Hey Pandas, Post An Opinion You Have That You Feel Like No One Else Has
If I had to pick one, I guess it would be how terrible games like Fortnite are. It’s just shoot as many people as possible so you get bragging rights for it(?), and do a stupid celebration dance afterward.
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All animals have feelings from the tiniest bug to the biggest ocean creature and all in between.
Lobsters are adorable!!! Nobody else seems to think theyre cute though 😅🦞
The main problem with people comparing anti-COVID measures with the Holocaust isn't that they're trivializing it (though that is a problem as well.) It's that they're buying into the bigoted victim blaming narrative that Holocaust victims were ignorant of the Nazi threat and "went like sheep to the slaughter." People want to believe this kind of thing because it helps them cope with living in a world where horrific things happen; the idea that the victims did something wrong comforts them by suggesting that it can't happen to them because they'll do everything right. But it's just not true.
i think alot of people have this opinion because this opinion is a very good opinion yo have
*Deep Breath*
Pineapple is good on pizza
Snakes are cute and not all are dangerous
TikTok is just a ton of people breaking laws for the amusement of everyone else
A gift of cut flowers is morbid and creepy. You killed these flowers for me? Oh.
Turn signals should not only be used on the highway, they should also be used in parking lots.
Wait, where is this not expected? It is called an indicator for a reason, it indicates your intentions.
Modern day feminism is not equal.
Okay, year me out.
Some feminist are like "MEN AND WOMEN ARE EQUAL! EQUAL PAY!" and I totally agree, and I respect women like that.
But the ones that are like "men are trash!" And "Men are gross nasty pigs!!" Or "Kill all straights! Kill all men!" That is NOT equality. Equality is a women AND a man should be able to cry and share there emotions. That a man can hit a women for self defense, along with a women. Equality is that men and women, gay, straight, trans, should be payed the same. And you shouldn't call yourself a feminist if you hate women for simply disagreeing with you. You don't shave? Cool. You don't like pink? Cool. It doesn't matter what you do. Stop shaming other women for what they do, stop shaming men.
People who don't think it is about equality are not actually feminists. And giving people hate or abusing them just to get back at them or someone else is totally wrong. Just because someone hurts you doesn't give you the right to hurt them back and actually ruins your position.
I believe that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. He had every reason in the world to want out.
Sometimes being honest is not the right thing to do.
My partner disagrees with me on that because he is really open. But often the truth is just going to hurt or worry others.
All my grandmas/aunts are very old 86-92-93-96 and fragile. I refuse to tell them about my health issues because they are too old to worry about me. Now it is time for me to worry and care for them. My illneses are invisible so as soon as I can walk and i hide the pain they wont know. And they dont need to.
I always wondered when birds just fly in place by a cliff if theyre high AF instead of foreging
Naked mole rats are adorable, when you have dreams your soul teleports to another dimension where you experience it and that is why you feel pain in dreams
James Corden is hot. I have yet to meet someone who shares this opinion.