Hey Pandas, If You Could Live The Life Of A Fictional Character, Who Would You Be? (Closed)
I used to love to imagine living the life of a fictional character. Honestly, with some series, I couldn't decide who I like best so instead, I just would imagine living their lives, dying, waking up in real life, and then doing it again in a few weeks with a different character!
I was and still am weird. Who would you live the life of?
Rules: You can have multiple characters or even just say a book series that you would like to be a part of. Preferably fiction but if you really want to you can do a real person.
Other than that no rules. Have fun and don't be afraid to make your post kind of long.
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I actually don't imagine myself as anyone because I feel like if I replace someone the story would change from how it is supposed to be. but, I do like to add myself into the story as a side character that could talk to and hang out with anyone I want to. or, if a fictional character I like dies then I could go and change it. or if there is a cliffhanger I could imagine what would hapen next. its kinda fun
I already am a fictional character.
I would like to be like my grandfather.
He is already dead, so for that reason he is fictional in my mind, because I will never meet him again. He survived WWII as child in Czech rural countryside, occupied by German Nazis for long 6 years, later survived 40 years of communism in Czech Republic and never lost his galantry, sens of humor and joy of every day life.
He had one wife, one kid /my mother/ one job, one God.
No cell phone, no wifi, no big wardrobe with full of t-shirts etc.
I miss him a lot.
Your grandfather sounds like an extraordinary,ordinary man with true grit.Never lost his galantry,sense of humor and joy of every day life.My grandfather was made from the same fabric.Poor childhood,his mother was widowed with 6 children of her own plus an adopted boy from an even poorer place.He started working from the age of 7 and with the same will-power as your granfather worked his way up.Put my mother through Medical School too. Never lost his decency in any way and had a wicked sense of humour...I miss him too
Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. SHe a genius and a wizard/ witch. I be set for life!
Reepicheep of the Narnia novels. 😁
You are most definately speaking my language! I love that wonderful little mouse!
I would totally be Rayla from the dragon prince. she is a moon elf
Domino. I'd have the ability to have luck on my side and cause my opponents to have bad luck. Nothing could be traced back to me, but I'd be able to live an awesome life and stick it to my enemies without anyone being able to prove I was the cause of any of it. First up, going to Vegas and betting as much as they'd let me on the roulette wheel for one lucky spin and then leave. Then having been bankrolled, I'd delve into the stock market. Once I had FU money, I'd retire in luxury in Maui.
Leo from Stardew Valley.
I want to live on an island and talk to birds!
Seems kinda fun
Steven from steven universe because I would be half gem- also I could talk to peridot need I explain more?
Eragon Bromsson from the Inheritance Cycle, I would love to save a kingdom from a tyrant AND RIDE A FREAKING DRAGON!!!!!
Cinder from the Lunar Chronicles
She has amazing friends, a great boyfriend and get to save the world. All while being a sassy 16 year old.
Nudge from Maximum Ride! She’s got so many cool powers on top of being able to fly.
read the book; saw the film: griet from 'girl with a pearl earring'. in her intro to us it's shown that she has some part of herself yet untapped for artistic arrangement. vermeer peels back the veil from her eyes & her emotions to allow her to grow. after we exit the small part of her life we witness i would imagine that she was influenced to be more independent and, possibly, follow an artistic path. i love characters that undergo personal transitions that expose
I could agree,but not about the artistic path.....she will end as a placid Housewife with hard labour and 8 kids but content with her lot..
Percy jackson. He is a demigod, and i would be strong whenever i'm in water.
Any wizard from Harry Potter. I mean who doesn't want to be a wizard/witch?
Nick Wilde - because being a fox AND a cop in a world full of anthropomorphic animals sounds awesome.
Alastor from Hazbin Hotel - because he comes quite close to my character (I'm not as murderous though)
Levi Ackerman - because being a sassy, titan slaying bad ass is cool (I know what happens but won't spoiler here )
Yōji Itami (Gate) - because exploring a fantasy world while being quite untouchable through technology sounds some what fun. The combat wouldn't be necessarily a part of it for my taste, more a necessary evil
By far Kinkajou from Wings of Fire.
- She is a RainWing, and RainWings are awesome.
- She is friends with Glory (a high honor).
- She is also one of my favorite dragons.
No other explanation needed. :D
Juliet from Taylor Swift's music video for Love Story!
a.) she's sooooooo pretty
b.) she gets a happy ending
c.) she's actually a great singer unlike SOMEbody who happens to have the exact same name as me as well as age, address and social security number
Prob any fictional universe I have read
EXCEPT ms peregrine’s home for peculiar children bc that was just a no.
dorian gray.
b.c i could live, not age, or suffer in anyway. I would have my painting hanging somewhere and i would live a great long life. not evil or debauched.
A background character (Slytherin obviously) in Harry Potter. I don’t want to deal with all this Horcrux B.S or fight Voldemort. Hell nah I am gonna live my magical life learning and having fun and making friends and such. THAT would truly be a dream come true.
Hari Seldon (from the classic sci fi series "Foundation" by Isaac Asimov). He develops "psychohistory" which accurately predicts the future. Absolutely killer series of books if you haven't read them. Don't wait for the movie, no way will it do justice.
Sophie of "Howl's Moving Castle". She is funny, intelligent and gets pretty interesting and bold. Or Alanna, the Lioness from Tamora Pierce. First Female Knight of Tortall
I wanna be Bakugo or at least have smthg to do with him and Kirishima
Tris from Divergent
The Empress from Remarried Empress
The other Empress from Girl Jock Empress
Wanna be a Slytherin cuz y not
Be in the Naruto Series
The cursed Princess club
Be the female lead in Hot girl (Not fictional btw but 😌😩✋🏾)
The female lead in Princess Agents
The Mom in Angry Mom
One of the Sisters in Sugar rush
the last 4 are dramas/comedy last 2 are Chinese dramas (C-dramas check it out)
3rd last one is a K-drama (Korean Drama, check it out as well)
The 4th one is a Nigerian Movie, its on Netflix
I LOOOVE the series Redwall among many others. I always wanted to be one of the characters, though my favorites include Mariel or Triss. Another one is either a Harry Potter, Unwanteds or Melendy Quartet (By Elizabeth Enright, a series but I don't know what else to call it) character. It would also be very awesome to live through just about anytime in history.
Probably Yennefer of Vengerberg from The Witcher video games or books. Or Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. Maybe even Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean. Or Arwen from Lord of the Rings.
If I had to be anyone it would be Ty Lee from Avatar she can literally take a way someones bending while cartwheeling her way out there and still look fine as hell.
Actually I might be Deku/Izuku Midoriya from my hero academia, or Shoto Todoroki, or Katsuki Bakugou. P.S. my ship is DKTDBK. Deku NEEDS to be a freaking top, Bakugou might learn a little humility if he is a bottom! *Shrugs* Again only my opinion.
Violet Baudelaire from Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events, she is just so amazing, i love her!
LOVE THAT SERIES!!!!! I hate how much hardship Violet, Klaus, and Sunny go through however....
I'd be Athelstan from "Vikings." He's got a tragic story arc, yes, but I love his deep questioning of everything. He doesn't take anything for granted - love, friendship, loyalty, faith.
Id want to be Subaru mikazuki from my roommate is a cat, his life is an easy one
Sam or Dean Winchester! There sense of family is awesome and they get to save the world from evil all the time! But honestly for the Men Of Letters bunker alone would be a great reason
I would totally be Hermione or Sirius Black... or possibly Katniss Everdeen orrrrrrrr DUMBLEDORE
Either Celia Bowen from The Night Circus or Kitty Hayward from Magruder’s Curiosity Cabinet
Captain Nemo! He keeps for himself away from any human contact surrounded by the Ocean; he has a sweet cetacean-like vessel. He gets to circumnavigate the globe whenever he wants and he gets to go diving whenever he wants. He´s friend of fish and whales and he keeps social distance forever...
a) Lady Sybil Vimes (I've got the figure, I can do the voice, and Sam Vimes, phwoarr)
b) a hobbit (2nd breakfast, need I say more?)
Qibli from Wings of Fire
-He’s awesome
-Moon is awesome
-He’s a character I can relate with on a very personal level, and I am very much like.
I was scrolling through and saw this post. My friend is over and when we saw it, we both simultaneously screamed "KEEFE SENCEN!!!!!"
1. Dr. Doolittle - animals are his friends, he speaks with animals, saves animals from the depredations of humans, he meets the giant pink sea snail, goes to a floating island, sails the sea, makes his own rules. (He's been my hero since I can remember)
2. Aquaman - awesome swimmer, breathes underwater, speaks with sea creatures, lives in the sea
3. An Ent - lives in the forest, speaks with the other trees and animals
4. A Hobbit - lives in a peaceful village, has an amazing underground house with a round door (the one drawback is the social pressure to conform to Hobbit society.)
5. An Ewok - lives in a tree village and plays in drum circles around the fire at night, 'tis the perfect life
Anyone from my favorite Webtoons lol
I have 2 people. I would love to live the life of twilight or Julie and the phantoms
Which character in twilight??? I personally would be Edward, I want to date somebody who loves me and I love them back.
I would want to live the life of Jirou (from bnha) because she is sO COOL and our personalities are very similar :p
The wither storm, I’m a chaos god!
Emily Byrd Starr, from L.M. Montgomery's "Emily of New Moon" series... I always identified with her more than Anne of Green Gables!
Eilonwy, from Lloyd Alexander's "Chronicles of Prydain"... she's smart, witty & feisty!
Maria Merryweather, from "The Little White Horse" by Elizabeth Goudge.
Agnieszka, from Naomi Novik's "Uprooted".
The Badger, from "The Wind in the Willows". :D
And one from a TV series: Ma (Olivia), from "The Waltons".
Run Yu from Ashes of Love. I certainly would choose other ways and marry the girl who stands by my side all the time. Also, I'd take good care of the relationship with my half-brother and my adopted watersnake brother.
Uh, and I'd learn Shangguan Tou's mesmerizing war fan martial art skills.
Woody! I don't know why but growing up in the late 90's and early 2000's I always loved Toy Story.
Bart Simpson!! He just seems like he does so much and he's been on crazy adventures.
Captian Jack Sparrow!!!
Or like katniss from the hunger games (boy version of her)
cool. (I came up with a KatnissxPeeta ship that isn't Katpee or Peeniss... Katta!!
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Snufkin from Moominvalley! I could hang out by myself, but still have friends who I know would have my back. Also, he has a nice hat.
Cullen Bohannon helping to build the transcontinental railroad, hands down, easiest pick ever
Also, Six from the Lorien Legacies. She's so powerful and badass. I mean, who wouldn't want to be able to turn invisible?
I'd like to be one of the Pjo characters, most likely Reyna.
I would be Percy or Annabeth, but Reyna is pretty cool too
Elizabeth Bennett (Pride & Prejudice), Lucy Honeychurch (A Room with a View), Emma Woodhouse (Emma), or Terry McKay (An Affair to Remember).
I would be Rusty/firepaw/fireheart/firestar from warriors because 1- why not. 2- he is my fave character ever. 3- cos i said so
Firestar gets boring as a leader, but I liked him otherwise. That's coming from a die-hard Jayfeather fan so--
Matilda Pages from the Pages and Co. series. She can bookwander. That would take reading to a whole other level.
I would either be Starflight, Glory or Jayfeather but Jayfeather and Starflight would be female.
Okay, I have several.
#1: Emily from Pegasus. She has a TON of amazing powers and can talk to THE Pegasus. Pretty darn cool.
#2: Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson. There's really no need to explain that one.
#3: Jordan from The Pheonix Files. She's very independent and kicks butt without instruction.
#4: Hermione Granger. No explanation needed. She's amazing.
#5: Kahlen from The Siren. Yes, she's a siren, but her love story with Akinli is to die for!
#6: Bella from Twilight. I know I know, you've probably guessed by now that I'm a fangirl.
#7: Kilala from Kilala Princess. Holy heck, first of all, she gets to meet a ton of Disney princesses. That would be cool. And, she gets to date a SUPER hot guy.
#8: Gwen from Spiderman into the Spiderverse. I've always loved Spiderman and everything to do with him.
#9: Captain Marvel. She used to work for the air force (Go Air Force!) and has a flerkin on her side.
#10: Nick Fury. Do I have to explain?
#11: Iron Man. Again, no explanation.
#12: Black Widow. Just yes.
#13: Qibli from Wings of Fire. He's just amazing and wonderful.
#14: Willow from Willow. Amazing movie.
#15: Rou from the Hunger Games. I know she dies, but she was by far my favorite character.
#16: Jana from Wolfblood. She's very strong minded, but grows to be a good leader.
#17: (Last one, I promise!) Wild style from the Lego Movie 1 and 2.
(Sorry for such a long list guys! I love fictional stories and I read and watch a lot of fictional content, so I have a ton of characters that I admire)
For me it would have to be the King of the Monsters, Godzilla. You get to swim around the world, fight other giant monsters and stamp on as many people as you like
Merricat from We Have Always Lived in the Castle. She makes her own rules and lives in her own world.
Hope mikhalson from the legacies. She is a tribrid: vampire, werewolf and witch. I mean why chose one when you can get all three.
Probably any cat from the Warrior Cats series by Erin Hunter. My favorite cats are Cody (The New Prophecy, became friends with Leafpool), Jayfeather (first showed up in The Power of Three), Briarlight (first showed up in Omen of the Stars), and Dovewing (first showed in Omen of the Stars). I would be one of my OCs, Snowybriar (dark brown she with white patches and green eyes) or Mintshade (cream tabby she with amber eyes).
I would probably also be one of Alex & Conner's friends from The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer.
The Flash or Red Hood because Jason Todd is Jason Todd, and super speed and time travel and intangibility is awesome.
I've already submitted one, but I have more so here we go xD
1. Nico di angelo. He is SO COOL and being able to summon the dead would be awesome.
2. Niki Nihachu! *also I mean her character on the SMP, not her as a streamer :>*
3. Jirou (this was the one I said in my original post)
and finally.....Tam from the kotlc series!!
Nico Di Angelo is amazing, but I like him better when he is with Will.☺So heartwarming when they are together and I totally ship them.
Dirk Strider from Homestuck. We share a lot of similar traits anyways-- and plus, he's just so freakin' cool. Him or Dave, honestly, though I may be more inclined to pick Dave just because I love the alpha kids and John so much.