Hey Pandas, If You Could See The Future For Only 1 Minute, What Would You Want To See? (Closed)
When you think about the future, what is your most burning question? Is it personal, like what will happen to you? To someone you know? Or is it a bigger issue like, will there be war, natural disaster, or alien invasion? What would you want to see and why?
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I just want to know if aliens are real. 👽🛸
I'd just like to see a snapshot one minute of my life 10 years from now, any random moment (apart from like just sleeping) just to know how things turn out.
When/how I die.
I'm really torn on this one...while I like the idea I wouldn't want to know if it's a really painful death.
Nothing. I have no desire to see the future. If you know something bad will happen, you'll try to stop it and end up making it happen. If you see something good you'll try so hard to do everything right tha you'll end up making a mistake and ruining everything. I've seen the movies, I've read the books, I know that there's no way this could end well.
I would like to see a blackhole at the end of its life. It would look amazing, like firecrackers going off everywhere, illuminating the darkness of space here and there a couple trillion years before the last blackhole goes off, bathing our universe in light one last time before it goes dark forever
I just want a minute when I'm around 35. So I can see who I married, what career I chose, whether I had kids.
That way I wouldn't have to worry about dating until that one person showed up, and I could prepare myself for that career. I could also think up great names for my future children.😁
That's a good idea. I'm 35 and well...let me tell you, it's nothing like I thought it would be lol.
The final death of our sun and solar system, and what had happened to humankind before it all ended.
What education, job/salary and significant other I have, and if I have time, some form of lottery jackpot numbers
I'm not sure I would want to see anything , but if I had to choose, it would be something like how many cats do I have when im 63 or something