I've always dreamed of traveling the world and exploring different countries, but there are so many of them! Please help me decide by giving me some reasons why I should visit your country!


You should come to Lithuania if you enjoy lush forests, old architecture, and great food! We also have lots of lakes, rivers. You can go to the coast and see the Baltic Sea.


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Lucille Monroe
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've never thought of Lithuania! Thanks for the suggestion! I love nature, so it seems like the right place for me!

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Slovakia - lovely mountains, beautiful caves, cheap and delicious beer.



You should visit Ireland because, well... It's Ireland!
Ireland doesn't really need selling because if you don't already know it has the best people, the best scenery, and the food... Oh the food!!!
Anyone that has ever been to Ireland will tell you... You should go!


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Lucille Monroe
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I've heard a lot of great things about Ireland, and I LOVE the accents there! If I ever get the chance to, I will definitely pay Ireland a visit!

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I was really surprised to see how few nations are represented here. Although I am Dutch American, I hope I can do the nations below justice from my limited experience of their natural, cultural, and historical beauty.

First and foremost, GREECE. The foundation of the modern world, of civilisation, democracy, and all that mythology, Greece is a historical gem that knows no equal in the first world. The cuisine is an aquired taste for some, but the people are charming to a fault, affable, and everyman's friend.

Second, Italy. Where Greece gave rise to organised thinking, Rome gave rise to organised logistics. The roads Rome built can still be traced from the air, and connect almost all of europe over land, making for a fascinating tourist route.

The third has already been mentioned, but bears repetition as a cuisine, which is almost a trip unto itself. Both Italy and France can be toured gastronomically and oenologically for WEEKS on end without a moment's boredom.

Fourth is actually a forest rather than one nation, and encompasses Germany, Poland, even extending into Lithuania, likewise mentioned above. Further north the belt continues into the former soviet union, before tapering south of siberia. This belt is the largest continuous forest on the planet, and the sheer scale is something to behold.

One cannot mention Germany or indeed Belgium without beer, and both of their magnificent history with trains and waterworks. Both have culinary delights found nowhere else, and both have frankly staggering artistic output. Mahler alone is worth a month of touring, similar in scope to Keats or Shakespeare in the UK. Other delights in europe are the flowers and tidal works of the Netherlands, the horses and cuisine of Spain, the Danish unbelievable hotdog variety, and the sheer power of nature's fury in Iceland.

Across the Med you can see Morocco and Egypt, although with the climate changing in the direction it is, that territory is not only becoming progressively less habitable, but also exponentially more dangerous. West and south Africa hold the true jewels of nature, with Senegal and Mali offering the warmest of french influences to introduce you to the desert biome, and Tanzania, Congo, and Zambia as the heart of the savannah biome. Africa has some of the most magnificent displays of nature's beauty, but the political situation can be rather fluid, so always check with your embassy for up-to-date information.
Please do not visit Madagaskar unless you enjoy jungle trekking and can be disciplined about it, as this is one of our planet's most fragile ecosystems. Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but pictures.

Beyond Africa there is south and southeast asia, with it's marvelous colour and impossibly rich history. India alone is a lifetime of experiences, as is Thailand, Myanmar, Tibet, and Vietnam. If you've time for only one I would heartily recommend Malaysia as they have a unique three-way split population of Malaysian, Indian, and Chinese influences; each with equally long and lustrous history, cuisine, and culture. My five years in Kuala Lumpur were the highlight of my youth.

Further into Asia there is of course China, but I cannot advise going there at the moment with the kerfuffle america is stirring up. Hong Kong is China Light, as it were, but is VERY intense for newcomers. Sights, sounds, smells, even the sheer number of languages can be a lot to process. Just let it wash over you, and you'll feel right at home in ten days flat.

Over to the east you have Indonesia and of course Japan, both of which are just impossible to do justice by anyone but a native. Japan in particular is utterly apart from the rest of our species, and in my view a cut above the rest. Cuisine, history, culture, art, even their infrastructure is a marvel to behold. If I had to pick one city, I'd say go see Fukuoka.



France - périgord noir. french forests in all its splendour. Be warned that you may get addicted


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

The Basque region was great there ! Spent two weeks with a friend from St-Jean-de-Luz and she arranges a lots of activities in the mountains and visiting small cosy villages from the region.

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I mean Canada’s got some pretty nice summers! People always complain about how it is always cold and snowy, but the summer is pretty hot! We also have tons of lakes, a couple waterfalls, and HUNDREDS if not MILLIONS of great campsites!


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Margaret Weaver
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

BACON, maple syrup, the canadian people, and Vancouuuuuuuuver. This country needs to be on EVERYONE's bucket list.

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US, for the national parks!



Australia..... it's Big.



New Zealand!! It has two islands, one full of beautiful mountains and the other full of beaches!! it is stunning a green!! please come!! :)


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Lucille Monroe
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sounds so beautiful! I'd love to go! (P.S. Is calling someone from New Zealand a "Kiwi" an insult, or an acceptable nickname?)

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Scotland, a lovely part of Uk. I'm british/swedish and have family in Edinburgh, which is one of the bigger cities. You should absolutly visit Edinburgh if you love history and culture. Scotland also have the beautiful highlands, isles (exampe Isle of Skye) and of course we have the famous sea monster Nessie.

Sweden is beautiful too, especially in the summer when there is no snow and a bit warmer. We have amazing nature with a free to room rule. Gotland and the high coast is two places with amazing nature!


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Margaret Weaver
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ooooh Sweden is pretty, especially the men! I absolutely LOVED my time in Göteborg! The people are so friendly and your automatic trash disposal is SO ingenious!!

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Wherever you go -- take the most scenic route possible and take as much time as possible. Get off the main path and see as much as you can -- EVERYWHERE. Read books, looks things up on the internet, talk to people before you go, talk to everyone when you are there. You will regret that you didn't travel farther and longer no matter how much you cram into your life. Look at travel shows, do your research, always have an alternate plan for bad weather, delays. Travel will turn you into an entirely different person!


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Elmie Pumpkinbush
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3 years ago

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Belgium! Cute little country with the best chocolate, great food and delicious beers, lots of history and nature and tucked in between France, the Netherlands and Germany, so you can easily go to these countries too.
Compact awesomeness!


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Ella Blackwood
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Bruges is one of my favorite places in Europe! It is just so charming and beautiful. I can't wait to go back.

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Norway - because of the fjords, mountains, stave churches (wooden churches from the Viking era).


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US because were not all the boredpanda stereotypes (we arent all trump loving peacies of s**t) and for some of the amazing beaches


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Patrick Triplett
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Yeah, hate our government all you want, don't hold it against the majority of us. Unless, like those stupid Americans, you get all your info from TV.

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Mexico has ancient civilizations. Only In Mexico City we have the "Templo Mayor" (Great Temple) where the Mexica (pronounce Meshica, its Nahuatl) people lived. Also in this city you can visit lots of museum, parks an near other ancient architecture like Tula or Teotihuacan


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Eagle Girl
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Mexico is so underappreciated. The Mayans, Oh the Mayans. Somehow their brilliance is forgotten amongst the Greeks, Egyptians as founders of our World Civilization.

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INDIA! ❤ I mean, why shouldn't you? India has mountains, beaches, islands, desert, forests, plain land, plateaus...what else do u want?😀 It is rich in culture and has lots of monuments of historical importance. Even the food is very diverse. Every region has a different cuisine ♥


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Sapna Sarfare
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And there is more to India than Taj Mahal, Rajsthan, Kerala and Punjab. Travelling is cheap if you dont mind the crowd. Good (safe) food is not expensive and yes, we have cuisines that will leave you in food coma. It is true when they say you need to experience India.

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The UK has castles.

Also we have The Locomotion, Shildon.



In Canada we have the world's largest boreal forest, 2 mountain ranges (Rockies in the west and Aleutians in east), tundra in the north, prairies in the centre. Manitoba has countless lakes with thousands of swimmable beaches.
Our people are warm, friendly and accommodating. Need directions or want to ask a question and we'll become your personal tour guide lol.
We're surrounded by 3 oceans: Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic. There's something for everyone.
Our winters can be harsh in the prairies, and very hot in the summer, but if you can't handle risking -30C or lower or +30C and higher, British Columbia is usually mild and rainy, southern Ontario has milder temperatures.
In summers we do get some heavy storms and about 60 tornadoes a year if storm chasing is up your alley.
If you like winter sports, we have lots of manmade rinks, but even more special 2 of the longest natural skating rinks on the Assiniboine River in Winnipeg and Rideau Canal In Ottawa that divides Ontario and Quebec.
If French is your main language you'll feel right at home in Quebec, and there are French districts in any of the main cities.
Canada is heavily multicultural. Every tradition is embraced. We love to learn and experience different cultures around the world. Our arts and entertainment community is huge.

There's plenty of professional and junior sports matches to go see. Despite hockey being massively popular, lacrosse is actually our national sport. Along with American football, soccer football, baseball, curling, figure skating, etc.

If art is more your taste we got a pretty unique music scene that's quite folks-y. Festivals galore, especially in Manitoba. There's Winnipeg Folk Festival that's on at Bird's Hill Park, a city wide Folklorama where you can explore different cultures for a week.

Niagara Falls is beautiful. A honeymoon mecca and it's got a main street that looks like Universal Studios, imo. You can go on a ferry ride that goes close to the falls and a tunnel system behind the falls.

I could write a novel. I'll leave it here. Canada is just an amazing country.


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Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is quite possibly the best sales pitch for Canada 🇨🇦 I've seen in a while!

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Norway. We got fjords. It is cold and expensive here, the weather is unstable and still people are coming. Must be the fjords.


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Simon Clarke
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Well the people there are ace. First day travelling on motorbikes my wife and I went the wrong way down a street. A man came up and stated giving out to us but another middle aged lady came up and told him not to be so silly. When he went she laughed and said some people are so up tight. Also met a mountain sized fisherman man with a beard who gave me some fresh fish for my breakfast. I grew a beard after that and have had it ever since. Norwegians are great.

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Come to Australia! (Canberra more specifically.) It is beautiful, smells amazing, great hiking, and kind people. The only downsides are the increasing wildfires and the kangaroos out to get you.



Canada! It’s lovely!



The Netherlands. Amsterdam is a beautiful city. See the Nightwatch by Rembrandt, go to the Van Gogh museum, take a walk in the old city centre. Rotterdam has a lot of great modern architecture and of course the harbor. Go to the beach, one of our many islands, etc. The Dutch love good food, cold beer and are friendly and speak english!


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Ella Blackwood
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love The Netherlands. I have only seen a small part of it, but it was so beautiful and clean. Amsterdam was very nice and we stayed in Haarlem, which was just adorable and so charming. Great Indonesian food!

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Australia, there's lots of unique flora and fauna you won't see anywhere else.



Australia, so scenic and wonderful. Great beaches and no, as an Aussie, it's a lot harder to get killed here than you think it is*
We have great beaches and lovely deserts, cool rainforests and big, suburban areas. We have a lot.

*All tourists where I live are trained on how to survive a drip bear attack, and take a course on how to beat a kangaroo in boxing.



The US, but be prepared--50 states, each with their own identity, and not all of them contiguous. The land area is 3.8 million miles. You can drive the 48 contiguous states (3,500 miles/5,633 kilometers coast-to-coast), but will need to make special trips to Alaska (via Canada) and Hawaii (2,500 miles/4,023 kilometers from the mainland). If you would like to see the US territories as well, you will need to make additional travel accommodations to visit American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Pack extra undies, it's going to take a while!



You could visit Oregon. It’s not super busy and has less people. Also, the Oregon coast is really pretty during the sunset.



Germany. Lots of nature type of places, museums and a lot of cute small cities with cute houses


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Little Phoenix
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Berlin is an amazingly cool city. One of my European favorites together with London and Barcelona. 3 very different experiences.

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Puerto Rico! How do you like your tropical beaches? we go them! You could be in a rain forest in the morning, go to the beach in the afternoon and have dinner in the Old San Juan at night. Forts, caverns, nightlife, hiking, kayak or visit 3 of the 5 bioluminescent bays in the world, fishing, world class zip lining, lots of Rums and great people. You could also come and stay for a few days and then hop on a cruise and visit our neighbors in the Caribbean for more beaches, history and Rum... i meant, fun ;) .


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Matt Mosher
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Should be given independence or made a state. Either way deserve better


Get your scuba gear and head over here to Atlantis! Location will be given upon payment. Come for the strange and otherworldly architecture and win a chance to learn the truth about the world's most mysterious secrets from our outer space alien library for which it is our job to protect and keep secret!



Come to Québec ! Lots to do! Biggest french speaking state in North America and home of the poutine (La Banquise in Montréal for a good selection of poutine). Furthermore, if you're a history buff: Montréal, Québec and Wendake are great place to visit some awesome museum and historical sites.

Foodies ? Le Pied de Cochon in Montréal of chef Martin Picard is a representation of Quebec cuisine: generous, no waste, inviting, no bull***t. Depending on when you come, we have PLENTY of food festivals: Poutineweek, Phoque-fest (for seal meat), Mtl à Table (to discover new restaurants without spending a fortune).

Fan of beers or ciders? Lots of brewery and microbrewery all over the province to discover. My favorite is in Saint-Gédéon in the beautiful region of the Lac St-Jean. If available, try the Stoychev (honouring a swimmer of the same name who dominated the crossing of the lake for years).

Nature ? Tons of parks, national parks, rivers, lake to discover. Go to Tadoussac to see the whales, a small excursion in the Saguenay fjord, camping in one of the many national parks or even just a stroll on Mount Royal overlooking Montréal, park designed by the same guy who designed Central Park.

A good show ? Tons of festivals again, a Scottish comedian called Montréal a city with ADD, always needing to be entertained. Just for Laughs for comedy, Jazz Festival, Osheaga, Winter Carnival in Quebec etc.

The People ? Well you're talking to one. We are nice, like any Canadians, love a good time and enjoy helping others with anything. Don't be afraid to ask and if you put a little french word here and there (merci, excusez-moi j'ai besoin d'aide etc.), you'll get the super smiley VIP treatment ;-)

Just a little warning, our province is big ! Don't do the same mistakes my friend from France did... trying to go from Montréal to Québec to Tadoussac, to the Lac St-Jean and back to Montréal in a week-end. They thought it was not that big of a trip and hope to visit some museums in Québec, whale-watching in Tadoussac, beach day at the lake St-Jean. They did none of those activities because they spent their time driving from one place to another. Plan your travel carefully and look up Google maps for traveling time estimate by car.

Hope it was a good pitch, could go on forever. À bientôt les Pandas !


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Eagle Girl
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Omigosh, to DonS~ I want to visit so much, actually wanted to move there but, fear my lack of French would be a deterrent. Can you get around with minimal French and alot of English?

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New Zealand, for so many reasons.
* To make an Unexpected Journey
* Some of the best ice-cream in the world.
* Great seafood
* Friendly people with a quirky sense of humour (and that amazing accent)
* To get an adrenaline fix
* Oh, and the scenery such as lakes, mountains, beaches, forests, glaciers - that kind of thing
* Did I mention ice-cream? Seriously good, I tell you.


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Eagle Girl
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This may be the first time I've seen a passion for New Zealand travel without a Lord of the Rings reference lol.. Ice cream you say?

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The North East of England
Has the friendliest and nicest people in the uk, amazing food and drink (Newcastle brown ale and Greggs pasties), has gorgeous beaches and amazing nightlife. Has tonnes of historical sites and new an exciting places to go.
The best place in the world, yeah I’m a Geordie and I’m biased so come find out for yourself!!!


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Hungary - the country of hot springs. You can find spas everywhere in the country, some of them with beautiful old architecture, and some of them are modern. There are also Turkish style spas, which shows the influence of the 150 years' Turkish occupation to Hungarian culture.
There is also the Great Hungarian Plain, where you can encounter sceneries you cannot find anywhere else.
The capital, Budapest has a wonderful night view and beautiful monuments like the Buda Castle, the Chain Bridge, the Heroes' Square, the Bazilika, the Opera House, the Széchenyi Thermal Bath, etc.
There are pretty small cities where you can wonder around on the beautiful streets, like Szentendre, Sopron or Vác.
The Hungarian cuisine is delicious, try goulash soup, pörkölt, lángos, chimney cake (kürtős kalács), and you must try Hungarian wine and pálinka (a type of alcohol). I could go on with the list but it is getting a bit long :) Maybe this video can add to the explanation


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Please come to the UK!
Where nobody will shoot you and nothing will eat you.


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Because in Australia there are so many things to do, eat, and enjoyyy!



You should visit the US to see there are some really cool people irl vs the awful politics & online presence.
We love our sports and our hometowns just like most countries. We have a taste of the world from food to art to music bc everyone is from somewhere else. I've been to 36 states and everyone has been a wonderful experience bc most people really are kind to strangers.


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Come to Bosnia. It's Europe's medieval melting pot. You've got churches, mosques, and synagogues all within a few hundred meters in our capital city Sarajevo, dubbed Europe's Jerusalem. Also, there is stunning nature, and you can go from skiing on a snowy mountain to swimming in the sea or a lake within an hour. Towns like Mostar, Stolac, Visegrad, and others have impressive UNESCO heritage sites, many belonging to our unique Bosnian medieval culture of the Bosnian Bogomils, a secluded Christian order designated as heretics by the "regular" church for their lack of appreciation for church authorities, their tolerance for other religions and rejection of dogmatic beliefs...


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mountains, hikes, lakes, cute swiss villages, polite people, clean and so on :)


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In the middle of europe. Here you can find different types of landscapes. There are mountains (Alps), glaciers, lakes, woods and plains. Most cities are quite small except Vienna. You can find different kind of museums nearly everywhere. There are nice hiking trails. (However PLEASE ask someone about the trip bevore you go there without any preperation. And sandals are not suitable for any mountain trip!)
Nearly every local (at least the younger ones) will be able to communicate in English.
On the other hand, there is quite a lot of tourism at popular places. (Even at the Zentralfriedhof in Vienna.) This means it is easy to access nice places but may be crowded.
Mostly at Vienna, but also around the country you can find a lot of the treasures of the Habsburger on display. (Beginning with jewellery, collections of stuffed animals, clocks, stones, artwork (a LOT of different artwork there are more than two museums filled with pictures), books, weaponry and so on.) And there are palaces, castles and a lot of buildings from different areas.
You can get some nice food too, however even if it is a small country the food can differ from place to place.
Around Christmas there are nice christmas markets all around the country and most places decorate their main streets and squares nicely.
However it can be quite crowded there.


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So I know a lot of people crap on America but I strongly recommend it for a good trip. You can travel the country quite easily and comfortably while experiencing vastly unique and different food and cultures.

You can start off in NY and see a vast city with all the food of the world in on place. Go down down the east coast and have amazing seafood and smaller town appeal. You will run into Dutch, French, and strong German roots until you hit Florida.

In Florida you can experience Latinx culture and vibrant food, a wild night life, and beautiful beaches and oceans. Cross over to Texas and feel like you are in a new country with personalities and culture. Eat the BBQ but also the amazing Korean and Indian cuisine. Once bored there you can travel north and see the Midwest.

The Midwest can seem boring but there are beautiful mountain ranges, vast fields, and history. Keep going north and you will run into Chicago, Detroit, and the Great Lakes that look like an ocean. Keep going west!

You can travel through Colorado and the Dakotas seeing amazing nature, you can continue and travel into New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, and Nevada for deserts, new cultures, and cuisine. Go stark north and run into Washington, Oregon, and California. California is a state where you can snowboard at the start of the morning and travel down to surf in the evening. California’s cuisine needs no mention but is a great experience.

Being able to freely travel between states, singular currency, readily available lodging, and relative safety make the US a great country to visit!


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Well, Italy, it’s simply too much to say. Just come and see, it will take a couple of lifes to see all the beauty that we have here…


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Valter Giardini
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Cara Alessia, non facciamolo troppo sapere in giro che la nostra è una terra meravigliosa: io non voglio avere turisti americani o australiani o di altre località tra i piedi, si sta così bene in Italia senza tutti quegli intrusi che producono solo rifiuti urbani.... Ahahahhahhahh, sto scherzando...!


Brazil is full of warm and kind people. And no, Brazil is not just Rio, samba, soccer, favelas and the Amazon, as most people think. On each corner of the country, you'll see different cultures and probably different temperatures, as it is colder in the south and hotter in the northeast. I recommend visiting some beaches in the northeast states. But if you’re not much into beaches and wants more of the urban cultural experience, then go to the south and southeast states.



Come to South Africa, we have beautiful beaches, mountains and 11 beautiful cultures to explore



We have a lot of beautiful forests and some mountains to hike through, despite the Alps in the south there is also the "Harz" in the north that can be traveled by foot, bike, lifts or with a steam locomotive.
With access to the North- and the Baltic Sea there are also many interesting locations for a beach vacation available. One of the natural highlights in the Northern Sea is the "Wadden Sea" that can be experienced during ebbs. If the sea is too much water, we have a lot of rivers that can be discovered by boat or ship

For history fans we can provide a lot of museums for any kind of topic and castles all over the country, and many cities still have their medival core preserved. Science nerds also will have a great time here, as a lot of exhibitions for all kinds of fields can be found.
Culinary variety is something we can provide too, from regional classics like "White Sausage" in Bavaria to international cuisine from South- and East Europe, Asia and Africa.

If urban adventure are more up somebodies lane then the cities can be very interesting. Mentioning Munich, Cologne, Hamburg, Hannover and Berlin (avoid this one) is mandatory, but the smaller cities in the more rural areas are also worth a visit. Despite not being the most reliable methode that can be easily done by train, either with regional lines or our high speed trains called ICE (Intercity Express).

There's a North- / South divide when it comes to the people, with the southeners being more open and jolly while the northeners seem a bit more practical and short worded. (Generally spoken)
But the majority are kind people and interested in meeting tourists from other countries, despite of our reputation. English is a mandatory language and many people will also understand another language on a basic level at least. In the eastern part it's also not unusal to find people that speak russian due to our history.

Sorry for the wall of text.



Come to Lagos State, Nigeria and you'll see the true representation of Africa. Lagos is a very diverse state where you'll meet people from every state in Nigeria. If you go to the right places, you'll find people from of various nationalities living and working together. There are nice and beautiful places to go to but the true beauty of Lagos State is in its people, culture, history and cuisine.

Immerse yourself in the hustle and bustle of Lagos State and you'll hear amazing stories from folks from various walks of life. You might also make friends for life.

We have over 30 beaches here because Lagos is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean but I'll advise you to visit the private beaches only. They're cleaner and less crowded.

We also have many festivals like Eyo (masquerade festival), Lagos Trade fair etc. You can also visit sites where the Atlantic Slave trade took place.

If you're into fashion and clubbing, Lagos is for you. There are more nightclubs (strip clubs too) and fashion houses than I can count. Since the majority of Lagosians are under 40, it is definitely the city of the young.


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Oh god don't come here. We Americans are pretty damn stupid lol. Ok we aren't all bad. If you have a dire need to come to the states then check out Rubino's pizza. 2643 e main st. Bexley Ohio 43209.

Best cracker thin crust pizza in the world. ( Yes it's a shameless promo. I worked there for years😃)


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Faith Hurst
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Weird to see someone say, "Come to this state for this one pizza place." But, go you!

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Don't come to Namibia if you hate racism. Seriously, here are so much racist people here. And crime rates are quite high. 10/10 do not recommend. Hotel Trivago



The only thing I know about you is that you want to travel the world and explore different countries so I'll say you should visit the US because 1) We're part of the world and 2) We're a little bit of all of it.


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India..... a vast collection of heritage and culture. Amazing food, and colorful festivals.


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If you love mountains, lakes, cultural diversity and historical architectures then I believe you would enjoy visiting Nepal.


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shouldn't come to england. it's a total mess. but I hear Wales is nice?



Come to Spain, there’s so much to see and so much to eat. Don’t forget the north, Basque Country, Cantabria, Asturias and Galicia. From Galicia is very easy to go to Portugal. So much to see, so much to eat, with probably the nicest people in the world.


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You should come to America if you have a thirst for soda and protesting. s/


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Indonesia was already mentioned above, but i will add, go further than Bali. Yes Bali is amazing but try to go to other places. Indonesia has plenty to offer. Beaches, mountains, lakes, culture. Go to Jogjakarta (not Jakarta) to see Borobudur, the biggest buddhist temple in south east asia. Go to Raja Ampat to dive. Or go to see Komodo at the national park.

No one mention China. Despite the bad publicity in the west, i had the chance to live there for over 10 years. It's an interesting country with plenty to see. You will find something for everyone. Culture, nature, food, high technology, party. Still the safest country i have ever been. Shanghai is very foreigner friendly and can be a good start. Most signs are in pinyin, and people are generally more friendly towards foreigner who don't speak Chinese. From there, you can go around, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuyi. Famous for their lake and water way. Go further up to Beijing for great wall and forbidden palace. Further north brings you to Harbin and around. Go north west to Gansu to find the traces of silk road and the gobi dessert. Go south to Yunnan. The downside is google based app doesn't really work there, thank you to great firewall of China.


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Texas, we have rolling hills, beaches, forest, swamp, deserts, plains and mountains all in one state. Great food and warm people work cool events! Amazing music, wineries, breweries, great nightlife, gorgeous wildflowers are left to bloom along the side of the highways in spring. You can enjoy the variety of cultures, food and lifestyles all over the state. Yes we might be a little (cough) more state pros than all other states combined but once you look into that vast Texas sky, eat amazing TexMex, and feel the warmth of a genuine Texans smile, you’ll know it’s all pretty true. It is worth all the hype.



Canada... POUTINE. So much natural beauty from coast to coast. Many lakes. Diversity. Rich cultural heritage. Festivals. Tim Hortons. Vancouver highly recommended.


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If you like rain, rain and even more rain come to Scotland, or the UK in general.


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The U.S.. Granted most things are a mess and there are definitely some places you should avoid, and you better hope that you don't need to go to the hospital while you're here because it will cost you a fortune, but all that aside there are some really nice places here. Sure there are lots of people who fit into the typical ignorant American tropes but there lots of nice people to. What's more the natural wonders here are incredible. If for nothing else come for the national parks. Bryce canyon, zion, arches, are all unforgettable, and the amount of ecological diversity is stunning, not just how many different places there are but how different they are from each other. If you visit the U.S. do it for the national parks.



I live in the United States of America, in the desert outside of Tucson, Arizona. You should visit my country because there are some of the most amazing natural things to see.

In Arizona we have the most awe inspiring thunderstorms that you could possibly want to see, hear, feel and smell, yes smell. When the rains hit the desert there is no other smell in the world like it. It reaches into you and pulls at your heart.

We have sunsets that are so beautiful they want to make you weep they are that beautiful.

We have spiders so big and hairy you want to put a saddle on them and ride them around.

We have rattlesnakes meaner than my evil twin.

We have lizards that look like candy corn and have the bite of a bulldog.

And that's just in Arizona!


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Come to Alaska in the summer and stay for 7 days and 1 night.

But really, you get mountains and oceans, volcanos and bears. Dog sledding if you are into that. You can go see whales and orcas and if you are an outdoorsy person, you can hike mountains and see mountain goats.


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Matt Mosher
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Still awesome. However.part of the USA. Fun fact never laughed harder than when an Alaskan met a Texan


Bangladesh! Though not many people even know that there is a country named Bangladesh...

However, here you can visit the longest sea beach of the world called C*x's Bazar, the biggest mangrove forest of the world called Sundarbans, mountains, canals, lakes and many more...

Also you can enjoy Hilsha fish, Jackfruit, various types of dried fish, pithas... the list goes on...

Also you can have bamboo as an ethnic cuisine or just raw bamboo, if you are a real Panda...🐼


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I' Gomez & Morticia's kid
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sundarbans is indeed beautiful. Gosh, I miss Ilis fish curry 😋 jackfruit and bamboo shoots can truly replace any variety of Meats



History, nature, culture - unique places for almost every individual and interest.


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Australia- Every state and terratory feels like a whole new world to explore!


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Valter Giardini
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And what about those deadly insect, venomous snakes, killer spiders and crocs?


Don't come to Canada. All the stereotypes are true.



You SHOULD avoid America..ignore my warning fine whatever..if you do come to Virginia..we have the caverns in Luray and I’ve been down there they are beautiful also George Washington is from Virginia and lots of presidents were



Come to Iceland if you have too much money and no clue what to do with it!


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Come to COLOMBIA! 🇨🇴 We have two oceans, and a huge range of climates. We are nice with foreigns (we love them). And right now everything is cheap because our currency price is freaking low. You can go to Cartagena, or Medellín, or Bogotá each city has thier own amazing culture, you'll have an amazing time with us. :)


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Skip America. It’s like any city but worse. Now not all america is bad but enough of it is you should not come here.


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San Luis Potosí, México. The olny place you can find enchiladas and cactus fruit (tunas) :3


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Come to India if you enjoy delectable, spicy and colorful food. Come to India if you wanna deal with the fact that the streetside vendor who is serving you now probably lives in a small hut with her seven children and no husband cause he left her for another family. Come to India if you want to see centuries old monuments built by rich kings. Come to India if you wanna see homeless, starving people sleeping beside those monuments. Welcome to India, the land of rich political history. Welcome to India, the place where all you hear on the news are the arguments between useless politicians, and not the rape of a little girl that happens every day.



Because if you don't, you won't have travelled the world :)



If you enjoy not enjoying the Chinese government, or perhaps you just enjoy boba tea, pretty sights, nice people, nice food and democracy, then Taiwan might just be the place for you.


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The Czech Republic. We have cheap and great beer, disaster on castle which we must call "the President" and we lie to ourselves we have special sense of humour.


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As I see we're not yet represented here - come visit Israel! It's a gorgeous country with thousands of years of complex history, and has historical and religious sites that even if you don't follow any particular religion should be experienced for the deep cultural meanings they carry (usually for more than one religion, nation or people; like I said, complex).
Also, we have lovely beaches for sunbathing and diving, mountains for hiking, deserts for driving through (or hiking, just not in summer), and cities for shopping and museums and nightlife - all spread over a country small enough that you can drive across it in a day. The food is spectacular, the coffee kicks ass, and most everyone speaks English to some degree. Summer is long, winter is short, we're doing well on Covid vaccinations.


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Poland! I’m not Polish. It’s a lovely country, great history and architecture. Good beer, good food and very friendly people!


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Sweden of course! If you like beer you should choose Gothenburg and not the capitol Stockholm. We are famous for our awesome beer. Also you have the sea, awesome shrimp sandwiches, beautiful people and nature. A lot of historical places to look at.


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Depends on where you live.



USA galt California We’ve got nice sunsets across from walker community park


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Margaret Weaver
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3 years ago

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USA we got good food (even if it isnt healthy) national parks, and if you go to texas theres a place called great wolf lodge its a waterpark and hotel and it has a lot of cool things


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Eagle Girl
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

You know we have healthy food, alot of it actually. Just most people make other choices. Ever eaten a mango off the tree? Make you forget an apple pie in a minute.

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Rwanda! A remarkable country in the heart of Africa. Incredible landscapes, rich history and inviting people. Have a lifetime chance of trekking and seeing the rarest mountain gorillas up-close.


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If you enjoy Racism,Homaphobia, McDonald's, and violence, Then America is the place to be!



I don’t like here but Cap Ferret, France. I loved my ex tire experience visiting there. The market every morning, the little town, the beach. You should definitely visit there!


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If you love call of duty, come visit Philadelphia!! So many gunshots..


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Kenya.Disclaimer:Once in,you wont go back.


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U.S for the national parks and rich veriety of cultures.


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The USA #1 it is vast and diverse.#2 Canada is right next door. #3 if you're looking for a laugh we provide many opportunities tbh.


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Apart from the scenery, you shouldn't. I live in the US.



For all of you that do not understand the question: Hey Pandas, I Want To Travel The World. Why Should I Visit Your Country?

A State is a political unit that has sovereignty over an area of territory and the people within it. ... ' A country is simply another word for State. The United States can be referred to as either a 'country' or a 'State. ' People use the terms interchangeably. Thank you.


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Booshan Belut
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Guys come to Mauritius Island - Beautiful Beaches, Multi Cultural and nice people.