We are all stressed out right now so if there is anything you need to get off your chest feel free to do so here!


Why is the Pringles can so small!? Even I can't get my hand all the way in them and I have infamously small hands. Like would it kill them to just add some extra inches to the diameter of the can?



Karens. i need to rant about Karens. PUT ON A DAMN MASK!!!!!! stop saying you can't breathe!!!! it is 100% proven that you can!! stop being such a...ok I can't think of any words to describe how horrible they are. stop asking for the manager when you can't get your way and stop acting like a child and throwing a hissy fit when you are proven wrong!! stop using Christianity as an excuse for dumb s**t. also if you can't breathe then why go outside???? newsflash, you aren't always right!!! like, boo hoo the person in front of you grabbed a drink that you didn't want until they got it and even though there are more drinks you just HAVE to get the drink the person in front of you got so now you have to make a huge scene and get the manager because the person in front of you "stole" the drink. like what??????? i have more to rant but my mind has gone on stupidity lockdown because I cant process how stupid Karens are.



Of course! Hamsters! Or mice or rats, etc. I have 2 mice and two rats of my own but this will mainly be about hamsters. Why do people impulsively buy them and abuse them?! I mean it unintentional but you wouldn't go out and buy a lion without researching how to care for it, right?! Like, you have the internet, just search proper hamster care! It's not that hard! Oh and than there are people who are just plain rude and stupid! When you try to correct them they get all angry like "it's my pet, mind your business!" What?! Imagine if child abusers could get away with saying that! Here's a list of what they need
-450+ sq inches of floor space
-12 inch wheel
-4-6 inches of bedding
-lots of chew toys!
-Good quality food
Just grow up people and listen to people who have this as a career/hobby! Like munchie, victoria rachael, and more! They have better advice than your 18 year old hired on the spot petco worker! (At least in most cases, some of them are actually educated)



Yeah, definitely, there is. (This turned out as a vent, more than a rant, lol). So, my mom is kinda (scratch that, very) transphobic, and she doesn't support me, like, at all in the fact that I'm trans. In fact, every time I bring it up, she yells at me. I feel like I'm going to have to leave home a bit early and get started on saving up money, because I couldn't stand to stay there for years, constantly being misgendered. And... I don't really think that she'll help me with college in the future, so I need to get a job once I can. I'm gonna be saving up for college, for living expenses, and for transition. I'm worrying about all this, and I'm just 15 at the moment. I have pretty much no hope that she's going to change her mind and accept me, so I've planned out the future. I don't want to sound ungrateful- I mean, she's my mom, and she's done a lot for me in my life- but I just wish that she could be more understanding. I feel like a lot of her stress is my fault, since my issues with mental health really stressed her out, and then I just came at her like, "Oh, I'm trans." I guess her reaction was understandable? I dunno. I just wish she supported me a bit more, you know? Anyway, that's all for this vent, I don't wanna end up sharing my whole life story.



I have a large knowledge on weaponry...
OMG. Just because its a sharp piece of metal on a stick doesn't mean that its a spear... it could be a pike. or a lance. or even a halberd!!!
(not saying this to the panda community) No matter how many times I have told you, you never seem to get it... There is more than just "a gun" or "a sword"... a axe, a spear"... There is variety. FMG-11, P90, FN FAL. lance. halberd. broadsword. scimitar. scythe. cleaver... do you need more examples? NO? ok...
NO NO NO... the musket was not the first gun... neither was the flintlock. it was a chinese handcannon that fired a spear...
Nope, a cannon isn't technically a gun, neither is a Hwacha for that matter. just because theres gunpowder in it doesnt mean that its a gun...

... ill post a full list in the comments


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

GUN NAMES TOZ-9, FMJ, G-17, G-18, M-16, SCAR, DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN, PUMP SHOTGUN, XMOS, Springfield rifle, Winchester, Trench-gun, Mossberg Shotgun, Mosin Nagant, Barrett-sniper, VHS, VSS, DB-Chauchet, spencer carbine, henry rifle, musket, flintlock, duck-foot pistol, M-19, kolbri, minigun, Trevor 12-gauge shotgun, Sawed off shot gun, hand-cannon, desert eagle (deagle), LMG, SMG, blunderbuss, peppergun, BB-GUN, paintball-gun, Flare-gun, P90, Drum-gun/Tommygun, Enfeild, M14, FAMAS, Galil, AUG, FN FAL, AK-47, AKM, Commando, G11, MP5K, Skorpion, MAC11, AK-47u, Akimbo Uzi, Mac10, Micro Uzi, PM63, MPL, Spectre, Kiparis, HK21, Death machine, Spaz-12, HS-10, KS-23, Dragunov, WA2000, L96A1, PSG1, Lever-shotgun, grease-gun, nailgun, staple-gun, bubble-gun, squirt-gun, inertial shotgun, AWP, little tom-pistol, BAR, M1A1 CARBINE, M60, Vector, AK-20, Hush puppy (silenced pistol), Calico (shotgun), Volcanies, TEC-9, bazooka, RPG, MAT, LUGER, Arcus, Lavina, MGL, MSGL, BAKALOV, Shipkasmg...

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I would like to rant about Jim Boylen (previous head coach of the Chicago Bulls). What. Are. You. THINKING!?!?!? We were winning a game, and you decided that we need to "develop our bench". WE DON'T EVEN HAVE A BENCH TO DEVELOP!!!!! **we lost the game btw** Then, much smaller instance but still, we had an easy fast break, and you called a timeout? WHY? I get that you were Gregg Popovich's assistant, but does that mean you get the, what I like to call, "Pop Pass" (Pop Pass: able to do whatever you want for coaching because you are proven to be great). Anyways, he takes my vote for the worst coach ever.


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Why are people afraid of snakes? They aren’t slimy, they’re actually very dry, and rough! They’re easy to handle, they don’t cost much (for beginner snakes it’s like 500, for reference, my husky was 800) they only need food once a week, they don’t need pet sitters, they only poop once after being fed, bites are rare, and don’t hurt unless you’re holding a green anaconda, most constrictors have no interest in you, most venomous snakes can’t kill you, and most can’t produce venom, nor do they constrict, the worst you’re gonna get from those types of snakes is a muscling, which is just a bad smell, you always have a snoot to Boop, you don’t need to worry about spaying/neutering as they’re solitary, and won’t breed unless you put a male and female together, some snakes can be co-habbed (Garter-Garter, Water-Water, Water-garter of the same sex) they don’t need cozy beds, all they need is a hide and a small amount of water, they won’t eat your cat, *pant pant* sorry... just needed to get that out.


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For context, I live in the Greater Toronto Area. For months now the COVID-19 case numbers have been climbing, and for months our provincial government has been instructing people to stay home and not socialize with anyone outside your immediate household, with the exception of obtaining essential goods and services (food, prescriptions, medical care.) Nobody has listed. There have been news reports nearly every day of a party or event where nearly everyone in attendance ended up getting COVID. So now we're being forced back into lockdown - which isn't a major change for my family since we've been living this way for the past two months - but I'm worried that my mental health will suffer, especially since it's already worse than usual in the winter. There's also talk of schools getting shut down again, which would negatively affect my 4-year-old son because he is autistic and being around children his age at school is very beneficial for his social development. Also if he's at home for an extended period, it means I have to stop working, and I run a small business 100% on my own, so that means everything stops in order to care for him while my husband works.

I'm just so upset because 4 months ago, our case count in the province was less than 100 new cases per day (with a population of almost 15 million) and now it's between 2300-2500 new cases daily. I'm tired of doing the right thing and suffering for other peoples' carelessness. I'm tired of my family's safety being dependent on people I don't even know. And I'm scared of the thought that my small business could die before it even gets off the ground.

I don't know why people are being so casual about this pandemic. It's killing people, and others are suffering in silence with mental health issues, income loss, etc. I just wish people would stop for a minute to think about how their choices have consequences for other people.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Late, but maybe try video calling, I do it all the time, it isn’t the same, but you can talk with your friends and family!

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