Hey Pandas, If You Could Have One Fictional Character’s Power, Which One And Why? (Closed)
If you could have one fictional character's power, with all their strengths and weaknesses, which one would you choose and why?
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Mary Poppins - the ability to just tidy a house without actually lifting a finger.
Deadpools ability to heal any injury 100% would be great. Im so tired of being in constant pain.
No lie, I'd choose Beast Boy, from DC, because being able to turn into literally anything any animal, anytime I want sounds SO fun. Plus, can you imagine flying? That'd be so cool. And I could deal with being green.
I was talking with a little kid I met at work about super powers and she wants to be invisible "So that I can sneak into the ice cream shop and eat it all! " My kinda kid.
I would choose Naruto, because A, he is practically immortal as long as he has chakra, and Kurama can keep healing him, I also argue that he either will stop aging or already has stopped, because his Kurama is constantly healing the dead cells keeping him from looking old and from getting sick. I would also take his abilities, simply because of the shadow clone jutsu, I would get work done much faster.
Not referring to any character in particular, but having the ability to time travel forward and backward in time is superb.
Superman can do that, plus there are other advantages to being superman.
Santa Claus. My dream job. I wish I had infinite resources to do good things for people. (Oh, wait! You said *fictional* characters!)
I would definitely want to be a wonder woman. To be string and have the rope to know the truth would definitely save me from heartache
Doctor Dolittle. Because animals are awesome. It would be very cool to be able to communicate with them.
I really had to think about this one, there's so many to choose from, but I'd love to have Pietro Maximoff's powers from X-Men: Days of Future Past. Getting things done in 0. f**k all time.
Magneto, being able to just move around ANY metal object would be sick. Doesn't matter if I wanna levitate on a car door, clean with a vacuum without standing up, or clock someone in the noggin with an iron skillet, I can do it.
Kusuo Saiki's teleportation. So convenient to just go somewhere fun or nope away from danger.
Spider-Man's abilities, for a few reasons.
To have better reflexes/reaction time, be stronger than most people, crawl on walls, a minor healing factor, and swing on a web.
Aside from the benefits to martial arts and fitness, swinging on webs and the reaction time can help with my commute.
Teleportation. BAMF and you're at the beach, BAMF and you're at work in NYC, BAMF and you're at home where there's a low COL. Nightcrawler's range is too limited and wouldn't want to be blue, but super teleportation would be amazing!
God. Omnipotent and Omniscient. Then I would be able to fix everything wrong with human behaviour
Immortality the way Vulkan from Warhammer 40k has it. Means while I have to fear neither age nor illness, am incredibly durable and heal extremely fast (and some other perks) I can suffer pain and it is possible to wound or kill me (takes a lot though). I just will resurrect/reform, even if nothing is left of my body. Over time that might be important to keep my connection with humanity.
Bill Cipher. Call me a villain, but his powers are just *chef's kiss* amazing. I mean, twisted deals? Entering people's minds? Hijacking dreams?!
Come on, you've gotta admit this is cool!