Hey Pandas, I Never Thought I’d Be Making One Of These But I Really Need Your Help, AITA? (Closed)
Ok, so my friend is 15 yrs old and wants to get pregnant. They have plans with someone tomorrow even tho they're underage too. I have so many concerns with this but the person I spoke to didn't see a problem.
There are even more concerns than just the whole it's a kinda illegal thing too, they're:
- Still in education for a couple of months, would probably be disowned by parents, they can't even cope with themself let alone another child because of mental illness and suicidal tendencies.
-They of course don't have their own place to live, and no income outside of their parents.
-Their whole life would change and they're not ready to stop going out and shit more as they're very social and go out pretty much every single day.
-They've probably done a lot of permanent damage to their body due to lots of smoking drinking and other bad habits so I'm scared of them doing this without speaking to a doctor.
Please don't judge my friend here they have a lot going on I just need to know if I'm in the wrong for being against something they really want. I think one day they'd be an amazing parent but I've asked for them to at very very least finish high school and to get their own place to stay and income first...
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This could really mess with their future and they will probably be pissed at you but at least you're protecting them!!!!!! In the future they will understand but you need to tell someone.
Also definitely NTA!!!!!! Please think about telling someone they are related to to stop them. This isn't healthy and they need to wait till they're older.
Sounds like your friend is just looking for some control over their life.
You’re definitely NTA.
Perhaps you should try to convince your friend to wait until it’s at least legal. People who have decently damaged bodies and minds like that often lead to pregnancies dangerous to them and their baby. But it is their choice and nobody else’s. Even if everyone else turns on them, make sure you’re still be nice, even though it’s hard sometimes.
Thanks for the reply and yea I agree. They seem to think having a child will make everything better and I've tried talking them out of it so many times
Tell anyone now. Do it. Don’t think about what your friend will think. Just tell trusted adults. Quick
Hey, being 15 myself, so you can totally ignore this bc i could totally be wrong. In my opinion, 15 is way to early to have kids.
- First, the stress of having to take care of kids
- Second, if she's drinking/smoking/drugs, then that can interfere with the growth of the fetus and cause preterm birth and fetal death. Babies born to women who used illegal drugs during pregnancy may need specialized care after birth. These babies have an increased risk of long-term medical and behavioral problems.
- Lastly. it's just a bad idea in the first place
Again, totally ignore this if you want to
You're definitely not the A here.
I would recommend looking up any locations near by that sell/rent baby simulators. I've seen them on a few talk shows where kids feel like they deserve kids of their own and quite often, they're problem children with no real sense of personal responsibility. When forced to take care of a child (even if it's just a synthetic), they tend to turn around rather quickly...
NTA, you’re being a good friend. First, this needs to be addressed with the authorities and other people in an appropriate manner. Second, wait until you get married to get your spouse pregnant(That’s only my opinion. I’m 17 and still single). Third, smoking and drinking at that age is gonna set up a lifetime of health issues. Fifth, children in general are very time consuming and expensive thing to have. Finally, education is very important and finishing high school is good.
Wait... Did you say ANOTHER child? Is there an other one?
Also, I would suggest you tell their parents if you can contact them or someone else. Try to talk them out of doing this, it's absolutely absurd!
Wait did I say another? If so I apologise because they have most certainly not had a child
Firstly NTA, you are trying to keep them safe. Secondly honestly if they do have a child they need parental consent (unlikely) or a safe place to go with the child. They need a stable job, and since they're in school, they need to have a better education or the child risks injury and sickness, and seeing as they're not in great mental health, that is not going to turn out well if the child gets sick.
NTA. I think you should tell their parents, but make sure you keep yourself anonymous if you want to stay this person’s friend.
What a totally permanent result to a temporary ‘whim’. Yes, at this age many things can seem appealing that a more mature person would see as a totally life ruining decision. I’m sorry, but a real friend would do everything possible to keep a child from having a child. Yes,that girl will not appreciate it and possibly unfriend you, but how could you stand by and do nothing if you really cared about her? Almost for sure at some point they will come to understand what might have become of all her opportunities in life.
completely NTA, especially with them having mental AND physical issues, more stress could make it almost impossible for them to keep going, 15 is way too young, but even as they get older, they should wait until they lay off the drugs, get a decent amount of money saved up and deal with their mental health. If they refuse, the best thing to do is tell their parents even if it sacrifices friendship, this is more important.
Have them babysit someone else's kid. The worst behaved the better!
They actually like babysitting but hey I don't think they've done anything
Absolutely NTA. Tell your friend’s parents, or if you’re not comfortable with that, you can tell your own parents and have them talk to them.
I don't think they've done anything but thanks for all the replies. I was extremely anxious over it icl
I don't think they've done anything but thanks for all the replies. I was extremely anxious over it icl