Hey Pandas, If A Zombie Apocalypse Occurred, What Store Would You Wanna Be In When It Happened? (Closed)
If a zombie apocalypse happened, where would you prefer to be?
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Probably costco because the zombies can’t get in without a membership
Probably a hardware shop like Home Depot so I can chainsaw some zombies off.
Either that or Barnes Nobles so I can drink coffee and read till my death
-either a grocery store for food,
-a store with many appliances(walmart),
-a hardware store for protection(home depot),
-Ikea cuz its confusing and feels like a home kinda,
-or an arcade/ movie theater so i can peacefully watch my fav shows/movies(idk how i'd hook it up tho lol), or play games lol until i become one of them(also they r pretty dark which may help)
ot tub store. Don;t zombies die as most their body parts fall off? Zombies seem similar to Reevers in Firefly and Serenity. In real life zombies are most like junkies
Either someplace like sams or costco or buccees because even tho it doesnt have much on the hardware side it has alot on the barricading yourself with living supplies :)