehrighierhgigerbjkfebjrgi,
You mean MY search history? I'm the hoMEOWner.
best easy tips for driving (for cats)
best weapons of destruction 2020 (opposable thumbs not needed)
how to convince your human's dog to serve you
fastest ways to take over the world
how to get treats from a high shelf
how to make meow treats
how to make lazer beam
how to catch red dot
how to kill humen
how to take over the world with lazer bem
how to act like humen
how to get female kat to wike me
youtube vids for kats
how to get more fwod fwrom humen
i don't have a cat so i'm gunna try
why dog like chase me?
how to get dog in truouble?
why hooman yell when find turd in bed.
why never blame dog for turds.
How to get your coat to really shine
Who's the prettiest kitty
How to get your hooman to stop touching and just wook at me
How to play with a hooman
Why do hoomans think I mean when I give eye kisses?
How to grow thumbs
Can humans feel pain
Why do the humans keep stealing my poop
Why are carpets nice to sit on
Catnip Dealers near me
How do I geet my moom to get rid of my baes kittens
how to find food in the bush
how to get insiedddddd
Train my hooman
Why sleeping on a keyboard so good
How decide I want in or out
Mausamisu recipe
Best way to kill that dog
How be more fluffy
best cat weed (catnip)
Wet food
How do i makes the hooman listens?
Cat dentists
My four cats bud, jr, ruby and lily's search history
Hitman 4 dog nextdr
R invisblty cloks rl
How get human to lv me alon
hw to git red dot
blk mrket 4 catnp
Hooman has brought a smal fluf how do I kil it weiugqohevboquegouqgeougeougoqugfoqjgogjboejboqjefboqjbebljqbfljbbljfblqjefgljqebf
Hooman hid fud Bcjbfvojbwvojnhvjwnsslv
How kil bird ipfehpwidhfpiwehfpwkhefpkhwpfkhepwkdhf
-how to shut up? -what does no mean? -how to make humans think I’m nice but then kill them? -is it ok to have favourites? -hduejwoxhenwkwiwoqoqjwjd
Cat One:
Why doesn't Cat Two eat treats
Why can't I eat the treats Cat Two won't eat
Best types of cat food.
How to get free cans of Fancy Feast.
Cat Two:
Howw tooo discable hooman vacumm
How too usey mathes
Howw tooooo mak ginormus messez
Not my cat but my friend's :P
how to get run over by car
how to whine for food then reject it
how not scare great dane
how to jumpscare kookumbur
where is the snaks hiding
How to take over the world
How to get rid of a fish without getting in trouble
Where to find catnip
How to get the FBI of your tail
what is blep
how to git mere box
catnip bad hadit?
why slave be pet me
hoew to geet untigle froom stbring blaw
How to take overz world
Catnip drug deeler
How to capture evilz red dot
How to sell dog on Craigslist
How to wake hooman at 4 am
Y hooman not like birb present
Y hooman yell when i bringz live prey
How to blackmail hooman into give me treats
How to get petz
What is “Chonky”
-human-: how to stop my cat from searching things on Google.
-cat-: why hooman try to password protec googel
...I wish I had a cat
how to kill the red dot
how to get rid of canine neighbours
top cat apartments in los angeles
tasty mice recipes
how to get stupid alley cats away from your girl
how to change name from jack to loki
How to scratch hooman harder
How to make my hooman gimme goode food
Why am i trapped in big kitty litter thingy
This is not my cat but my friends cat.
1. Most amazing catnip ever
2. Why dont my hoomans pets me enogh
3. why does my hoomans say if i fits i sits
Why is there fluffy cold stuff falling from the sky
Where did my owner go
I’m getting a bit old
What is that?
Egyptian cat worship
Tips for sharpening nails
Best spots to bite human when done with rubs
What’s behind that closed door?
Bottle cap hockey
Best hours to sing song of my people
How to mess with dog
Well, I don’t have a cat, but I can be my doggy’s
How to make sister want play
How to get all the treats
How to brake the side of my kennel
How to get all the good girls
How to make mommy less made when I knock over the garbage can
How to get rid of the new dog without the humans knowing
How to be less short
How to get that one really aggravating squirrel
Can I eat this
Why doesn’t the gloogle know what the this is
How to get all the pets
Search number 1: stuff that comes in cardboard boxes 2: cardboard boxes near me 3: catnip 4: cardboard box 5: meeeeeeeeeow 6: how to get scritches 7: purrrrrrr 8: Food 9: how to get rid of dog 10: alfj oejilseo8023&#%SJLFEIL[] d/[]9}kks 11: get catnip 12: catch red dot
Search number 1: stuff that comes in cardboard boxes 2: cardboard boxes near me 3: catnip 4: cardboard box 5: meeeeeeeeeow 6: how to get scritches 7: purrrrrrr 8: Food 9: how to get rid of dog 10: alfj oejilseo8023&#%SJLFEIL[] d/[]9}kks 11: get catnip 12: catch red dot