Pick dresses or suits or whatever you would wear to a formal ball!
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Idk 😭 I’m not a fancy person
A suit of armor. So I can hide among the empty ones in the hallway if socializing gets too much for me. Also, hey a sword!
I am just so sad that you had to add the clarifying sentence which stated "formal" ball! After reading the header "If I Were To Throw A Ball At A Castle What Would You Wear?" I was all excited to say something stupid - like "Running shoes, because I'm not getting stuck in jail with you!" Damn it!
If you were to throw a ball at a castle, I guess I’d wear some sort of leisure or sports wear in order to be best prepared to catch the ball after it bounced back off the castle wall.
A baseball uniform because I'm awkward and I thought we were throwing baseballs at the castle not a party
either a black semitransparent top with a corset underneath and wide pants or a hundred layer tulle dress.
I’d wear fishnets on my arms, a black corset, a long black skirt, a black choker, and long black boots
And sunflowers in my hair
Sorry guys didn’t mean to put formal. Wear whatever you want :D
I’d wear an oversized hoodie and some black sweats lol
At first i thought you meant if you threw a literal ball, like a bouncy ball at a castle and i was super confused for like 30 seconds until i started reading the responses anyways
i would just try to look super tacky/touristy with like knee high socks and cargo shorts and a tropical button up shirt and like a big hat so i wouldn't fit in at all with all the fancy outfits and everyone would stare at me and i could make everything unnecessarily awkward because it sounds fun
I get a lot of hand me downs from my cousin and she gave me a ridiculously big and Lacey skirt, as well as an athletic shirt almost the exact same color and a dress with a belt, i would put those three together, along with a shawl that i got from a colonial costume i needed for school.
I’d wear my tennis-skirt or any sporty pants, tennis shoes, grab my racket and throw as far as I can
The biggest poufiest 16th century dress, and a giant f**king top hat, and a fake moustache. Not to mention flip flops.