Hey Pandas, If You Could Buy One Thing No Matter The Cost, What Would It Be?
It doesn’t matter what the cost is, but you can only buy ONE thing, what is it and why?
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A good health for my family.
more material answers:
A house on my own island
1968 Corvette L88
I'd buy a politician or some to pass a bill forcing insurance companies to pay for therapy and autism/ADHD/anxiety/etc screenings. It's insane that they're not covered. Therapy is preventive care, as it keeps your mental state from suffering, and those screenings are such a lifesaver. But, most people can't pay 3K to figure out they're autistic, and you can't get meds for ADHD without a diagnosis (both meds and the diagnosis are expensive), and it's all so f****d.
A house. As it is I'll probably be renting until I inherit one. Rent is too much to save for a house and any effort to save is eviserated by everything costing more.
Probably a new Fender guitar or bass.
I would really like a "robot" similar to the Sims 4. Even now, I've used it to silence loud neighbors in an apartment building. In this lore, though, they are nice. So a robot assistant would be something I would be willing to put money into, as long as it can be updated for old age days.
Physiotherapy for my daughter. We can't afford it and her disability health coverage doesn't cover physio. She needs it badly.
I'm so sorry you have to deal with that! No one should have to put off medical treatment because of cost!
An unbroken body. There's only so much medical science can do, and old injuries only get worse with time.