Hey Pandas, If You Could Turn Back Time To Any Moment Of Your Life To Stop Something, What Would It Be?
Saving a loved one, not making a bad decision, etc.
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I would stop myself from going to college. I wasted years and put myself in debt for a degree in a field that has become mostly automated.
I would go back to when I was 16 and not fall in love with a tall red headed guy. Literally 40 years later and countless hours of therapy, he's still in my dreams. We never stopped loving each other. We were torn apart.
I would stop crushing on straight girls. It would be a BIG help to know peoples’ sexualities sometimes. Months of my life wasted when I could have been crushing on my now-girlfriend.
I would slap all the unhealthy food and drink out of my hand and tell myself to be more healthy
Punch my childhood bully in the nose.
Actually I didn't punch him in the nose, but he stole my homework and when I found out he ripped it with his teeth and threw it out the bus window which made me want to punch him in his nose. Guess I could go back and make sure he doesn't steal my homework.
I would go back to the day I actually started my first period. Weird decision but its true. I started the day after Thanksgiving. I was confused why my... *area* was bleeding. I had an idea from gathering info from my older sister. I kinda waited an entire day to tell someone and that kinda sucked. I would go back and tell myself to tell my mom or even my older sister. I dunno why I did wait a day. Maybe I just wanted to see if it would stop or maybe I was scared. Guess I'll find out when I finally meet God in person.
You were scared of what they would say. Every woman I know who wasn't told about the bleeding ahead of time, did the same thing. Some waited days, fearing they were dying. Forgive yourself. What you did is totally normal!
I’d go back and make sure I never asked my ex-wife out for a second date.
None of these are truly dark but... I need to answer truthfully. I’d go back to stop my bio mom from dying. She overdosed when I was four. I found her the next morning... or maybe I’d find a way to encourage DHS (f**k them) to check my home and get me away before it happened... Maybe it would have helped my mom get clean, but if not, at least I wouldn’t have to live with being the one to find her...
Oh, and stopping COVID.
probably tell my teacher more about what my mother did to me. he was the only person who seemed genuinely worried for the way my mother punished me but younger me didn't know the way she treated me wasn't considered normal, so i brushed him off and even laughed about it. i wonder what would have happened if i just took him seriously very often
A year-ish before I knew I was gay, a girl got down on one knee and asked this other girl if she would date her. (This took place at my dance studio, the girls were prob in 8th grade.) The girl said yes, and for whatever reason, I was like OMG WHAT GUYS *** AND *** ARE LIKE DATING WHATTTT and i actually feel so bad now i didnt mean to be homophobic but thinking back it looked that way- i wish i had just congratulated them.
I would have not had sex until I got married. I just didn't think about how sacred it is to save myself for one special person.
I would listen to everyone ( including my own intuition) to stay away from my former roommate. I now always listen to my gut and take time to “prune my friendship tree” before getting hurt again.
I would go back to 7th grade and tell people I was gay. Happy pride
This is wrong I ment tell people I wasn't gay. I was outed so
I would go back and refuse to check the mail. The puppy wouldn't have died then. 😢
Sorry, "unalived"
Context: I was supposed to check the mail at my Grandparents house. I had a bad feeling about it, but ignored it. The neighbors across the street always get new dogs. So went to check the mail and their dog ran up to me and was running back and forth on the road. Then a car drove up and hit, no, ran over him. I didn't see it but I was right there and heard it. If I could go back, I would never check the mail
My best friend was killed by a drunk driver after leaving my house. She invited me to go home with her and I declined because I wanted to call my boyfriend after she left. I also invited her to stay at my place but she declined. If I could do it over, I would do anything to get her to stay with me. Anything to get her to not drive home. Take the keys, whatever, even if she thought I was crazy. Even if she became so angry that it ended the friendship. Just to keep her alive, because my life is less without her in it. And everything good and bad that happens, I think of her and wonder what she'd have to say about it. The drunk who killed her left a huge hole in my life and the lives of a lot of other people who were lucky enough to know her, and it hasn't (in 20 years) and won't be filled.
Don't drive drunk, kids.
I would stop myself from breaking up with my boyfriend in 9th grade and missing so much time living life with him. It would have saved me so much heartache and stress!! We actually got back together 18 years later and are now married with 3 kids between us. We never stopped loving each other those 18 years but I was just not ready for a serious boyfriend at 14.
I would go back to when I chose to become friends with the girl who ruined years of my life and push younger me towards the girl sitting in the corner with horrible social anxiety.