Hey Pandas, If You Could Turn Into A Bird, What Type Would It Be?
What type of bird would you want to be and why?
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A crow..... they seem to have fun... hopping around, shouting at their mates, teasing other birds...... and they always sound like they're swearing....
Fark, fark, fark.....
A pheonix :D because fire birb
As for real birds, a barn owl is my favorite and its quite beautiful
The Qua-qua, or New Caledonian Crow! They're a tool using extra smart corvid and I love them. They even use compound and meta-tools!
Probably a sparrow.
Because they're rather ordinary, but also cute. They've always represented the little guys of the world.
a pheonix :D mythical birds count... right?
A yellow tailed black cockatoo. Oddly specific, I know. But anyone who’s ever seen them in flight will know just how graceful they are. Dark, eagle like shapes high in the sky chasing storms along the coastal plains and ranges. Even their calls are something to admire, a harsh wailing screech you’d think could only come from some ancient predator. They live peaceful lives however, eating only seeds of trees that few other birds would want (she-oak, hoop pine, eucalyptus, etc) giving them no need to kill for meat or fight other birds for food. They’re social too. Constantly calling to each other, sometimes to individuals hundreds of meters away, to avoid getting separated from their flock. I’d love to be one of them, graceful, never lonely, traveling the country to land in a new forest each day.
Not me, but my friend would be a 'crested carara' for the sole reason that her name is cara and she did a project on it
The doodoo of course. I think the latest thought is that the chicken is descendant of the t-rex. So in a way the t-rex is a bird. Bring on the small arms.
Does batman count?
Common Grackle, I think they're pretty.
They are! Quite an underrated bird. Not many people notice their subtle iridescence
Kestrel, they’re tiny and adorable and also extremely efficient killers.
Or ravens, they’re crazy smart and may be domesticating wolves. Corvids in general really.
Oh, or a great-eared nightjar, they’re beautiful, they look like little dragons.