Hey, Pandas, Name A Time That Really Wholesome And Then Embarrassing
All you have to do is name a time in your life when something was really wholesome and then was embarrassing or turned out to be really embarrassing.
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When I was sitting alone and I thought someone was coming to sit with me but then they just asked if they could have a chair to take to their table
I was too short to reach the question on the board, so my teacher saw me contemplating how to best solve the problem of my height as I debated about having enough room to solve the algebra question with the space I would have. He picked me up and held me there so I could reach. Everyone chuckled but he said something along the lines of she was the first one to volunteer to answer the question and shut it down, so the experience was also wholesome.
When i was little, i had a problem where I would see a bald Mexican man and think it was my granpa and run up to him hugging him. Most of them just laughed and pat my back saying something along the lines of " Sorry kid but I'm not your grandpa" while my mom apologised