Sincerely, an Australian with time to kill.
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Slowly being repaired - America has a ways to go but hopefully things will look better soon
I agree 100%, Biden is doing better for us so far, upvote this to get rid of @Sharon Ingram
Taiwan is doing an awesome job containing Covid AND I can walk around by myself as a girl and not be worried about getting kidnapped!
Peaked in high school? Well so did America! Come to the place where you can say suck it to science, be an expert on any issue because you watched a video, and complain about others violating your rights while you violate the US Capitol Building!
A flipping mess ran by moronic Etonians. Welcome to England.
Chaotic. Republicans are still pissed that Biden one. And lucky ive always wanted to go to Australia
Slowly recovering from the Trump Era.
Being stereotypical here: Guns, hot dogs, and eagles. Also politics. Everything is politics.
A total garbage fire, but instead of pouring gasoline on it like we were before, we're slowly putting it out.
can you guess which country I'm from?
hint hint: 'murica
But you'd better be on the watch out. Trump and his Gang Of Pyromaniacs are already planning to start new fires.
Taken for granted. I live in America and at the present time we are a nation of complainers. This is a first world country you live in, are there flaws? Yep. But that goes for quite literally everywhere. In my opinion Americans need a major gratitude check, there are few places in the world with as much opportunity; especially for women and minorities. Of course it isn’t perfect but nothing gets solved by whining on Twitter. Look around y’all, we’ve got it GOOD.
This is the comments cow 🐮. He blocks all mean and hateful comments. He does allow genuine and respectful ones though! SO. No hate lest you suffer the cow’s rage.
Tried turning it off and on again; then a cold reboot; hoping the new IT guy can fix the mess my neighbors made.
(Hint: USA)
Was awful for 4 years, now is a little better but still bad. Guess where I'm from.
Cold. Just cold and rainy. But, also a decent country. At least we can’t carry guns and sh** like that, (I live in the UK)
A hot mess!
A rich country thanks to very high taxes. A government with damaged trust (already before Covid) that sets ideals more and more above reason. Currently getting unpopular within the EU for the refugee politics. Escalating extremism of every side on the rise.
Known for cars and Bratwurst
If getting unpopular is the result of having a conscience, I'd rather be on the 'onpopular' side with Angela Merkel and have a moral compass, than be on the 'popular' side and glorify fascism à la Orban. If it were not for Merkel and Germany, we'd never have recovered from the financial crisis! I bet if she were a man, she'd receive much less criticism.
I feel mostly safe, especially in my state. There have been no cases of community Covid transmissions in months. We have great gun control, wonderful universal health care, almost no natural disasters except bushfires. Is my country perfect, of course not, no country is. But I love where I live and wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. Pretty grateful to be Australian.
heck hole , amarica
a disease ridden distopyia where only the most introverted can be happy. at least i can play botw. thank god i purchased a nintendo switch.
Do you know what The Last of Us is? That's what America is reminding me of rn
A gaping wound held together by band-aids slowly healing, with bacteria from the inside attacking what's healing it constantly.
A complete sh*t show run by absolute imbeciles with its only redeeming feature being it’s in a slightly better state than the US (or so they say). Welcome to the UK, England specifically.
I’m currently in Texas post winter storm, and with the lack of electricity, clean water, and the limited amount of groceries for sale, I’d say this corner of America is rather "Apocalyptic."
Rest of the country looks pretty great from where we are at the moment, seeing as there’s stocked store shelves and full menu fast food.
Oh my god, America is.... ugh. We had a racist president for four years who didn't deserve to have the honor anyway, because he had no political experience whatsoever. The race problem in the country is fricking mad, we got hit hard by COVID because of stupid anti-maskers and conspiracy theorists, and thats not even SCRATCHING THE SURFACE.
tbh i wish i lived in the place i WOULD have been born in. in the country i live in outsiders think is all about guns and fat people. Much chaotic Republicans pissed that biden won. controversies and idiotic twitter trends. snow scared the hell outta texans. fires in california. angry 40 year olds who want to end peoples career. weird smelling restaurants. blond beings of chaos. raids. annoying twitter girls. bad police. good police being harassed because of the bad police.
Don't forget about tiktok exploding and taking over half of the population under 18! I'm under 18 tho.......
Burning Trash Hole
W H E R E U L I V E ? W H E R E I S T R A S H H O LE?S O U N D S G R E A T!
The Great Divide - (United States of America. we are a mess.)
(left/right, liberal/conservative, republican/democrat, black/white, male/female, lgbtq+/straight, racist/non-racist, U.S. citizen/illegal immigrant, you name it) - No blaming past or present presidents. WE THE PEOPLE are responsible and need to commit to fixing it.
Serbia - the strong and independent parliamentary democracy with a Parliament house without opposition, President acting as a king and his Royal Highness Serbian King who doesn't speak Serbian.
New Zealand
Great, but not far enough away from all the other countries.
Literal hell (USA)
Australia's not a bad place to live, especially my city. We've got some political issues, sure, but it could be worse. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Edit: Well, considering some of the other submissions, I'm VERY happy to live here now :/
The place of lies
My country is FUBAR. Look it up.
Oooo, I know this one! It’s a military term - Fu**** Up Beyond All Recognition, I think.
Hmm, I would call it a teenager. Not moody necessarily, but a mess and trying to find itself. I mean, we are currently getting kinda better, but at the same time it’s still a gigantic mess. Also America really needs to stop with our cancel culture, you can’t just erase the past because it offends the present.
Happy to be living here. I wish we had more immigrants/tourists, there's so much we have to share with the world!
If Canada weren't so cold my family would move there right now. We are in Florida, we have lots of Canadian tourists and part time residents. Canada seems to be doing it right. ❤
America is broken. We need to repair it. We need to stop pollution. Homelessness needs to go. Poverty shouldn’t be a thing. We can’t ignore that our political beliefs are dividing us in two. We need to sow the broken pieces of the us back together. We need to come together and be the thread and needle. We can’t ignore it. We need to put our race, gender, political beliefs, and religion aside and work together to do something about our country, before it gets to shredded up to mend.
-A 12 year old Californian who wants to be heard
Yes! We have plenty of money to do all of this despite what our government tells us. It's heart breaking!
I live in Baku, Azerbaijan as an ex-pat. Azerbaijan just won the Karabagh land war, which Armenia stole from them, so I would say people are finally going back to their homeland. Also beautiful and modern.
Deluded. Canada, which i do love deeply, has a lot of really evil crap going on under the pleasant and polite surface. We have communities that haven't had access to clean drinking water in _decades_! We have multiple Trump clones as provincial premiers. It's frightening.
In a hell-hole with mad politicians on the loose. Currency got demonetized and now have a 2000 note but not a 1000. With Trump's dog as the leader, we are f****d up too. Welcome to India, the country full of creeps.
America; Because freedom means never having to follow precautions, and Google Search knows better than the CDC.
Now pass me my shotgun, the neighbors are cramming fifty of their closest unvaccinated friends into the backyard for a buffet of exposed food and bare hands.
So you'll be getting some new neighbors in the foreseeable future?
Well, it’s recovering... I live in Washington DC so everything is x20
Been isolating myself for a while now, not sure what's going on outside. Heard it's pretty chaotic. Everybody's complaining about slow vaccine rollout. Sounds irony, when the vaccine was created here.
... I guess that America is doing pretty well. (Emphasis on 'pretty') I mean, my family is safe, God has blessedour family, and I'm glad that Biden won or else it'd be chaos. Oh yes, Chaotic is the #1 word i'd use to describe america rn
if u asked me this in 2020 i would say screwed. but i think we are doing better. australia is smart.
A place of possibility— if we each just focus on the small positive changes we can make around us. It’s definitely a scary time with extremism on the rise. Writing from the US here, political divisions, misinformation and conspiracies— echo chambers — disregard for science — climate change denial — it’s all got me quite get discouraged as well. Still when I shut down the computer and put down the phone, I find I’m surrounded mostly by kind hearted, hard-working people who want the best for their families, communities and world. Sadly, right now the voices getting the most attention are the greedy, the demagogues, the vicious and the hopeless. But that’s not who this country is. I hope and pray that we find a way to tamp down the fear, inspire hope and solve the problems facing our nation and world.
A still Chaotic country with humans that prove to the aliens w are far more slower than they thought example "snow is fake and the government made it " also teens dancing on grave yards wheewe common sense has left the chat with dear usa sooner or later people will find common sense once more but i guess "okay"
A crumbling mess turned not-so crumbly mess now that Biden 𝕀𝕤 in place. Thank god for him. Seriously.
here before the trumpets start cursing blm for causing abortions apparently
My country: Feels like living in a bubble... everything seems to be about consuming, flawlessness, I-Phones, cars (litereally everybody over 18 owns a car), expensive flats, stereotype-looking high-end homes in the suburbes. Treating everybody who isn't willing or able to play the game as trash.
Government privitize all basics to companies with profit making intensions.
One of the richest countries in the world, not being able to give people vaccines.
Great culture, health system, six weeks payed leave from your job, beautiful landscapes, clean envoirement, rich in traditions, huge range of organic food.
Be percived from the outside as the country of Lederhosen, Currywurst, Sauerkraut, Neuschwanstein.
Oh, I forgot: mostly absolutely evil, nauseous trash TV.
I'll give you a hint;
Dose anyone have a gun they can shoot me with?
Hey! Younger side teen here, yes, actually... ill give you one guess! Also no, i will not shoot you.
Right now America is just trash. With Covid and all. Who agrees with me?
Slowly putting itself back together, but also still suffering from things that have been going on for forever. There are some times when I am glad to live in the US, but sometimes it would be nice to get a break. There is a lot more on my mind about this matter than somebody my age should be worrying about.
Two solitudes whose marriage should have ended in divorce a long time ago.
There is either an air of quiet desperation hanging over people or a maniacal frenzied happiness.
UPHEAVAL LAND: Trying desperately to right itself, with some massive resistance taking place. We will prevail. We have walked this path before.
The land of the free, a land where everyone has rights. Including the right to outrageous medical debt and poor healthcare.
A frustrated 28 year old facing yet another medical crisis because who has $12k just on hand?! For one procedure?!!
As entertaining as a family reunion in which liquor flows freely and gossip is never whispered. Welcome to the US (although I'm not an American, I do live in the Ozarks region).
Slowly making room for the government to turn to fascism... nop, not in South America, Asia or Africa. But in France...
Not perfect but safe. I lived somewhere else a lot of time and for me, even if I don't understand everything, I could not imagine a better place. Oh and we have the best food in the wordl :)
I’m in Ireland and we are in lockdown since the first week of January 2021 (third full lockdown since Covid started). We are not allowed travel more than 5km from home, schools are slowly reopening from tomorrow, but peoples’ mental health is really being affected. Roll on the vaccines and hopefully we can slowly get some normality back.
Don't know exactly, as i don't care much about the news. But i do know that Class 143/144 Pacers are ugly as all buggery.
Nothing but hot then hot then al of a sudden heavy rain. Some where in south east Asia (I want my privacy so)
Falling to pieces, and the idiots who 'run the country' (not very well, may I add) are doing nothing to help...
My country isn't too bad as a place to live, but unfortunately it's attached to and ultimately ruled by a slightly bigger one and the whole thing is an absolute bloody shambles. A world-beating, oven-ready shambles, full of unicorns gambolling on sunlit uplands.
The worst it's been in my lifetime. Here in the UK, with each successive Conservative party, the government gets noticeably worse. We've got one that has managed the pandemic dreadfully and with a lot of cronyism. The other problem is that we know we're being lied to every day, but our society is not one to take to the streets (like the French) and force them to change what they're doing. We just moan and get on with it. Along with Brexit, our economy is is freefall and in a year or so, this place will have a post-apocalyptic feel to it. Hopefully I'll be out of here by then and back in the EU.
This post should be called 'people describe the US in different ways' since most entries are about the USA
nothing ive been waiting oto relply o someone ever since i changed my name. its ironic bc if more han one erson relies i jus says heir name in a diffren notificaion so is funny sorry my and buon is broken
Load More Replies...Wow. I fully did not expect this to be so popular so quickly 😅
3rd world country. The ABSOLUTE WORST place on earth. The place where dreams, hopes aspirations come to die. I wouldn't wish this place on my worst enemy. I've tried to leave several times - first time I lost everything I owned, had to come back as I didn't want to overstay my visa. 2nd time, I lost everything and had to return with flip flops. Having come from an extremely abusive background and this is a hypocritically conservative society, not having family here is suicide. Now, I'm alone and rotting away, in spite of my talents, drive and motivation, there's no headway if you're not ready and willing to prostitute yourself. In fact, it's even admired here. The more men you can fleece of money, they more you're admired. It's disgusting. I was meant to go the USA at the age of 15, but my extremely abusing single mother blocked it as she felt I'll succeed if I go to America, she even said it out. She tried to get me to join an international prostitution ring, I refused and I was...
If there are typos, forgive that too. I didn't proof read. Just typed and sent. Thanks.
Load More Replies...This post should be called 'people describe the US in different ways' since most entries are about the USA
nothing ive been waiting oto relply o someone ever since i changed my name. its ironic bc if more han one erson relies i jus says heir name in a diffren notificaion so is funny sorry my and buon is broken
Load More Replies...Wow. I fully did not expect this to be so popular so quickly 😅
3rd world country. The ABSOLUTE WORST place on earth. The place where dreams, hopes aspirations come to die. I wouldn't wish this place on my worst enemy. I've tried to leave several times - first time I lost everything I owned, had to come back as I didn't want to overstay my visa. 2nd time, I lost everything and had to return with flip flops. Having come from an extremely abusive background and this is a hypocritically conservative society, not having family here is suicide. Now, I'm alone and rotting away, in spite of my talents, drive and motivation, there's no headway if you're not ready and willing to prostitute yourself. In fact, it's even admired here. The more men you can fleece of money, they more you're admired. It's disgusting. I was meant to go the USA at the age of 15, but my extremely abusing single mother blocked it as she felt I'll succeed if I go to America, she even said it out. She tried to get me to join an international prostitution ring, I refused and I was...
If there are typos, forgive that too. I didn't proof read. Just typed and sent. Thanks.
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