Hey Pandas, If You Had To Pick A New Name For Yourself, What Name Would You Pick?
You don't need to say your actual name but if you want to you can. I wish my name was Ashley or Bella.
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Nova or Victoria
My mom said she wanted to name me Aurelius. Ive always loved that name. Or Elias or Enoch.
One of my friends in college named her daughter Aurelia. It’s such a beautiful name; unique without being a “Tragedeigh”. All 3 of her daughters are gorgeous, like little disney princesses. And they came out of the oven pretty! My friend went by the nickname Silver, and had a tattoo of the box for silver on the periodic table. Since Aurelia means gold, she later added its chemical symbol as well. Aurelia and Aurelius are such cool names.
I would pick a short, silly name with a long, and in some way dumb, nickname, such as: Joe "Killer of stars at night because during day there are none".
since my name is not officially forrest, thats what i want my new name to be(after my favorite ww2 soldier, forrest lee "woody" vosler, who won the medal of honor https://www.cmohs.org/recipients/forrest-lee-woody-vosler he is awesome, i have always loved his story and chose my name because of him).
I really like my name, but I also love Anastasia and victoire, because they both seem so regal and mysterious somehow.
Carl. The 'donor' didn't want to be a father and left. My mother gave me his name anyway. I hate this name. It has no meaning to me. I want the name of my mothers father and grandfather because this is the family I grew up in.
Totally Samuel or Rubén. I'm not even a boy, but they sound wayy better than girl names. If it was a girl name, I'd choose Diana or María (a veeeeery common name in my country, but I love it)
Cheryl, it was my old name before I was adopted at two
It's currently Ashley if anyone is wondering
Elios, like the character from Call Me by Your Name. That name always makes me think of a sunflower
I adopted Ace 25 years ago for internet use, and some social groups still know me by that name. Came about because of a passing resemblance, just the hairstyle really as I was growing it out, to one Ace Rimmer, SpaceCorps Test Pilot extraordinaire.
I mean my name isn't Jess, but I don't particularly like it anyhow.
In all honesty probably either something weird but cool sounding (Nyx, anyone?) or homages to deceased relatives (Anna, Brooklyn, etc)