Hey Pandas, Post The First Line To A Random Song That Is Rare-Ish And See Who Replies With The Next Line (Closed)
Well, yeah. That's fairly self-explanatory. It doesn't have to be a rare song, I guess, but I would go for a fan song or just a weird song.
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work it harder, make it better
She was more like a beauty queen...
Take my love, take my hand
I just watched the entire season again so had the song stuck in my brain 😄
So I never really knew you…
Some I can hear you calling
No time for rest no pillow for my head
I’m gonna post one even though it’s closed… here it is: Mamaaa
this is closed but i still want to submit some thing Tonight... I'm gonna have myself... a real good time
I’m gonna post one even though it’s closed… here it is: Mamaaa
this is closed but i still want to submit some thing Tonight... I'm gonna have myself... a real good time