We all have those items that bring back good memories of the times when we were kids. Show us yours!
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Snoopy - Present From My Mum, Christmas 1973
Dam Thing 1964 (Non Of Those Modern Trolls For Me)
I used to have a birthday troll and lots of little nude ones with gems in belly buttons ☺️
Heart-Shaped Meadow
My dad used to mow the grass into a heart and say that it was my mom's heart and every time we got in trouble he'd mow it smaller and say we were breaking her heart.
This Is Puff, The Magic Dragon! I Have Had Him For 33 Years
Little Cassette Player With A Microphone! Used To Listen To Fun Children's Songs A Lot On This
My Favorite Childhood Book, All Duct Taped Together
Patrick, Given To Me When I Was Born And Later Named By Me After The Brother Of My Best Friend
I Bought The Swatch In The Middle In 6th Grade With Babysitting Money
Loved All The Fisher-Price Playsets
I Think They Were Called Tangrams Or Tanagrams. They All Were Riddled With Bite Marks After Seven Children
Thingmaker Still Have One
The Original 70s Falcon— Complete
Raggedy Ann
My Favorite Toy When I Was Little, A Beanie Baby Lobster Called Colin
This Pink Bear From When I Was Little
Adventure People
Source: https://www.ecrater.com/p/38371554/scuba-divers-fisher-price-the?gps=1&id=81021690619&gclid=CjwKCAjwnZaVBhA6EiwAVVyv9FROZdXxn6A5rdOw9Iu738ixVudj0avoInEX9XMqmjxFRiKH4AyhExoCVEIQAvD_BwE