Hey Pandas, If You Could Be An Animal, What Would You Be And Why?
I just wanna see some awnsers!
I would probally be tiger. They are gorgeous and is my strait up spirit animal. I have loved tigers since I found out about them. I have written stories, and drawn them soooo many times! They bring back a lot of my holdhood memories at the zoo and at school!
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A domestic house cat. They’re living their best life. Free food and naps all day and attention if they decide they want it
a goose. Terryfying things, and i live to cause chaos, confusion, and fear amongst my friends. Also my friend compares me to one when hangry
Why the frock are you on this site if you don’t say panda
PANDA because there lazy and big and eat bamboo just like me
I thought you were trash talking me for a second! (Please don't hate me I only thought this because I saw why are you on this site!) Upvoted cause this is one awesome awnser!
A beluga whale or an octopus. Difficult to decide between these two
A ferret duhh they are so funny run around like today is the day they die and sleep for ages
A phoenix. I know they are mystical creatures but they are super strong and there tears are healing. Also anyone who is not worthy there song will be deafening. And they are reborn from their ashes.
A human :) (techiNALLY THEYRE ANIMALS SO!!!!!!!!!)
Oh dear, my spelling really broke there, huh. technically*
Personality wise? Probably a coyote- I'd say I'm pretty smart, but also pretty lighthearted and fun. But if i could choose I would choose a housecat so I could be basically worshipped and get all the attention I want.
A sloth. Their slow, can easily avoid predators, leaves, get to have friends in the form of bugs in their fur, get to hang upside down all day, and they are so freaking adorable.
Maybe a tortoise... They seem pretty laid back like everything is "meh" to them.
I’d like to be a wild plains horse. Intelligent, intuitive, inspiring, muscularly amazing, dashing, agile, graceful, and much more affectionate than you’d expect. When I was young on a family road trip, I would imagine a large horse running alongside the road, racing and jumping to keep up with us. I’ve started doing it again. At 52 years old, it’s still calming on a road trip.
a river otter, they are adorable but can be aggressive AF, just like me!
Oh I was going to go with Otter as well. How could anyone dislike them? Or how about a hybrid of an Otter and a Beaver? An Ottver?
A dog. Do I have to say more? I will. They are cute, fluffy, and love unconditionally. They get many cuddles and can bite back. 🐕
I would be a Wolfe because their f*****g awesome and I could lead my pack away from humans bucanera their destroying the planet 🌏🌍🌎🌲🍃🌱🌳🪨🪨🪨
I'd want to be a *domestic* lion... Because they're not prey animals and I wouldn't have to worry about food 😋
Aside from the obvious Panda. How about this … create a hybrid. How about a mouse and otter - a Mouster or Ottuse?
i would be a dragon. if anyone made me angy, walk outside, then start terrifying them
Flying squirrel. I can climb trees like a pro, I have a built in hang glider, I get to bury treasure(nuts) all summer and find treasure(nuts) all winter. What more could you ask for.
I would be a dolphin. They're smart, sleek, fast, and sexual. They get to zip around in warm water with their best friends. They can do amazing jumps into the air if they want to.