Hey Pandas, If You Had To Rename All The Days Of The Week, What Would You Call Them?
Renaming the days of the week can be fun and creative!!
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As an evil liberal it'll be: mongay, tuesgay, wednesgay, thursgay, frigay, saturgay and sungay
Keep it simple. Oneday through to Sevenday.
Either that or Sunday be ones Nathanielday in honour of me. Monday becomes Nathanielday in honour of me, and so on until Saturday, which is named Nathanielday in honour of me.
Monday is tiredday, Tuesday is oh god I’m drained stop talking to me, Wednesday is Thursday, Thursday is Wednesday, Friday is oh god I’m almost done with this sh*t, Saturday is lie in bed all day and get nothing done, and Sunday is worry about Monday so much that you don’t get anything done.
Ohgodnoday (Monday), IfIMustday (Tuesday), Humpday, WillThisSh*tNeverEndday (Thurs), Yesssssday (Friday), Getotherstuffdoneday (Saturday), DayoftheDread (Sunday).
Losing-the-will-to-live-day, Give-me-all-of-the-caffeine-day, I-thought-it-was-Thursday-day, I'm-so-close-to-surviving-the-week-day, WOOHOO-day, Waste-away-in-bed-day, Stress-day.
boylifesucksday, itsgettingevenworseday, godhowlongisthisweekday, seriouslywhatislifebutsufferingday, alrightthingsaregettingbetterday, nowimmalayinbedday, ohgodthecycleisabouttorepeatday
that is my take on this
OhF*ckTheWeekendsOverday, ThisIsAwfulday, hump day, nearly overday, finally, cleaning day, OMGIHaveToWorkTommrow
OhF*ckTheWeekendsOverday, ThisIsAwfulday, hump day, nearly overday, finally, cleaning day, OMGIHaveToWorkTommrow