Hey Pandas, Post A Pic Of Your Cat To Celebrate International Cat Day (Closed)
Today is the world's cat day. Let's purrrish (cherish) them. Catmomz and Catdadz everzwhere!
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Grisina Kmee
Aww. I had a Tortie who looked just like that. In total we've had 3 Torties and they are the funniest cats. We lost our 2 old girls last year at ages 17 and 20. :(
I Iz Helping You Work
Kittyshark Plotting In His Sleep
Finnick Mahogany
Barti And Fredi
They Are My Apartment Strays... They Are Cats So Happy Cats Day... I Think
Pip At 6 Month Old
Monster Almost 1 Year Old
She Who Must Be Obeyed
Her name is Jodie but the title is still correct....🙄
Leo Is The Size Of A Baby Bear
Brothers From Different Fathers
Seeing Unseen
Brothers Having A Calm, Rational Discussion
Goose Being Silly Because He Likes His New Bed
Estrella, Adopted Two Years Ago, After Her Former Human Died
Ash The Poof Poof
Lady Minttu And Oili The Cat
Summer Is Exhausting
Orville. He’s Such A Sweetie X
Otis Toothless, A Street Stray Found His Forever Home
In Memory Of Spud, I'd Grow Grass For Her To Eat, She'd Sleep On It Instead!
Dougal And Dotty. Friends For Life Xx
My Handsome Orange Boi. Meet Houdini
This Is Chang. Chang Likes To Sleep
My Pretty Girl Whisky
Summer Is Exhausting
My Cat Friday With Her Toys
Salvo & Annabelle In Rare Harmony!
Chadwick Demonstrating Latitude
Lily Dragoneyes, Yes It Is Her Name
Asta, Nora, And Nick
Little Miss Delilah The Demon
Settling Down To Work Is Sure To Manifest A Jingle
Majestic Lord Of Chaos Vaatu
Bruce Wayne, The Batcat ♥️
We adopted Medusa in March. She was feral for a year and then spent 10 years in the shelter. So we are working on getting her comfortable ina home. Its been slow. Ironically, for a month she would come into the living area while we were out but we couldn't make eye contact, or else she ran and hid. Currently, she loves our other 2 cats, she has been seen playing 3 times (never played in the shelter) and is seeking out pets. But she is still running if the humans are walking around. We are working on it.
Tigger, My Bestest Boy, Had Him Since He Was 6 Weeks Old, Passed Away Two Years Ago, I Still Miss Him Awful
Snafu James (Orange) And Fubar Jones Disapprove Of Cameras
Vegas, Forever In Our Hearts. Missed And Loved
Hi I’m Jax And I Enjoying My Waljs In My Stroller, Playing In My Pirate Ship And Zoom Vusits With My Owner When She Is On Tour. I Try To Hide In Her Carryon But Am Always Discovered So I Leave One Of My Toys Instead
Hi I'm Jax and I enjoy walks in my stroller, playing in my pirate ship and Zoom visits with my person when she is on tour. I try to hide in her carryon but I am always discovered so I leave one of my toys instead.
Sleepy Jamie
Pumpkin And Sooty Twelve Weeks Old
Alex And Mab
Heidi Parkour, The Queen Of The House
Josie On Top Of The Camper Where She Was Born
Little Willy Named After The 1975 Song
Monkey Has A *lot* Of Energy
Baghira In Her Enclosure
We adopted her in 2017 together with Milli from Tiere in Not. Milli was very cuddly and very outgoing. Baghira on the other Hand is very shy, she loves to cuddle on her conditions. She alway hid behind Milli in new situation. Sadly Milli crossed the rainbow bridge last year. Baghira slowly comes to term with it. She is such a talkative lovely kitty.
Whisky: Does Not Like Riding In Rv's, The Look Says It All!!!
Ying And Yang
Big Uncle Varley Hasn't Yet Figured Out What Do Do About His Crazy New Mini-Me
Pip At 6mth Old
Misty Being Shy
Barley :>
sorry for the bad lighting, taken on my computer late at night-
Playing Hide And Seek
How I Wake Up In The Morning
Charlie And Elton Love The Dog's Bed
My Beautiful Boy, Doo
Pure Feline Grace
Ernie And Billie. She Weighs 8 Pounds, He Weighs 8 Kilograms
Rita (Tuxedo Fatso), Sandie (Orange), And Fluff (Smol Fluffy Siamese)
I love them all so much. Rita is 10 and loves food. A lot. She's goofy and loves to snuggle, though she's not gentle about it (she likes to headbutt). Sandie is 8 and extremely sweet. She's super playful and adorable. She loves everyone, and everyone with a heart loves her. Fluff is super moody and angry, but she's secretly really clingy with me. She pretends she doesn't absolutely love snuggles and love
Apollo Knows He's Handsome
Atlas Did Grow Into Those Big Eyes
Puff Puff And Cap
We adopted Puffy four and a half years ago from the local animal shelter. She was scared to start with but soon settled in. Puffy had no teeth a crumpled ear and was partly deaf. She was 13 years old when we adopted her and was with us for another four and half till she sadly slipped away in her sleep after a short illness. We still miss her so much. She loved sleeping on the Cap America pillow or our large octopus plushies. Sadly missed but we'll never forget her ♥️
Hrh Ralphie
Franklin Tazz
Zeus Hiding On Top Of The Laptop
Pinki Sitting/Laying On Arm Of Chair
Happy Boys
Anua The Mountain Cat
My Supermodel Strikes A Pose
Odin And Apollo
Rufus Sharing His Opinion
Morris Wants You To Look Deep Into His Eyes
Rolland Mayhem
Mother And Daughter Pair. Mom Freddie Is On Top, And Daughter Striker Is On The Bottom
Dexter Aka Db Cooper (As He Very Secretive And Likes To Hide)
Pavlova, The Siberian Kitten
My Ch Kitty, Kara. She Has A Heart On Her Forehead For Kisses
This Is Loopy. She Was My Shadow For 17 Years, Until She Passed In 2020. Her Boss Eye Is From Getting Run Over At A Year Old
Salem Coming To Steal Your Girl
My sweet Salem was given up by his family at 4. The shelter placed him in a too small cage in a PetSmart. When I saw him he was curled up in the back and wouldn't respond. He was the only one left and going back to the shelter. So I took him. He spent the next several weeks racing around my apartment. He's a sweet, gentle giant. And he loves mommy.
Our Sleepy Carly
Sjors Sleeping On Her Favourite Chair
Two Headed Cute Monster
Zira And Her Mother, Sariss
They are mother and daughter. Zira-the grey one is 15 years old, Sariss is 16.
All Hail Smudge, The Queen
Zeus Hiding In The Bubble Wrap
Picasso At Around 9 Months
Coopurr And Karliah
Dot Waiting For Me To Unpack Her Food
Master Edward Scissorhands
Pippi, Destroyer Of Shower Curtains
Myrtle, 21 Years Young
She Wanted The Treat So Bad She Was Going To Fight Me
Omelette Laying On Her Hammock... She Has 1 Foot Thru The Gap!
Three Years Living Together And He's Never Sat In My Lap Before
Furyk, My Very Handsome Boi
Our Lovely Boy😍
Anna Y Pushkino
Wiley And Blinken
This Is Tink, The Orange Menace!
Mine!!! Don't Touch!
Picasso at around 4 months of age. This is when I brought her home. She is a 'don't touch me!' kittie. The Humane Society in Marlboro County, SC, where I found her informed me that she is sweet, but fiesty. She started coming into heat around5 months of age and they couldn't get her fixed right away. When they did and I picked her up at the vet's, they handed me the 'cone of shame' and said, you will need to put it on her. we had to glue her incision and she cannot get it wet or lick the glue off. I paid for the cone and they then let me know, this kitten has a ton of Cattitude. Good luck. Now 3 months later, I keep telling her she is more snapping turtle than kitten! She has the good memory too, very smart kitty. I'm not sure how the Humane society gother but I'm glad she owns me now. We are still dealing with a clawing and biting problem thanks to whatever went on when she was fixed, but its not as bad now as it was 3 months ago.
He Thinks He Is A Cat
Matteus' Tinder Profile Is Better Than Most Middle Aged Cats
Molly 2004 - 2024
Lenni & Ms Kittin' ~happy International Cat Day💕
Rigmor Being Her Adorable Self
Merlin(White Kitty) And Raven(Black Kitty) Catching A Snooze
A Little Screen Time
Daisy... Keeping Me From Working As Usual
Lucy - Who Sleeps With Her Tongue Out
Zizu In Mirror
My Mochi
Gros Nez ("Huge Nose" In French)
Missy 5 Years Old
This Is Garfield. He Loves To Eat, Sleep And Ponder
Bizhiins (Biz-Eenz) Means Cat In Ojibway. Here Is The Glorious Hunter In His Homemade Clown Collar
Fluffy, A.k.a. Chonk. In Her Homemade Clown Collar
Incredible ! I have the estranged TWIN sister of your cat ! See #144 !
Blublu (Aka "The Stupid Child"), Dumbest Cat I Ever Owned, Brain Was Sold Separately But Get Lost During Delivery
She's so dumb I'm her emotional support human.
Also, I made art with her face (double autoportrait linocut) DSC_2263_1...ae0437.jpg
Missy 5 Years Ol
Meet Jax Our Blue-Eyed Tigrett
Max At His Favourite Pastime
Previous Owners Of Our House Had A Cat That Died In A Fire
JK of course haha. It's Pino moving when I took a long exposure picture.