pls help
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when i lived in a trailer with my mom, her bf, and my sis and at night he would come and get me so we could lay together when everyone was sleep and the 1st times he tried to tell me ''tHiS mIgHt HuRt A bIt". soon when my sis be on online class, my mom- at work, he would let me go in his room and lay with him but then be started touching me but i didn't want him to so i fake liked it because he let me get how much candy i wanted and how much tablet time(me and my sis were only allowed to get 2 hrs of tablet time and 2 pieces of candy but he let me get more and i felt so dumb)*big cry emoji*
Call the police, plus child services. This is illegal
ya i thought about it and i dont have a phone and plus i dont want my moma sad cuz she luv him :'(
depending where you live their should be cops all around and flag one of them down and say something and keep yourself anonymous but just tell them everything and they can get him and youll be okey i promise and maybe stab him if he tries anything its self defense-
he has been- oh i forgot my still use dis app
why nobody answer
I might have some advise because I have mentally abusive parents who don't accept me and I basically have an alter ego when I'm at home. If you are the most vulnrable looking, he might go for you instead of your sister. If your sister seems more tough then me might go for you instead. My advise if this seems to be the reason you're his main target, the ask someone you know who knows how to fight/defend themselves to teach you. You don't nessasarly (idk how to spell that word sry) have to tell that person whats going on but its advisable. Also, if worst comes to worst, you need a way to escape. Have a bag with things that are dear to you and map out a way to sneak out. If your family asks you why you have a bag of these things you can say something like incase we get robbed or a tornado or smth. If your allowed to go outside your living space and talk a walk or skateboard/longboard or walk you animal, then do so as often as you can. If you're asked why you're out so much, then just make up an excuse for the thing you're doing. I would also recommend staying out of places where you and him are alone. And if your in a room alone with him and he blocks the exit, then call for someone in the house to come into thta room. NEVER BE ALONE WITH THAT CREEP!
q - p sorry I wrote so much this just hit close to home and I thought I might be able to help
im just gonna go panda panda_09_2...5a901b.jpg
im just gonna duck pun my way outta dis....OI, WHO THE QUACK STOLE MY DUCKING SURF "BORED''(get it?)
im just gonna go panda panda_09_2...5a901b.jpg
im just gonna duck pun my way outta dis....OI, WHO THE QUACK STOLE MY DUCKING SURF "BORED''(get it?)