If humans evolved so much from a million years ago to today, what are we going to look like in another million?


Humans are not descended from monkeys or any other primate living today. We do share a common ape ancestor with chimpanzees. It lived between 8 and 6 million years ago.



    We actually didn't evolve from monkeys. Humans have been like this since the beginning of time, give or take a few tweaks such as size and facial features. Neanderthals didn't exist either, as scientists who tested them discovered that they had some sort of disease that caused them to kind of shrivel up and hunch down.

    But for the sake of this post, I'll pretend otherwise and say that I think we'll just all become cyborgs.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No. There is plenty of proof that humans have changed in the 300k years that we exist as a species. If anybody is interested a good simple channel about human evolution in YouTube is North02

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    We evolved from a common ancestor but are not all that closely related to monkeys (modern humans are classified as great apes, like chimps). That being said I think that the current trend will simply continue. Many humans no longer have even have wisdom teeth, let alone some of the vestigial structures that were more common even 150 years ago. We are getting taller as our long bones are gaining in length. We will become softer overall due to the lack of wear and tear on our bodies from having so many modern conveniences doing the work for us. There will be less very distinct races due to mixing of the genes. Many diseases have already been controlled and many more will be wiped out, so I'd assume we would also be much longer lived. I just hope we are more responsible in the future and don't screw our planet any more than we already have.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It depends on what you consider as monkeys. Monkey is often a colloquial word to refer to any primate (many will call a chimpanzee a monkey). So if monkey=primate yes we descend from monkeys and are a type of monkey. But more specifically a great ape. There isn’t a biological split betekeen apes and ‘no apes’, they are just one group in the primate order.

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    Humans did not evolve from monkeys. We ARE primates, great apes in specific. Humans are different species in the genre Homo (as in Homo sapiens) that belong to the Order Primates (monkeys), specifically to the family Hominidae (great apes).

    Our lineage split from the other apes about 6-7my, one branch giving chimpanzees and bonobos (genre Pan) and the other several genres that are extinct including ours (Homo, that appears about 3my ago). Our species (Homo sapiens) appears in Africa about 300-200k years ago, since then it expanded for all the continent and then started migrating outside. We mixed with other species that coexisted with us (Neanderthals, Denisovans and possibly others).

    We have evolved since we exist as a species, due to adaptation to the different climates and diets and also thanks to mixing with other species. One example of a new adaptation is the light skin in europeans and middle easterners, it appeared quite late, the first genes only can be found about 28k years ago in some populations. But until very recently (about 7000 years ago) the most common skin colour in Europe was very dark.

    If anybody is interested in a good easy channel about human evolution you can search in YouTube for North02


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    Dolphin people are next ;—;


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    ok sorry i have a strange sense of humor but thats a good question


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    Hyper-intelligent crows.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That’s a good candidate if we would leave them the room to evolve more. Same with chimpanzees, bonobos and capuchin monkeys.

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    It'll go one of 2 ways:
    As technology continues to progress, the way we interact with it will affect the way we progress as a species.

    1) We will develop longer and thinner fingers to interact with advanced computers, touch screens and machinery. Our advances allow us to get computers to take care of most of our needs so our bodies require less strength and mass, making us smaller. Our Eyes become larger to adapt to the artificial light created by our technology. Basically we end up looking like the little grey aliens from si-fi & pop-culture.

    2) We start to incorporate technology into bodies. We start with a small implant here... a processor chip there... and in a few hundred years, we will be a race of cyborgs.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, if we all becomes cyborgs, we will still be humans. Unless people are born with compuper-brains?



    We will destroy mother earth and therefore won't evolve.


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    Bigger craniums, smaller jaws, less hair, no fingernails, and probably fatter. Attractive, huh? We’ll be Jabba The Hutt.


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    reject humanity. become monke


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    I don’t believe humans evolved from monkeys but I’ll answer anyway,

    Human-cat-peanut butter-llama-people


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you don’t think humans evolved from monkeys, what do you think?

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    Three legged dragon, obviously. Haven't you seen Community???



    A barren planet where life ceased to exist, which may possibly be occupied by robots left behind by us.
    Either that, or normal living beings mutated into hybrids and mythical creatures


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Alien grays??? maybe they are future humans that live in space? 👽


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    We did not evolve from monkeys, just to clear things up
    I think birds will be the next architectually intelligent life form because they have already discovered the use of fire AND have started using tools about a thousand years ago.


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    Nothing. The earth will be destroyed long before anything else has time to evolve.


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    Google drones


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    I think we will become more intelligent, able to create more emotions and think faster. We might get tails, too. Able to pick up more nonverbal cues without training, more skilled hunters. We will also have dolphin-cats as pets. Gosh, will they be destructive, but also your most skilled partner in crime.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Dead. Nuked.


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    We evolved from monkeys?

    I sure don't see any difference


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