Give me and other people tips on how to protect ourselves!
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Physically, or emotionally? I can tell you this. You can count on me for emotional support any time serenagun. But as far as emotionally protecting yourself goes... Here's my advice. Be aware of everybody around you and try to anticipate anything and everything they could say or do that could potentially hurt you. Unless your practicing my own practice. Lonerarism. This practice, (developed by your's truly), rotates around isolating yourself from all forms of emotional hate. You essentially make yourself a self proclaimed loner. This is a good idea if your the Joker or some psychopath who's planning on killing everybody, (yes I'm aware I have a dark mind) Lonerism probably isn't such a good idea.
know self defense,
if someone is following you, call 911 or call someone that can help and make the conversation loud and tell the person that there is someone following you real loud, the person will be notice and eventually run away
see someone uncomfortable with a person talking too them, pretend to know them and get them out the situation
If you need help protecting yourself from people at school, like bullies, tell your parents and teachers immediately. If it is your family you need to protect yourself from, you could contact a child abuse center. Just remember that there are people out there who can help your situation.
If someone is following you, it really depends how sus they look. Check if they have their hands in their pockets or have a gun on them, if not you can confront them. If you don't feel comfortable with that, keep walking until you see another person. Just hug them and say "Hi, where were you?" and stuff like that until the stalker goes away. Explain it to them later. If you are getting kidnapped, scream as loud as you can, make a complete fool of yourself. Act dumb so they wont want to take you. if they do end up taking you, they will most likely cuff you with makeshift items like zip-ties. Once they grab those, keep your hands turned outward so it wont be so tight and you can slip out. Duct tape is easy to escape from. If you are just straight up attacked, aim for the eyes, nose, and groin and neck. My favorite thing to do is when people get you in a headlock, lean your hips outward to get leverage and either hip-throw them or elbow them in the solar-plexus (idk how to say it). The solar-plexus is an area just below the center of your ribs, right when it gets soft. If you hit someone there just right, they can get an involuntary panic attack. If worst comes to worst, fight like a rouge. Bite, scratch, pull hair, anything.
If you were talking abt emotional I can do that too. Just dont completely close yourself up or you will never make friends
Play Christmas music during the summer, and more summer-y music during the winter. People will think you're weird and stay away from you. Trust me, I know. I do it.
If someone gets you from behind, get your heel and step on their feet as hard as you can. Photo in the comments on where to exactly hit it.
Sorry for the bad illustration but here. 2021_04_26...54-png.jpg
If someone trys to kidnap you, start coughing and say sorry I have covid, cause then they will get away from you quick