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Someone who has ideals that different from they one society has set.
wow I really must be a villian because I think nobody should be pressured into shaving. And I think that clothes don't have a gender, and that the term masculine and feminine are very broad. (btw I know what you meant by this I was just bring some view points into light that go against ideals that most of society has) Also to quote JD: tHiS sChOoL wAs SoCiEtY im sorry :)
For me its the song Feeling good by michael buble. It gives me BIG Joker vibes. Like hes just walking down the streets of gotham with machine guns just firing people down. Go listen to t if you haven't heard it before.
Villain is an oversimplified world viewpoint that groups people into "good" or "evil". There is good and evil, but people are complex and often contain both. Very few people set out to be "villains" but end up being driven there by their singlemindedness, their desire to remake the world as they see fit, and often to protect themselves from a perceived threat. The infamous Nazis believed wholeheartedly that they were being assaulted by Jews and foreign interests. In their minds their work was righteous and the Jews and "non-Germans" were the villains. In their singlemindedness to remake the world, they created a bloodbath and earned the disgust and hatred their name is associated with almost a century later.
Someone who actively seeks personal enrichment at the expense of others. This deprivation may or may not be their primary goal, but they find it a delightful bonus.
A villain can be many different things. A villain can be created by society for being different, like the Phantom of the Opera. A villain can be pushed to make decisions for survival that then lead to them being seen this way, like Coriolanus Snow. A villain can be driven by his own want for power and ideas of what is right, like Voldemort. Or, a villain can simply be born that way, like Dolores Umbridge.
An English language noun referring to someone who does evil deeds, derived from a French word meaning “yokel” or “rustic-born”.