Hey Pandas, If You Could Time Travel, What Year Would You Be In?
Some say time traveling could be possible, so if it became a reality, what year would you most likely go to? And among what people would you be with?
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I'd dress up as an old rich man, then wander around ancient Rome. Or, failing that, don my peplos and set off for sparta
It’s hard to say the exact year, with it being so ancient. I would love to see when the meteors created the mares (seas) on the moon. It is hypothesized that it took place in one event over a short period of time. Can you imagine the view?
I’ve often wondered what it must have looked like when the Tycho crater in the Moon’s southern hemisphere was created. You can see debris spread over like a third of the Moon 108 million years after it happened. Wow!
hmm... maybe 2014. assuming that my consciousness will be transported to my kid body back then, i would be able to relive my childhood. Since i know everything that happens till now, i could plan my future and see how different it could be.
To the near future like maybe a few months from now to get the winning lotto numbers. Then go back and win lol. Also to pull a Back to the Future 2 and do sports bets.
I would go back in time, find a T-Rex, make it my child, name it Christopher, bring it back to the current time and ride off into the sunset. Eh maybe not a good idea, according to Jurassic Park…
My biggest issue with this is that you would name it Christopher. It's not really a t-rex name. Maybe something like, Ronan, Dakota, or Phillip...
Man im staying here life isnt perfect but it the only life i have so i better f*****g enjoy it.