Hey Pandas, If You Could Be Anywhere In The World Right Now, Where Would You Be? (Closed)
I don’t know about you Pandas, but if I could be anywhere in the world right now, I’d probably be in Tokyo, Japan... and, well, it’s not only because of the sushi, there’s way more to it than that.
Anyway, enough about me. After all, I came here to find out where you Pandas would like to be right now! There are a lot of places in the world most of us would like to visit, and I believe most of us would like to do some traveling, especially right now, but we can’t due to Covid restrictions.
But if one could dream about that one special place, what it would be, and why?
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i would be in my house, in my bed, and asleep.
In my sister's arms... She's going through a lot and I want to be there for her... But since COVID-19 I can't...
I’d like to be at my boyfriends house, coz he lives an hour away and I miss him
Tokyo, bright lights, capsule hotels, cat cafes, what else would I want?
I've been there! I didn't get to go to the cat cafe because my parents said, and I quote, " We already have cats. Go eat with them." They aren't allowed inside! but besides that it was awesome we went to sky tree and saw the golden turd. lol. but we only went to visit family but I love their allies because its not just an ally their is food and stores and their cotton candy is bigger than me!
Under the sea ba bum ba bum
Any state that has opened schools. I'm a teacher doing distance learning and it's one of the worst teaching experiences of my life.
I would like to be in europe or my childhood home.
I'm in europe now- Italy. Doing school here. (I speak Italian, my Dad's from there) There is pizza... But guess what evil virus is ruining that?
I would be travelling all across Australia, that is a dream my hubby and I have.
Living on my own, in an apartment.
I would be at Universal Studios
Anywhere but here. Canada probably, or someplace in Africa.
A tropical place where there is no Covid and lots of dogs.
I don't know why but i have always wanted to go to Bangkok, Thailand. It just seems like it's the kind of place that makes you more humble you know? and the culture and landscape is just beautiful!
Inside of a Minecraft Amplified world with my friends and hack client. No rules, x-ray, about 90 mil block all to ourselves, massive, beautiful cliffs, probably take over a woodland mansion.
Can we be friends. I am not joking, I have instagram and snap/ My insta is @Jackis2c00l4u, it is a memepage.
a beach- specifically North Carolina, at the beach i was at last summer.....good times. Thanks a lot COVID.
With my dad. He's in an Arizona hospital, alone, with no visitors allowed. It's terrifying.
The moon.
I’d finish the schoolwork I’m currently using this site to procrastinate on, and then I would go to meet my friend who I haven’t seen in a while. (They live in Canada, I am on the opposite side of the US)
I would be on the couch with my children and the love of my life (whom I haven’t seen in months bc of covid) near me while the snow falls, we drink hot chocolate and watch Star Wars
With my partner, cause I feel like they need a hug
With my best friend before he goes off to boot camp, we don't live very close and we are both going to be moving even further right before he leaves ;-;
Probably somewhere in Japan! I love the culture they have there and I nEED to see the Tokyo Pokémon Center as well as the Pokémon Cafe, the Kirby Café, and the Studio Ghibli Museum! I also love Asian food (I mean that not saying that they’re all the same but that I’ve tried a bunch of different countries’ and like them all) and would love to try something more authentic than a random sushi restaurant. After COVID’s gone on for a few years and it’s less intense, that is.
Japanese things cost a lot if you’re looking for high quality merchandise and food! Make sure you convert your money to yen first!
Not that it would be possible, but if it were, I'd love to take a day trip to heaven to visit my grandparents. I've been missing them a LOT lately, probably because I finally at 39 years old bought my first house. And a new build at that. They would've been so proud. They were taken way too soon in my eyes. (60's and very early 70's) I was only 23 when my grandpa passed and 25 when my grandma followed. They were my best friends and even though it's been 16 years for my Grandpa this December and 14 for my grandma this last August it still hurts like yesterday at times. So that's what I would like to do.
I also would want to be at my cousin's house. They have the sweetest and best dog in the whole wide world. We have a really strong bond. Unfortunately, we might have to stop going there because of Covid19. :(
New Zealand-no doubt in my mind bc they actually believe in science and so now they only have 2,008 COVID-19 cases. (according to google) so uhm yes. one ticket to new zealand please :0
probobly disney land. There was a ride that my parents dragged me on. It was Splash Mountain. I was freaked out. And I want to go back so I can make up for that.
I'd be in the place that gives you infinite power. Seriously. If you give me infinite power, I'll give you all aliens. And you'll like the aliens. Swear.
On the ice with my friends in the Canada Games Center in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory.
Or Hogwarts, definitely
In my childhood home...
Chiang Mai Thailand. Ive been planning the trip for over a year. If I'm lucky I might be able to go next winter. I should have a full month of leave saved up by then.
In a cute flat with a girlfriend i love, 2 or 3 cats, in boston doing character design work for cartoon network from home.
MrBeast's recording studios and get myself hired! ;P
with my friends, without my parents
Wouldn’t you be reported missing within the next 24 hours if you keep your location secret?
In a pool.
My anxiety creates a lot of sensory issues for me. I feel the most relief just being in water.
I've always wanted to visit Ireland and see the green landscapes. Have a pint (or 2) in a small town pub.
Hmm. Hard question. Welp, there's only one- er, or two- answers: HOGGY WARTY HOGWARTS or BA SING SE or some Avatar-y thing like that.
The place where there are no laws
There’s a town like that, but it’s fairly abandoned since there are no people to commit crimes to
I'd go to a country that would take my medical issues seriously. - U.S. citizen
In bed sleeping not studying and secretly reading bored panda articles 🤣
In the ring with Muhammad Ali
I want to go back in time, to find current me and see how different life would've been if I made other career and relationship choices.
I want to go back in time, to find current me and see how different life would've been if I made other career and relationship choices.
In an anime but if were talking real life her, Hawaii. My friend goes there because she has family there but i would love to with my Mom and my little bro even though he's very very mean.
I just want covid to end and be with my bf and see him again
my bed i am on virtual school and it sucks if thats not an option hogwarts 100% re-readin my faves (3,4,6,7) side note 7 so sad
I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus's garden with you doo dodood doo doo doooo
School. I miss school. I only get to see my friends like once a month and going to school would change that. But I am also tired right now so I also wish I was in my bed sleeping.
I used to not like school but Covid has really taught me how much I value it.
I would go to Maine to see my grandma! I love her so much because I can talk to her about anything. I miss her a lot Maine is also really really pretty.
some where in anime like one piece,black clover,or maybe even attack on titan (might end bad tho)
The question is, would you survive? Attack on titan’s pretty scary. I’d probably teleport myself to an alternate dimension where I have some 「Sutando Powah」
In Florida either floating around in the lazy river at Volcano Bay or on Popeye & Bluto's Bilge-Rat Barges in Islands of Adventure. Think I’m missing being in water!
In a pool.
Water always helps relieve my anxiety.
I always tell my husband if I could live in water, I would.
In real life: my cousin’s house in TX
In fantasy: the heroine in my fave webtoon
In something weird: the future
Or not 2020 would work 2
sitting on my horse in the middle of the forest
Half-Blood Hill, watching cool people hang out and me sitting in a corner watching being sad and alone. :'(
In Michigan. with my (ex) boyfriend :P