Nothing inappropriate or stuff like that! Anything else is fine... In your entry please include:
1. What the piece of artwork is!
2. How long it took!
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+20 Hours Of Work In Total I Think?
Uhh... 26.5hrs
"Lisa". Took Me 6-7 Hours.
A Wyvern That I Drew With The Help Of A How To Draw Book. It Took Me 6+ Hours.
Very good!!! I love all the detail! You are very talented! Keep it up! Thank you for sharing your work!
Mission San Miguel - ~5 Years
I see you’ve time traveled from the renaissance with that level of art skill
A Fish Tessellation! Took Me About 3 Hours
3-4 Hrs (Maybe) For This Pride-Themed Bascetta Star
Took Me 6 Ours
Bleached Coral - About Two Weeks With Very Little Sleep.
I can't imagine. I can not imagine how much work that would take. It is gorgeous.
Took Me Around 30+ Hours I Think 😄
A Couple Of Hours - Its Large
"Live Music"
About 2 Months Each, With Overlap
Peacock, 30 + Hours
Stained Glass Panel-About 50 Hours
Meeting Of The Magistrates-11"X17" (For Players In A Mythic Japanese Roleplaying Game)-With Research, Drafting And Painting Took About 90 Days.
Apparently, I'm a LOT slower than the other artists in this group;p!
It’s An Among Us Oc 🙃
Sub 200h Over A Couple Of Months If Counting Sketch And Concept... Over-Detailed But Man, I Learned A Lot Working On It.
Had To A Paper Collage For My Art Class So I Did My Doggo
I don't think this is my longest piece, but it took me a while so
I Have No Idea What Is This 2+ Hours
This Took Me Like A Total Of 7-9 Hours
The Royal Stable
This Took Me 7+ Hours ;w;
This Shadow Box Took Me Weeks To Create. It Has So Many Layers And It Lights Up.
After Practicing And Training My Dog A Lot, I Finally Got This Perfect Shot. (Hey, The Publisher Never Said What Kind Of Art, Photography Is An Art)
18-20 Hours. It Was A 2020 Christmas Gift For My Best Friend.
The Feathers (Textures) And Shading Took Me The Longest. I Would Of Made The Fog Look Better Than This... It's Old.
Btw (this somehow didn't send so I'm retyping it), I am aware it says "Storm". That is my watermark and I can somehow show proof to you? Er... not sure how but this is indeed my artwork.