Most of us have caused trouble at some point for a teacher or school staff member. If you could apologize to a teacher you had growing up, or have currently, what would you say? And what's the reason behind your apology?


I'll go first.
I have two people in mind. The first is Mr. Megee, a bus driver I had when I was about 8 or 9. He was standoffish, the kids didn't really like him because everyone thought he was mean. He shouted a lot, said a lot of crappy things to say to kids. There was a few spoiled brats that rode the bus and would often threaten his job. His daughter was about 6, and she rode the bus as well. Entitled as hell, didn't like her much. She'd often call her dad over to tell me to sit down. And he would, which I never thought was fair. He also tried scolding me and my friends for waiting for the bus on someone's porch. It was a friend's porch, and we knew the family that lives there. In hindsight he only did it because he was worried about us, since we could've gotten hurt. But we took it as a personal attack. There was another time where he had a 10 yro kid get off two stops early because he wouldn't stop shouting. So yeah, no one really liked him, and for good reason. Somewhat good reason. After a week at school, I'd already made a friend (kids are like that). And I really wanted to impress her, and since she kept going on about how the bus driver was annoying and mean, I shouted something I look back on and kind of regret. "Mr. Megee you smell like pee." And I remember some kids started chanting it along. The guy probably felt humiliated, or disrespected. And now that I'm older, I recognize he was only mean because he had to be, and took a lot of c**p from a lot of kids. Wherever he is, I hope he's having a good life and quit that sh*tty bus driver job. I'd start off by apologizing, and telling him that he did good. It might've seemed like he affected no one, but he did. At least me.

The second person that comes to mind is Mrs. Bradley. From the start I remember she took an interest in me, since my previous teacher had talked bad about me to her, and warned her of me. That teacher was racist as hell and targeted me on purpose. So when Mrs. Bradley met me and realized I was actually a good kid, I told her that I get worse around the middle of the school year. Everyone hated her but there wasn't a good reason. She was patient and kind, just a bit of a doormat. Kids walked all over her. She'd often resort to drastic measures like making us walk around the school until we shut up. But it was only because she had to. The class was being so loud at some point, and absolutely no one was paying attention to her that she had a nervous breakdown and cried in front of everyone. The principal came and there was a whole mess about it. And I still remember how ruthless the kids were, and they'd made fun of her because she cried. I felt really bad, because I wanted and could've said something. Because I actually quite liked her, because she was the first teacher I had that truly gave me a chance and saw my potential and didn't see me as a problematic kid. If I could apologize, I'd tell her that she did amazing. And she put up with so much. And that she didn't deserve any of the treatment she got. And that in sorry I never spoke up. The fact that there were rumors that she quit the next year absolutely broke my heart. She was a real one.
